Conservative Penn Professor Amy Wax suspended with pay cut and ‘public reprimand’

Liberals love censorship and insist black failure be blamed on the white conspiracy holding them down!!!. They will not tolerate anyone mentioning the overwhelming evidence that black failure is due to their low intelligence.

HAte speech has no place in our country.
Liberals love censorship and insist black failure be blamed on the white conspiracy holding them down!!!. They will not tolerate anyone mentioning the overwhelming evidence that black failure is due to their low intelligence.

She's a liar... err... lawyer. She'll sue the fuck out of the university, then settle for a big payout. The university will want her to retire / quit in return. The university then raises tuition rates to pay for the settlement, but the radical Leftists on campus got what they wanted--her gone.
Liberals love censorship and insist black failure be blamed on the white conspiracy holding them down!!!. They will not tolerate anyone mentioning the overwhelming evidence that black failure is due to their low intelligence.

She claims that Blacks are never in the top 25% of UPenn Law School grads. Obama was in the top 10% of Harvard Law School, a bit better than UPenn. Meanwhile, trump did so badly he could not even get into law school... Any law school... trump spent two years trying... he did get into UPenn undergrad, but only through the backdoor. Everyone who has ever seen his academic records has agreed that trump is useless.
She's a liar... err... lawyer. She'll sue the fuck out of the university, then settle for a big payout. The university will want her to retire / quit in return. The university then raises tuition rates to pay for the settlement, but the radical Leftists on campus got what they wanted--her gone.
Not the way life works. I will explain it in terms you will understand.

Picture you are working as a cashier at a McDonald's. Suddenly, you start screaming at the customers and coworkers the N-word, saying you have the right to do it for freedom of speech. The manager comes over and says that while you do have freedom of speech, this is an at will employment state, so he has no requirement to continue to employ you. Besides, you are disturbing the customers.

Do you have a case? Remember, those same students that she is ranting against are the university's customers, and they are hyper aware of that these days.
Also has been reprimanded for her conduct in class from insulting minority students, inviting a recognized Nazi speaker to class, and failure to correct shortcomings pointed out in her research via peer review

Surprised they just didn’t flat out fire her
Professors have invited Black Panthers and cop killers to lecture and have called out white students for their white privilege. So while I may not agree with her opinions, college is supposed to be a place that tolerates a diversity of thought.
She claims that Blacks are never in the top 25% of UPenn Law School grads. Obama was in the top 10% of Harvard Law School, a bit better than UPenn. Meanwhile, trump did so badly he could not even get into law school... Any law school... trump spent two years trying... he did get into UPenn undergrad, but only through the backdoor. Everyone who has ever seen his academic records has agreed that trump is useless.
Walt if you were a smart Black student and got accepted to UPenn and Harvard Law School where would you go?

Tell us about Obama's Occidental College grades.

LINK? Walt
Not the way life works. I will explain it in terms you will understand.

Picture you are working as a cashier at a McDonald's. Suddenly, you start screaming at the customers and coworkers the N-word, saying you have the right to do it for freedom of speech. The manager comes over and says that while you do have freedom of speech, this is an at will employment state, so he has no requirement to continue to employ you. Besides, you are disturbing the customers.

Do you have a case? Remember, those same students that she is ranting against are the university's customers, and they are hyper aware of that these days.
That's not the case here. She simply doesn't toe the radical Left's dogma and party line on everything. That means in academia, she has to go. She's hardly the first case of this happening. It actually happens fairly frequently these days. The Left on most larger university campuses dominates and they will tolerate ZERO opposition.

So, they'll fire some non-Leftist academic at the drop of a hat. They don't care if they have a reason. They're more than willing to settle or even have a verdict found against them and have to pay a pile of money. All they care about is the academic that doesn't think and speak in lockstep with them is gone. They'll just raise tuition rates if necessary to cover the cost. As Wax says in that video above, all they care about is students apply and pay tuition and the federal and state money keeps pouring in. Education? They don't give a shit. They do care about indoctrination, dogma, and making sure they turn out good party apparatchiks seeped thoroughly in radical Leftist thinking.
Professors have invited Black Panthers and cop killers to lecture and have called out white students for their white privilege. So while I may not agree with her opinions, college is supposed to be a place that tolerates a diversity of thought.
There is a difference between allowing diversity of thought and providing platforms for hate speech
That's not the case here. She simply doesn't toe the radical Left's dogma and party line on everything. That means in academia, she has to go. She's hardly the first case of this happening. It actually happens fairly frequently these days. The Left on most larger university campuses dominates and they will tolerate ZERO opposition.

So, they'll fire some non-Leftist academic at the drop of a hat. They don't care if they have a reason. They're more than willing to settle or even have a verdict found against them and have to pay a pile of money. All they care about is the academic that doesn't think and speak in lockstep with them is gone. They'll just raise tuition rates if necessary to cover the cost. As Wax says in that video above, all they care about is students apply and pay tuition and the federal and state money keeps pouring in. Education? They don't give a shit. They do care about indoctrination, dogma, and making sure they turn out good party apparatchiks seeped thoroughly in radical Leftist thinking.
Her research and publications have been questioned for accuracy via peer review, not the University, but fellow academicians. In addition. she has used the position to advance her own faulted theories, and is on record, of insulting minority students in her classes. She’s lucky she wasn’t fired

And the rest of your post is the usual RT inspired conspiracy bullshit
Her research and publications have been questioned for accuracy via peer review, not the University, but fellow academicians. In addition. she has used the position to advance her own faulted theories, and is on record, of insulting minority students in her classes. She’s lucky she wasn’t fired

And the rest of your post is the usual RT inspired conspiracy bullshit
Yea, "peer review..."

Walt if you were a smart Black student and got accepted to UPenn and Harvard Law School where would you go?
I am not Black, but I did get accepted to UPenn graduate school(engineering, not law), and decided to go to another more prestiges school. It was a close decision, and could have easily gone the other way.

Harvard is considered more prestiges than UPenn in law schools. UPenn is comparable to Harvard in business schools, but there is nothing that UPenn completely beats Harvard in. Most people would pick Harvard above UPenn in law.

Tell us about Obama's Occidental College grades.
Neither trump nor Obama have released their transcripts, so we only know the parts of their grades that are public.

trump did so badly high school he had to go to Fordham. Then he did so badly at Fordham that they had to backdoor him into UPenn. Then he did so badly at UPenn that he could not get into any law school over two years of apply. How badly was that? We do not know, but trump was never on any honor role, and never graduated with any honors.

Obama did well enough in high school to get a full scholarship to Occidental(the full academic scholarship means they thought he was a great student). We do not know his exact grades at Occidental, but he did well enough to be on the honor roll, so mostly A's. He did so well at Occidental that he could transfer to Columbia(an Ivy League). Because he transferred too late to be allowed to graduate with honors, he chose at that point to release his GPA at Columbia, which was a 3.7. Had he done that for four years, instead of just the last two years, he would have graduated with honors. Then he went to Harvard Law School, where he was the editor of the Harvard Law Review, and graduated magna cum laude(top 10%).

trump had a lot of money behind him, and still accomplished little in academia. Obama had no money behind him, and was one of the greatest students in America.
Sounds like she really HATES UPenn. She should really go somewhere else where she's happy. Maybe StormFront University?
She really hates the customers(students). In any business, if you hate the customers, it is bad for business.

Universities are hyper aware that students are the customers. It was not always that way, but these days it is all about serving the students as customers. That is sometimes a good thing, and sometimes a bad thing.

For Wax, it is a very bad thing. She hates the customers, and so will be fired. There are more steps in the firing, because of old pre-hyper aware of customers rules, but she is out of there.

Maybe she can find somewhere that she does not hate the customers.