Conservative Penn Professor Amy Wax suspended with pay cut and ‘public reprimand’

Yeah, Stossel, now there’s an authority, you know there is a reason why he was fired from most major networks, and has even lost lawsuits against fact checkers who pointed out his selected reporting

Got anything relevant?
Stossel isn't the authority, the three academics are. They trolled major academic journals, ones with a radical Leftist bent but academic journals, with phony papers and got them peer reviewed and into those journals no problem at all. James Lindsey is a leading authority on the crap of peer review as it stands today.

Following their exposure, academia went into overdrive trying to explain away how they'd been completely taken in a sting operation and justify their existence and their credibility. They're still trying today.
I am not Black, but I did get accepted to UPenn graduate school(engineering, not law), and decided to go to another more prestiges school. It was a close decision, and could have easily gone the other way.

Harvard is considered more prestiges than UPenn in law schools. UPenn is comparable to Harvard in business schools, but there is nothing that UPenn completely beats Harvard in. Most people would pick Harvard above UPenn in law.

So it is safe to say Harvard students tend to be smarter than UPenn. So why are you surprised Obama was in the top 10% but Black students that made it into UPenn couldn't make into the top 25%. (Since you admit they aren't as smart as Harvard students)
Neither trump nor Obama have released their transcripts, so we only know the parts of their grades that are public.

trump did so badly high school he had to go to Fordham. Then he did so badly at Fordham that they had to backdoor him into UPenn. Then he did so badly at UPenn that he could not get into any law school over two years of apply. How badly was that? We do not know, but trump was never on any honor role, and never graduated with any honors.

Obama did well enough in high school to get a full scholarship to Occidental(the full academic scholarship means they thought he was a great student). We do not know his exact grades at Occidental, but he did well enough to be on the honor roll, so mostly A's. He did so well at Occidental that he could transfer to Columbia(an Ivy League). Because he transferred too late to be allowed to graduate with honors, he chose at that point to release his GPA at Columbia, which was a 3.7. Had he done that for four years, instead of just the last two years, he would have graduated with honors. Then he went to Harvard Law School, where he was the editor of the Harvard Law Review, and graduated magna cum laude(top 10%).
No, Barack Obama did not receive a scholarship to attend Occidental College, but Occidental College did establish the Barack Obama Scholars Program in his honor.

Obama did so poorly that he did not transfer ANY of his grades to Columbia. He had a rich benefactor that got him into Columbia BTW.

trump had a lot of money behind him, and still accomplished little in academia. Obama had no money behind him, and was one of the greatest students in America.
No, Barack Obama did not receive a scholarship to attend Occidental College, but Occidental College did establish the Barack Obama Scholars Program in his honor.

BTW JD Vance graduated Summa Cum Laude in 2 years then went to Yale Law school on an academic scholarship. And Yale is the number one ranked Law School in the US. Harvard is the 4th.
Stossel isn't the authority, the three academics are. They trolled major academic journals, ones with a radical Leftist bent but academic journals, with phony papers and got them peer reviewed and into those journals no problem at all. James Lindsey is a leading authority on the crap of peer review as it stands today.

Following their exposure, academia went into overdrive trying to explain away how they'd been completely taken in a sting operation and justify their existence and their credibility. They're still trying today.
Three nobodies, anyone can cherry pick employing nobodies, and, that isn’t how peer review works, it is an ongoing, obvious you have zero experience or understanding of with graduate studies
So it is safe to say Harvard students tend to be smarter than UPenn.
No, that is not safe to say. "Smartness" is not directly a criteria for getting into law school.

So why are you surprised Obama was in the top 10% but Black students that made it into UPenn couldn't make into the top 25%.
Her claim was that Black students are never in the top quarter of any of the top 10 law schools. That has been proven false multiple times. UPenn is probably in the top 10 law schools, but Harvard is definitely in the top 10 law schools. Both have had Black students in the top quarter of students, as I proved with Harvard.

If I can prove one, then that proves there were not none. Her counter argument is technically she said that she does not "remember" any such students. I see no point in debating what she does and does not remember, because that is in her mind.

No, Barack Obama did not receive a scholarship to attend Occidental College
There you would be provably wrong. Who gets full ride scholarships is often made public, and Obama definitely got a full ride academic scholarship. While not as big news as Michael Jordan going to UNC, it was news. Your argument is just silly.

Obama did so poorly that he did not transfer ANY of his grades to Columbia.
Obama transferred credits, which means he got a B or above. He transferred all his credits, which means he got nothing below a B. There is no way to transfer grades. If you could transfer grades, then you could go to a community college, where A's are easy to come by, and transfer to MIT and have them counted as A's at MIT. That would not be fair.

Had Obama been willing to redo a year of classes at Columbia, he could have gotten enough Columbia grades to be counted towards honors at graduation. He would have needed three years of grades at Columbia. Instead, he chose to use the credits he earned at Occidental. If he had repeated a year, we would debate whether he got good enough grades to transfer credits, or whether he wanted the honors. But, as established, that did not happen. Instead, we know Obama got B's or greater in everything at Occidental.

He had a rich benefactor that got him into Columbia BTW.
Given how everything else you said was false... Obama released 14 years of his taxes, so we know that he took out student loans to go to Columbia. There was no one paying Obama's way. It would be a difficult decision to transfer from Occidental where he could go for free to Columbia where he would have to take out loans that he was still paying back 20 years later.

trump definitely had a huge amount of money behind him, but Obama paid for college on his own.

No, Barack Obama did not receive a scholarship to attend Occidental College
Repeating a lie twice does not make it a truth.

BTW JD Vance graduated Summa Cum Laude in 2 years then went to Yale Law school on an academic scholarship. And Yale is the number one ranked Law School in the US. Harvard is the 4th.
Vance graduated from Yale Law School with no honors. It took Vance four years to get through Yale's three year program. He basically failed an entire year, though I assume it was spread out over four years; a few failed courses here, and a few failed courses there.

As for the ranking, there are dozens of different rankings, but Harvard Law School is always in the top 5. Yale is also always in the top 5. Back when Obama went to Harvard, it was always the top law school. There is more diversity in rankings today.

Right now, Harvard is number five in US News, and number one in QS World. Stanford, not Yale, is actually number one in US News. It is a shock in law school circles that a West Coast school is number one, but I really do not care as much.

Penn is in 6th place. Penn is usually in the upper 10, but not always in the upper 5 like Harvard.
She claims that Blacks are never in the top 25% of UPenn Law School grads. Obama was in the top 10% of Harvard Law School, a bit better than UPenn. Meanwhile, trump did so badly he could not even get into law school... Any law school... trump spent two years trying... he did get into UPenn undergrad, but only through the backdoor. Everyone who has ever seen his academic records has agreed that trump is useless.
Everything the kenyan has "accomplished" has been thru affirmative action. Same with Big Mike. Neither of them were ever practicing lawyers.
Everything the kenyan has "accomplished" has been thru affirmative action. Same with Big Mike. Neither of them were ever practicing lawyers.
You began with the claim that Blacks never graduate at the top of their class, and have moved on to the claim that when they do graduate at the top of their class it is because of affirmative action. You cannot even keep your lies straight.
You began with the claim that Blacks never graduate at the top of their class, and have moved on to the claim that when they do graduate at the top of their class it is because of affirmative action. You cannot even keep your lies straight.
I never said that, you lying moron. I did say blacks get massive affirmative action and have for 60 years. That is pure anti-white racism.
Amy is smart. From wikipedia :

Wax attended Troy High School, where she was head of the school's senior honor roll. She graduated as class valedictorian and attained the highest score in Rensselaer County in the New York Regents Examinations.

Wax enrolled in Yale University, graduating with a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in molecular biophysics and biochemistry, summa cum laude, in 1975. She received a Marshall Scholarship to attend Somerville College, Oxford. She graduated from Oxford in 1976 with a Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.) in philosophy, physiology, and psychology.

Upon returning to the United States, Wax dual enrolled in Harvard Medical School and Harvard Law School. While studying as a medical student, she was a resident tutor in both medicine and philosophy at Eliot House within Harvard College. She graduated from Harvard Medical School with a Doctor of Medicine (M.D.), cum laude, with distinction in neuroscience in 1981. Concurrently, Wax was a first year student at Harvard Law from 1980 to 1981.

Amy is smart. From wikipedia :

Wax attended Troy High School, where she was head of the school's senior honor roll. She graduated as class valedictorian and attained the highest score in Rensselaer County in the New York Regents Examinations.

Wax enrolled in Yale University, graduating with a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in molecular biophysics and biochemistry, summa cum laude, in 1975. She received a Marshall Scholarship to attend Somerville College, Oxford. She graduated from Oxford in 1976 with a Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.) in philosophy, physiology, and psychology.

Upon returning to the United States, Wax dual enrolled in Harvard Medical School and Harvard Law School. While studying as a medical student, she was a resident tutor in both medicine and philosophy at Eliot House within Harvard College. She graduated from Harvard Medical School with a Doctor of Medicine (M.D.), cum laude, with distinction in neuroscience in 1981. Concurrently, Wax was a first year student at Harvard Law from 1980 to 1981.

Good thing she isn't a doctor.

Sounds like her advances were shunned by a black student at some point in her tenure.
Three nobodies, anyone can cherry pick employing nobodies, and, that isn’t how peer review works, it is an ongoing, obvious you have zero experience or understanding of with graduate studies
Actually, they're well known, and their Grievance Studies have become something of academic legend.
That's not the case here. She simply doesn't toe the radical Left's dogma and party line on everything. That means in academia, she has to go. She's hardly the first case of this happening. It actually happens fairly frequently these days. The Left on most larger university campuses dominates and they will tolerate ZERO opposition.

So, they'll fire some non-Leftist academic at the drop of a hat. They don't care if they have a reason. They're more than willing to settle or even have a verdict found against them and have to pay a pile of money. All they care about is the academic that doesn't think and speak in lockstep with them is gone. They'll just raise tuition rates if necessary to cover the cost. As Wax says in that video above, all they care about is students apply and pay tuition and the federal and state money keeps pouring in. Education? They don't give a shit. They do care about indoctrination, dogma, and making sure they turn out good party apparatchiks seeped thoroughly in radical Leftist thinking.
C'mon man, "radical" leftist professors get fired too. See Ward Churchill.
But his crime was breaking leftist dogma. He was a phony Native American, you know, like Pocahantas (aka Lizzie Warren). Pretending to be a minority is a no-no for the Left.
He wasn't a phony. He just couldn't prove having one-quarter Native American blood. In any case, he was a leftist who was fired for his views just like Wax. He didn't get special treatment.