The Force is With Me
Dix is a he.
Good, then I can enjoy ripping him a new ass and not feel guilty because it's a woman.
Dix is a he.
Good, then I can enjoy ripping him a new ass and not feel guilty because it's a woman.
Libertarians are pinheads. Your "dream" will never be realized, we will not elect a Libertarian president. Of course, we won't elect a conservative president this time, because there is no conservative candidate, but our dream is still alive, there is a very good chance we will eventually get a conservative candidate and he/she will be elected.
You saw nothing. You frothed up a bunch of complaints against republicans, some legitimate, some manufactured, but all were intended to attack your opposition and garner support for your fledgling party. In your pinhead mind, you still think it is possible to get a libertarian elected president. With roughly 2% of the vote, it's not going to happen man, doesn't matter how much you dream.
As a Conservative, I have not been happy with my Republican choice for the past 20 years! I didn't like Bush Sr., he was the antithesis of Ronald Reagan, in my opinion. As weak and compromising as his son, if not more so. Neither Bush presidency was satisfactory to me, and I will admit, my vote for Bush in 2000 and 2004, was simply because I feared the alternative. I've learned my lesson, and I will not vote this way again. John McCain is going to have to do a complete makeover to get my vote. It's not impossible to do, he could start talking like a conservative, and 'reaching across the aisle' to his base, and I would probably cave and vote for him. I think most conservatives feel the same way, they would vote for McCain if he gave them ANY reason at all, other than not being the Democrat candidate. That's just not good enough any more.
He may be a he, but he does have a disturbing man crush on GW. Here's a good primer on Dixie:
(scroll up to the top)
The blue jeans line was the most memorable from that post, but I just noticed this line, also, which somehow eluded me the 1st time:
"I love to just listen to him talk about his ideas"
Wow. I can't even think of an idea Bush has had, aside from "don't appease the evildoers."
"Reagan Revolution" ... LOL Gimme a break , If Reagans presidency constituted anything approaching a "revolution" it was a "revolution" of wealth from the poor to the wealthy ..... stop believing everything you hear in Republican primary debates for cryin' out loud, Ronald Regean was a senile old ninny that was fortunate if he could discern his rear end from a hole in the ground on any given day .... in other words the neocons wet dream as a President.
Speaking of non-sequitars , it's 2008 time to join the rest of us in the HERE AND NOW.
Really is that what "Westerner" means, who knew ? Based on what I've seen from Senator McCain I'd guess that it means self-serving, self-aggrandizing, pompous @ss but that's just my opinion.
Yeah I guess one could characterize being a corrupt, blood thirsty, warmonger as "quirks".....
"Climate change" ? why the quotes are you one the last hold outs that don't really believe it's happening ?
I'm just using a popular slogan. Its interesting that Reagan could grow the Bull Market economy and defeat the Evil Empire while in the state you describe. Slander is no good when the target has such an impressive track record. Based upon their stand on immigration and "compromise," the neocons would probably be singing a different tune if Reagan were back today...
What for. Are you some kind of moron that sees no value in history? If that's the case then nothing you say on government and politics can be taken seriously at all.
How has McCain been self-serving? You are an idiot. This must be your history skillz talking again...
Well, nothing new to add here.
It used to be globull warming. I'm still not used to climate change. In fact, I'm finally seeing the first hot sunny days in Seattle for quite a while. Now, when this "climate change" stuff goes away, what is going to be next big excuse for statists like you to stage a political coup and ruin our freedoms? The neocons at least play off of an actual threat in order to mess with the size and scope of government and limit our freedoms. Isn't there something real you lefties can latch onto?
Good, then I can enjoy ripping him a new ass and not feel guilty because it's a woman.
lol, welcome back Dixie!
I've also come to a conclusion in the past four years, that Libertarians will never control anything. However, they are where I stand, and I don't care if the alternative is worse out of the two main parties, you look at our national debt, and how pathetic our government has become, and that's enough motivation to keep me voting where my values lie.
My mistake was thinking that someday, Libertarians will have some power. I might still be wrong in thinking thats a mistake, Ron Paul sure did piss off a lot of the Republicans and made a mockery of the party. You're even considering voting for Barr. Ehh, when the Republicans realize they won't ever get back into power without giving out some blowjobs, they might start moving back towards a more Libertarian stance, but I'll need more than lip service to turn my vote over to them.
So you are a sexist as well as racist bigot? Nice to know.
Good (as in positive)
then I can enjoy ripping him a new ass (him being you)
and not feel guilty because it's a woman. (meaning that because you are NOT a woman and I am NOT a sexist, I can enjoy ripping into your truly dumb comments)
As for your I'm a racist comment .. of course you'd think I'm a racist .. I'm black.
I'm cool with that.
and not feel guilty because it's a woman. (meaning that because you are NOT a woman and I am NOT a sexist, I can enjoy ripping into your truly dumb comments)
I don't think you are racist because you're black, I think it because you are racist in your views. I know many black people who are not racist, some of them are my best friends. It's only the black people who want to mouth prejudice and contempt for white people because they are white, and have a genuine hatred for them because of the past. Those who want to cast judgment on me because of my name or where I live, or my skin color. We can't fix the problems with race relations until that mentality is gone, on both sides. Since there is absolutely nothing I can do about your racism, I just have to cling to hope and the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Perhaps one day, you will be able to see me as just another person, equal to yourself, and not the object of your ignorant hatred and racist bigotry. Maybe you are like the redneck sheet-wearing racists, and your prejudice will die with you? Maybe we have to wait until your children grow up and fully come to understand Dr. King's message? Sooner or later, blacks and whites will be able to see each other as fellow man, not something inferior or superior to the other.
I recently discovered, or my cousin actually discovered, that our family is 1/16 Native American. Seems our German immigrant ancestors came here and married Native American women, but because of the enormous social stigma attached to that in the 1700's, they kept the secret hidden. through extensive genealogical research, this was uncovered. Today, it is something to be proud of, it even entitles me to many government hand-outs, which I don't claim. But it is a testament to just how far we have come in the area of respect for race. Now, I could easily do as you, and hold contempt and revile for the "white man" who treated my people so terribly through the years, but my heart has been touched by the words of Dr. King, and this is how I live my life.
I have hope for you, I know that you can change your heart, many have done it. First, it takes you realizing you have to change. I can't do it for you, I can only point out your racism, it is up to you to recognize it and do something about it. As long as you remain in denial, making excuses, or justifying your racist views, your heart will never change and you will be trapped in the racist world you've built for yourself. You have to learn to let go of the past, stop dwelling on what the "white man" did to your people, and find love in your heart for all humans, regardless of their color.
And why would you not enjoy ripping into me as much, if I were female? Because, maybe you see females as intellectually inferior to yourself? The guilt comes from the belief that you are superior to any woman, and such a confrontation just wouldn't be fair to her.
Just a sidebar here... not many people I have ever come across, will admit they are sexist or racist. It's like admitting you are a liar. You could go ask the head of the KKK if he is racist, and I guarantee he will deny being racist and then begin to defend his justification for being a racist! So, you can sit here and type... "I'm not" this and "I'm not" that... your actions speak louder than words, and your words tell the story.
This entire rant sounds stupid as fuck coming from someone calling themselves Dixie .. which is odd for a man .. and someone who displays piece of shit confederate symbolism.
In spite of your supposed "black friends" .. you don't know shit about black people .. which is why I seriously doubt that you've ever had a black friend in life.
Additionally, why should I change anything? .. It is you and your ilk who are on the run and rejected.
The only posters on this board who'd consider me a racist is people I don't respect because they're ignorant.
As I said, I'm black so that makes me a racist to people like you.
I'm cool with that.
My acceptance by people like you is neither necessary nor desired.
I don't feel superior to women, but I do believe they should be respected.
But men who are a different color than you, who may have a different viewpoint, don't deserve your respect? People who are proud of their Southern heritage don't deserve your respect either, huh? Tell me, how do you feel about Jews?
Yes, you keep paying your respects to those little inferior women who you shouldn't beat up on. That makes you a big man! A big chauvinistic one, and a big racist one, but that is just who you are, right?
A man, moved to call you Dixie, a stupid fuck, might not want to call a woman a stupid fuck, so he may want to discover your gender first. We call this, a gentleman.