Conservative Haters and Racists

i'm stalking over the birth certificate? point out one post where i've demanded he turn it over....i'm not stalking it, but i obviously hit a nerve with my response and i'm clearly right as you avoided it entirely. you don't care why people thought mccain was different because mccain is only care to "wonder" about obama because he is black and you so desperately want to "catch" someone admit its because he is black.

you think because i believe obama was born in hawaii that i'm a whackjob....does that mean you're a birther? :awesome:

Really, Yurt, don't pay her no mind~ christy is one of the awoler's. This bitch twisted in her bloomers for 8 years about GWB and his supposedly going AWOL...think about it, 8 fucking years and she'd jump on EVERY bandwagon about this one topic alone regarding Bush...

As she regularly demonstrates hypocrisy is her mainstay.
Here's how it works:

If the Black president did it, it was wrong.

If the Black president didn't do it, he should have.
Leave it to a liberal to ALWAYS see the color of a mans skin first and fail to look at the content of him.

I'm not a liberal.

Here's how it works:

If the Black president did it, it was wrong.

If the Black president didn't do it, he should have.
i'm stalking over the birth certificate? point out one post where i've demanded he turn it over....i'm not stalking it, but i obviously hit a nerve with my response and i'm clearly right as you avoided it entirely. you don't care why people thought mccain was different because mccain is only care to "wonder" about obama because he is black and you so desperately want to "catch" someone admit its because he is black.

you think because i believe obama was born in hawaii that i'm a whackjob....does that mean you're a birther? :awesome:

No, you're a wackjob because you're desperately trying to avoid answering a simple question by diverting the topic to McCain. My question is clear:

"What is it about Obama that birthers keep asking for more and more evidence, why the official BC isn't enough, and why they haven't provided a shred of written evidence to refute that Obama is a natural-born citizen."

The man wrote three books outlining his life and his political stance. His memoir was published before he ran for president. Once he announced his candidacy his life was turned inside out. You can't point to a single shred of written evidence that states he's not a natural-born citizen. I want to know why people still believe such a lie.

You're the one turning this into a race issue, not me, with your insistence that it's a race issue. That's why I asked the question, if we all accept it's not a race issue then WHAT IS IT?

If you're not a birther then we can expect not to see any more comments about "he should just show the (fill in the blank) and put it to rest already." As long as you and others keep insisting he should show another piece of paper, you're a birther.
Kindly refer to the post number where I was race-baiting because in all honesty, you're losing it, Damocles. My comments and question were to ask why people refuse to accept the evidence that Obama is a natural-born citizen. I asked you. I asked DY. Neither of you answered the question, instead you went off on tangents about race and the BC.

The question is simple: "What is it about Obama that birthers keep asking for more and more evidence, why the official BC isn't enough, and why they haven't provided a shred of written evidence to refute that Obama is a natural-born citizen."

That you consider this perfectly reasonable question to be race-baiting is a reflection on you, not me.

Sarcasm aside, are you having medical issues that interfere with your reading comprehension? Because your misplaced attempt to accuse me of race-baiting is just plain kooky, to say the least.
"You" was the plural "you"...

It isn't the right claiming racism every time somebody has an opinion that differs from theirs.
Here's how it works:

If the Black president did it, it was wrong.

If the Black president didn't do it, he should have.
Here is an example of race baiting. There have been times when I paused wondering if Cancel9 was a righty playing stupid to make the left look bad. But over time I realized that he is pretty consistent in this type of opinion... I don't think he is pretending.

It is my goal to point out the stupidity of race baiting and remind people how it is antithetical to a solution and takes away from actual racism. At some point it just doesn't have power anymore.
"You" was the plural "you"...

It isn't the right claiming racism every time somebody has an opinion that differs from theirs.

No cigar for you. You told me specifically that I was "called out on my race-baiting before, etc." so don't try and back pedal with this lame "plural" excuse. What you did was re-read the thread and realize you were wrong, so now you're trying to distance yourself from your accusation.

If you want to continue in this vein, then post the exact race-baiting comments you think I'm guilty of.
"You" was the plural "you"...

It isn't the right claiming racism every time somebody has an opinion that differs from theirs.

Strawman. It's the other way around Damo. Everytime the right is either overtly racist or supports policies which in affect are racist they deny either responsibility or accountability for their actions and then try playing the race card themselves. You don't want to go into a debate about the racist legacy of conservative politicians, particularly the southern variety, that is, unless your completely irrational like Dumb Yankee.
Strawman. It's the other way around Damo. Everytime the right is either overtly racist or supports policies which in affect are racist they deny either responsibility or accountability for their actions and then try playing the race card themselves. You don't want to go into a debate about the racist legacy of conservative politicians, particularly the southern variety, that is, unless your completely irrational like Dumb Yankee.

LMAO.... you are one of the kings of race baiting. You see racist behavior in almost everything.
No, you're a wackjob because you're desperately trying to avoid answering a simple question by diverting the topic to McCain. My question is clear:

"What is it about Obama that birthers keep asking for more and more evidence, why the official BC isn't enough, and why they haven't provided a shred of written evidence to refute that Obama is a natural-born citizen."

The man wrote three books outlining his life and his political stance. His memoir was published before he ran for president. Once he announced his candidacy his life was turned inside out. You can't point to a single shred of written evidence that states he's not a natural-born citizen. I want to know why people still believe such a lie.

You're the one turning this into a race issue, not me, with your insistence that it's a race issue. That's why I asked the question, if we all accept it's not a race issue then WHAT IS IT?

If you're not a birther then we can expect not to see any more comments about "he should just show the (fill in the blank) and put it to rest already." As long as you and others keep insisting he should show another piece of paper, you're a birther.

you don't get to make up definitions. a birther is one who does not believe obama was born in hawaii. wondering why he simply doesn't show a copy of the original does not make a birther. i guess when all fails you just get to make up the facts.

i brought up mccain for the sole reason of showing YOU that you are making this about race. you didn't wonder what it was about mccain because he is white. you're only wondering about obama because he is black. the reasons people take issue with him have been said over and over and over. yet you want to pretend no one has ever said what is about him that makes them believe he wasn't born in hawaii. its complete dishonesty and you are solely asking the question because of obama's skin color.
Maybe Obama was actually born in China. Maybe Obama isn't a muslim but in fact is a confucius.