Conservative Haters and Racists

It isn't.

Race baiters say this because they believe everybody is afraid of being called something like this.

Dune regularly tries this tactic. I plan on pointing out race baiters at every opportunity.

A couple of posts down we have DY using ebonics, so have at it.
Ahahahaha, yeah, I am sure that for everyone asking him about his birth certificate, it isn't about race at all, ahahahahahahaha, what lengths people will go to to try to hide racism!

I am willing to bet if we hooked these brithers up to a lie detector test, that we would find a majority questions it because he is black and they believe he is a black foreigner and probably a Muslim.

So pretend this isn't what it is, just keep on swimming, keep on swimming!


I never did get an answer to my question of a few weeks ago, what is it about Obama that people are still harping on his BC. Every written piece of evidence shows him to be a native-born American and not a single piece of paper suggests he's not. It's just a figment of birthers' imaginations. Yet all you get is some vague reference to his father being from Kenya, as if that trumps him being born of an American mother in the U.S.
Ahahahaha, yeah, I am sure that for everyone asking him about his birth certificate, it isn't about race at all, ahahahahahahaha, what lengths people will go to to try to hide racism!

I am willing to bet if we hooked these brithers up to a lie detector test, that we would find a majority questions it because he is black and they believe he is a black foreigner and probably a Muslim.

So pretend this isn't what it is, just keep on swimming, keep on swimming!

Rana... for shame. I never figured you would get into the race baiting. Were the people who asked McCain for his "racist"?

Seriously, it is a shameful and sad act to pretend that everything has to do with race simply because somebody involved looks differently. The attempt to get others excited or afraid to hold a conversation by calling them "racist" is just sad and weak and it takes away from actual acts of racism. While real examples of racism exist it would behoove us to avoid exaggerations in this direction. There is real wisdom in the "cry wolf" fable.
What evidence do people have that Obama's not a natural-born citizen?
What has that to do with the race baiting being used to deflect from the question? The reality is, people have been in the same position as he has, yes even a President (look up Chester A. Arthur), as well as his opponent and such historic reality shows us that it isn't "all about race". Such claims take away from actual examples of racism and diminish the power of the word. Such race baiting takes away from actual instances of racism, diminishes the accuser as well as the power of the word. As I said before, there is some wisdom in the 'cry wolf' fable.
What has that to do with the race baiting being used to deflect from the question? The reality is, people have been in the same position as he has, yes even a President (look up Chester A. Arthur), as well as his opponent and such historic reality shows us that it isn't "all about race". Such claims take away from actual examples of racism and diminish the power of the word. Such race baiting takes away from actual instances of racism, diminishes the accuser as well as the power of the word. As I said before, there is some wisdom in the 'cry wolf' fable.

You're evading the question just as much as everyone else. The question was simple: what is it about Obama that people think he's not a natural-born citizen despite all the evidence showing that he is?

Your obfuscation about racism, Chester Arthur, and crying wolf is noted but you still haven't answered the question.
That doesn't answer the question. What is it about Obama that people think he's not a natural-born citizen despite all the evidence showing that he is?
Actually, it does answer the question. The one piece of evidence that cannot be disputed is missing. Why?

You liberals will argue a point ad nauseum, and hang on to the slightest doubt in an argument so you don't have to admit that you're wrong. And we're supposed to accept that.

Yet here, where there is significant doubt, you whine because we conservatives refuse to concede the issue.