Conservative slut-shaming in the news

The Anonymous

Bag On My Head

A mom who sells sexy snaps online claims she was bullied by fellow parents at her kids’ school — but says that won’t stop her.

Known as “Mrs. Poindexter” on the OnlyFans app, Northern California mom Tiffany Poindexter claims to rake in more than $150,000 a month selling access to naughty photos and videos taken by her husband.

Parents at her kids’ school, however, are not fans.

The 44-year-old said they started a campaign to get her three kids kicked out of the school when her account was discovered last summer.

Naturally conservative parents would find this offensive.
Perhaps old broads whose bodies are not photogenic are genuinely jealous of an old broad with a body that is still pleasant to to see in photographs.

I'm not sure why. They can't say it's the kids. It's impossible to shield kids from hard core pornography today, never mind mildly naughty snapshots..
They'll all be jaded by sixteen and have no libido at all--probably a beneficial side effect considering how libido gets us into trouble.

The sweet old broad likes to sell sexy photos of herself. Good for her. Why the fuck should anybody care?
Are these prissy parents all coming down with Mike Pence disease?
Even the orangutan himself doesn't care about this shit.
The trumpanzees can't even pick the right places to disagree with their precious leader.
Here's a clue: they were conservative parents.

Yes. One here wanted to be a Nun. But, unfortunately, instead of following Jesus, she ended up following her clitoris. :(

Sadly, she began having intercourse BEFORE she was wed in to Holy Wedlock. Now she faces an Eternity of Eternal Damnation. Burning in Hell.
What is she making with that flour?

Why is she being persecuted?
I ask these questions in that order. LOL!

Get her 3 kids kicked out school? What's up with that? Leftists are batshit nutbars, seriously.
She has nice tatas. Is that why she gets the hate?
I hope leftist persecutors never discover the Indian babe with perfect..more than perfect tits at the corner store that never wears a bra.

Dude those are conservative parents. Why do you think Pence's wife is his mommy?
Perhaps old broads whose bodies are not photogenic are genuinely jealous of an old broad with a body that is still pleasant to to see in photographs.

I'm not sure why. They can't say it's the kids. It's impossible to shield kids from hard core pornography today, never mind mildly naughty snapshots..
They'll all be jaded by sixteen and have no libido at all--probably a beneficial side effect considering how libido gets us into trouble.

The sweet old broad likes to sell sexy photos of herself. Good for her. Why the fuck should anybody care?
Are these prissy parents all coming down with Mike Pence disease?
Even the orangutan himself doesn't care about this shit.
The trumpanzees can't even pick the right places to disagree with their precious leader.

What the fuck does Trump or Pence have to do with this?
What the fuck does Trump or Pence have to do with this?

Pence is a sexually repressed goodie two shoes.
Trump is a libertine completely lacking in human values.
My post very clearly illustrates their relevance in this discussion.
They reflect different segments of America's deplorable right wing.
Which is more likely? A lefty or a conservative parent bawling their eyes over some woman cooking in a sexy dress?