Conservatives and Blacks in Same Boat

I agree with Dixie on this to some extent. I think that Obama's political rhetoric will not matter if congress doesn't get behind him...and if the democrats in the senate can't get their numbers up to 60.

Dixie's concerns about McCain's "liberal-ness" are being echoes all over the net, talk radio, and television. Conservatives are looking for an alternative. Bob Barr may offer it, but the reality will be that a vote for Barr is the same as a vote for Obama.

Hey Dixie... we're up to 4077. Still waving the Iraq war pompoms?

Might I recommend current events.

If one keeps pace with current events they end up smarter.

Current events dictate that democrats are quite likely to get a supermajority in the House and Senate .. and current events provides empirical evidence to support that. Such as, the recent special elections that have all been won by democrats .. and a plethora of other evidence including that stated by republicans themselves.

It's real easy to see democrats lining up behind Obama already and wresting power and influence away from the DLC and "yellowdog democrats" who have nothing but failures to show for their hand in the Democratic Party.
Might I recommend current events.

If one keeps pace with current events they end up smarter.

Current events dictate that democrats are quite likely to get a supermajority in the House and Senate .. and current events provides empirical evidence to support that. Such as, the recent special elections that have all been won by democrats .. and a plethora of other evidence including that stated by republicans themselves.

It's real easy to see democrats lining up behind Obama already and wresting power and influence away from the DLC and "yellowdog democrats" who have nothing but failures to show for their hand in the Democratic Party.

are you suggesting that I don't keep pace with current events?

Current events would indicate that republicans are poised to lose maybe 20 more seats in the House and that maybe five or six senate seats might go democratic. Unfortunately, that will not be enough for the 60 seats that democrats need to move legislation forward absent republican acquiescence.

And I think you meant to say "the DLC and the "bluedog democrats"."

Mississippi just elected one of that shade day before yesterday ;)
Hmm... so we should just grab some popcorn and watch the show resume?

I would imagine that Dixie will still ignore me.

c'est la vie.

a southern guy that still has the stars and bars in his avatar is unlikely to hammer his cybersword into a plowshare.
If I have to vote for Bob Barr to make a point, I will. I have no intention of voting for McCain if he continues to ignore the conservative base and pander to the left. If that essentially gives the election to the Democrat, so be it. The Republican party needs to get its head out of its ass and find us a true conservative candidate, and it's obvious they aren't going to do this until something makes them do it.

Holy shit! Four Years ago you were calling Libertarians pinheads for voting with conviction. We saw what the Republican party was turning into, glad you finally are noticing.
What do you KNOW about what Obama has "promised" to black people? I suggest that you don't know anything about it. I don't know a single black person .. and I know lots of them .. who are looking for one single promise from Obama. Perhaps you function on "promises", which may explain why your own side of the political fence is diseased and falling apart, your ideology proven to be morally and politically bankrupt.

Obama hasn't promised black anything, that is what I said. He doesn't have to promise you anything, he knows that being black will be enough to secure your vote. The psychology is apparent in your own words...

African-Americans stand on the cusp of history with one of us rising to become the most powerful man on the planet .. an accomplishment achieved in the short span of FOURTY-TWO YEARS.

From Jim Crow to the most powerful man on the planet in FOURTY-TWO YEARS. Harvard educated, handsome, articulate, his wife as highly educated, beautiful, and articulate.

Think of all the astounding ignorance and hate that rolled off the putrid and disgusting lips of dixiecrats and knuckledragging racists about how superior they were and how inferior everybody else was.

You are full of racist hate and contempt for white people, you can tell by how you wrote this. For you, a vote for Obama is a vote against the past indiscretions you feel your people have faced. Obama is counting on this, he doesn't have to say a thing, it's a given. If Obama were a white Republican, saying the exact same thing he is saying now, you would no more vote for him than the man in the moon. It's not about his politics for you, it's about his race and what it will do for your race of people, nothing else. Of course, if white people behave in this manner, it is seen as the most deplorable and hideous racism, there is no excuse for it. It's funny how black people don't think they can be racists.

Powell, Rice, Watts, Thomas, Keyes are all African-American. Would they be sure to secure the black vote simply because they're black?

These black leaders have been stigmatized by racist blacks such as yourself. They are called "Uncle Toms" and essentially disowned by their people because they haven't spewed the divisive rhetoric of Jesse Jackson or drank the koolaid of the racial activist movement. Many white politicians were treated the same way by racist whites during Civil Rights, because they stood up for what was right.

Obama doesn't need to play the race card, enough people are doing that already. He can reap the benefits of being black without saying a word about it. However, you will notice, none of the usual black activist characters are rallying around Obama, standing beside him when he gives his stump speeches, openly endorsing and campaigning for him. Why? Because Obama needs to distance himself from the black activist rhetoric in order to secure white votes. This is why his pastor of 20 years is suddenly someone he doesn't know.

So, that's what you've got. A black man who will gladly throw black activism under the bus to get elected by white people. At least the aforementioned African-Americans stand on their principles, come what may.
Holy shit! Four Years ago you were calling Libertarians pinheads for voting with conviction. We saw what the Republican party was turning into, glad you finally are noticing.

Libertarians are pinheads. Your "dream" will never be realized, we will not elect a Libertarian president. Of course, we won't elect a conservative president this time, because there is no conservative candidate, but our dream is still alive, there is a very good chance we will eventually get a conservative candidate and he/she will be elected.

You saw nothing. You frothed up a bunch of complaints against republicans, some legitimate, some manufactured, but all were intended to attack your opposition and garner support for your fledgling party. In your pinhead mind, you still think it is possible to get a libertarian elected president. With roughly 2% of the vote, it's not going to happen man, doesn't matter how much you dream.

As a Conservative, I have not been happy with my Republican choice for the past 20 years! I didn't like Bush Sr., he was the antithesis of Ronald Reagan, in my opinion. As weak and compromising as his son, if not more so. Neither Bush presidency was satisfactory to me, and I will admit, my vote for Bush in 2000 and 2004, was simply because I feared the alternative. I've learned my lesson, and I will not vote this way again. John McCain is going to have to do a complete makeover to get my vote. It's not impossible to do, he could start talking like a conservative, and 'reaching across the aisle' to his base, and I would probably cave and vote for him. I think most conservatives feel the same way, they would vote for McCain if he gave them ANY reason at all, other than not being the Democrat candidate. That's just not good enough any more.
So just to get this straight you have learned your lesson and will be voting on principle from now on, but we are still pinheads for realizing that before you did.

Your insights humble me.
Obama hasn't promised black anything, that is what I said. He doesn't have to promise you anything, he knows that being black will be enough to secure your vote. The psychology is apparent in your own words...

Given that you call yourself "dixie" I don't expect rocket science wisdom .. but damn .. would a bit of 8th grade reading comprehension be too much to expect?

I'll say this slowly .. I D O N' T V O T E F O R P R O M I S E S .. only stupid people do that and you've correctly defined what kind of stupid people that would be.

You are full of racist hate and contempt for white people, you can tell by how you wrote this. For you, a vote for Obama is a vote against the past indiscretions you feel your people have faced. Obama is counting on this, he doesn't have to say a thing, it's a given. If Obama were a white Republican, saying the exact same thing he is saying now, you would no more vote for him than the man in the moon. It's not about his politics for you, it's about his race and what it will do for your race of people, nothing else. Of course, if white people behave in this manner, it is seen as the most deplorable and hideous racism, there is no excuse for it. It's funny how black people don't think they can be racists.

NO, your dumb ass is filled with racism .. and incredible ignorance.

I like that.

These black leaders have been stigmatized by racist blacks such as yourself. They are called "Uncle Toms" and essentially disowned by their people because they haven't spewed the divisive rhetoric of Jesse Jackson or drank the koolaid of the racial activist movement. Many white politicians were treated the same way by racist whites during Civil Rights, because they stood up for what was right.

Black leaders? Who are they leading? You?

And unbeknownst to you .. you just validated what I said and you disputed.

A true sign that you aren't that bright Carol Ann.

I'm responding for the fun of it .. but you just ain't that bright enough to consider these posts anything but comedy.

Obama doesn't need to play the race card, enough people are doing that already. He can reap the benefits of being black without saying a word about it. However, you will notice, none of the usual black activist characters are rallying around Obama, standing beside him when he gives his stump speeches, openly endorsing and campaigning for him. Why? Because Obama needs to distance himself from the black activist rhetoric in order to secure white votes. This is why his pastor of 20 years is suddenly someone he doesn't know.

So, that's what you've got. A black man who will gladly throw black activism under the bus to get elected by white people. At least the aforementioned African-Americans stand on their principles, come what may.

Again .. absolute incredible ignorance.

Black activists distance themselves from Obama so the election can focus on issues, not them. You see, they're much smarter than you and know if they got any closer, the brain-dead, like you, would then be whining about how close they were to him.

Tell you what .. just sit back with your favorite alcoholic beverage and watch America's transformation .. a transformation that you can neither do anything about, or that even cares what you think.

When your lot dies, so dies your mindless ideas.

Sweet. :)
Given that you call yourself "dixie" I don't expect rocket science wisdom .. but damn .. would a bit of 8th grade reading comprehension be too much to expect?

I'll say this slowly .. I D O N' T V O T E F O R P R O M I S E S .. only stupid people do that and you've correctly defined what kind of stupid people that would be.

NO, your dumb ass is filled with racism .. and incredible ignorance.

I like that.

Black leaders? Who are they leading? You?

And unbeknownst to you .. you just validated what I said and you disputed.

A true sign that you aren't that bright Carol Ann.

I'm responding for the fun of it .. but you just ain't that bright enough to consider these posts anything but comedy.

Again .. absolute incredible ignorance.

Black activists distance themselves from Obama so the election can focus on issues, not them. You see, they're much smarter than you and know if they got any closer, the brain-dead, like you, would then be whining about how close they were to him.

Tell you what .. just sit back with your favorite alcoholic beverage and watch America's transformation .. a transformation that you can neither do anything about, or that even cares what you think.

When your lot dies, so dies your mindless ideas.

Sweet. :)

Yeah, Dixie is an old poster who's been gone since before you got here bac. He's not bright, but he makes up for that by being stupid. On the other hand, he can write pure comedic gold when he really gets going.
Given that you call yourself "dixie" I don't expect rocket science wisdom .. but damn .. would a bit of 8th grade reading comprehension be too much to expect?

I'll say this slowly .. I D O N' T V O T E F O R P R O M I S E S .. only stupid people do that and you've correctly defined what kind of stupid people that would be.

Given that you call yourself "blackascoal" I don't expect anything more than typical black activist rhetoric... but damn, would practicing what MLK advocated, be too much to ask?

NO, your dumb ass is filled with racism .. and incredible ignorance.

I like that.

I don't have a racist bone in my body, but I absolutely deplore people with racist mentality, such as yourself. I would never assume something about your character based on your screen name or the color of your skin, but you have done this with me.

Black leaders? Who are they leading? You?

And unbeknownst to you .. you just validated what I said and you disputed.

A true sign that you aren't that bright Carol Ann.

I'm responding for the fun of it .. but you just ain't that bright enough to consider these posts anything but comedy.

Black leaders are not generally leaders of white people, so no... not MY leaders. When are you going to address something I said as opposed to throwing out cheap insults and degradations? Telling me how "stupid and ignorant" I am, is not debate or reasoned discussion, it is just a cheap way to try and score a few points with your liberal sympathizers.

Black activists distance themselves from Obama so the election can focus on issues, not them. You see, they're much smarter than you and know if they got any closer, the brain-dead, like you, would then be whining about how close they were to him.

Oh, so Obama has invited Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton to campaign with him and they turned him down? Is this what you are trying to get us to believe? Trust me, the media whore black activists are staying away from Obama because Obama wants nothing to do with them or their rhetoric.

Tell you what .. just sit back with your favorite alcoholic beverage and watch America's transformation .. a transformation that you can neither do anything about, or that even cares what you think.

When your lot dies, so dies your mindless ideas.

You should do something about your hatred for white people. I suggest you read some of Martin Luther King Jr.'s works, and focus on the part where it talks of how we need to get past race and judging each other by what color we are. It is YOUR lot that will have to die before we can move ahead with his dream.
BO got his ass in the wringer for his association with one hate-spewing, racist, anti-American and he sure as hell isn't gonna let race-baiters, Jesse and big Al Sharpton get on the stage with him....He lied his way out of one mess and with the aid of main stream media looks like he got away with it....
He makes sure on every TV appearance that white faces fill the back-ground with their signs, nodding yes to his every word and putting their smiling white faces out there for the cameras....
Gotta hand it him...its very effective...Hillary must be stunned and I love it....she gets a taste of what its like to be a enemy of the left....thats laughable....
Yeah, Dixie is an old poster who's been gone since before you got here bac. He's not bright, but he makes up for that by being stupid. On the other hand, he can write pure comedic gold when he really gets going.


Is it a he or she .. or both?
Given that you call yourself "blackascoal" I don't expect anything more than typical black activist rhetoric... but damn, would practicing what MLK advocated, be too much to ask?


I don't have a racist bone in my body, but I absolutely deplore people with racist mentality, such as yourself. I would never assume something about your character based on your screen name or the color of your skin, but you have done this with me.

Naw, your racist pretense gave you away, you screen name just validated it.

Black leaders are not generally leaders of white people, so no... not MY leaders. When are you going to address something I said as opposed to throwing out cheap insults and degradations? Telling me how "stupid and ignorant" I am, is not debate or reasoned discussion, it is just a cheap way to try and score a few points with your liberal sympathizers.

There are lots of black leaders who are leaders of white people .. and come November, they'll be a black leader who'll be the leader of all the white people in America.

I've addressed your pretense and demonstrated how you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. What else do you want?

It's not possible to take you seriously because your comments aren't serious thinking. Nor is there any need to "score points" because you're just too damn easy. It would be like kicking a 12 year-old girls ass.

I'm just talking to you for the comedy.

Oh, so Obama has invited Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton to campaign with him and they turned him down? Is this what you are trying to get us to believe? Trust me, the media whore black activists are staying away from Obama because Obama wants nothing to do with them or their rhetoric.

Trust YOU to tell ME about black people?

And you wonder why I find you so amusing and not the least bit intelligent.

And what "us" are you talking about? You don't represent anyone here but yourself and I don't really give a shit what you believe .. I'm here for the comedy.

You should do something about your hatred for white people. I suggest you read some of Martin Luther King Jr.'s works, and focus on the part where it talks of how we need to get past race and judging each other by what color we are. It is YOUR lot that will have to die before we can move ahead with his dream.

I don't hate white people .. I just hate you.

Frankly, I find you quite disgusting. Not because you're white, but because you're a fraud. A phoney Dr. King spouting racist.