Dixie - In Memoriam
New member
I have no idea what you're talking about when you mention gays and race.
YOU were the one who compared gay marriage to civil rights for blacks! I am asking you to explain when homosexuality became a race.
What it all boils down to is two people living together as a romantic couple should not be denied any rights and privileges that any other two people enjoy who live together as a romantic couple. Unless it's specified both situations are the same someone will exploit the difference.
Read my solution again, dimwit... I am not proposing we have a "difference" in anything! We will NO LONGER have "marriage licenses" and in the place of that, we will have "civil union contracts!" And YES, we most certainly DO have laws which "deny the rights" of two people living together as a romantic couple. A brother and sister can not marry, doesn't matter HOW romantic they are, or HOW much they want to! A father can't marry his daughter, is he being "denied his right to romance" or whatever your idiotic point is now?
It's not the best we can do. There are always people who will try and exploit the difference. Besides, there is already a contract in place. It's called marriage. If civil unions are going to be the same as marriage why refer to them by different names?
Yes, it is the best we can do, for society to find a solution which essentially gives every side what they want. You see, your hard-line view of "gay marriage" is not supported by 80% of this country... let me say that another way, since you seem to be too retarded to comprehend... Eight out of ten people do not think marriage should be same sex! Two out of ten agree with your idea! Every time it has been on a ballot, 70+ out of 100 oppose gay marriage or favor traditional marriage, even in the most liberal states! Even your own political leaders, whom you voted for, went clearly on record to support traditional marriage and oppose gay marriage. IS that clear enough?
Exploit the difference? WHAT DIFFERENCE HAVE I PROPOSED? My solution is to take government out of the "MARRIAGE" business... allow them to INSTEAD, issue contracts of civil union between ANY TWO legal age adults. Doesn't matter if they are same sex, related to one another, bible thumpers or Atheists! Doesn't matter if they are fucking every minute, or celibate! A Civil Union contract is simply a contractual agreement which would entitle whoever has one, to the benefits we currently afford married couples. This gives gay people the means to acquire the benefits and "rights" they want, but at the same time, protects the religious sanctity of traditional marriage. Again, for your retarded ass, I am NOT PROPOSING that we have TWO standards! Marriage licenses will no longer be issued by the government, and anyone who already has one, it will be treated as if it is a CU contract.
Again, it has nothing to do with sexual lifestyle. Maybe two people will live together and never have sex. Maybe one can't have sex. After all, gay marriages will have a 100% increase in the chance of erectile dysfunction.
It is you who keeps insisting marriage be based on sex.
Homosexuality is defined by sex! GAY marriage, is by extension, ABOUT sex! More specifically, sexual lifestyle! This is my primary reason for not supporting it, because I don't feel we should base marriage on a sexual lifestyle (like homosexuality). With MY solution, this aspect is completely removed. I am talking about a contract between two legal age adults, regardless of sex, regardless of sexual lifestyle, regardless of religious beliefs or lack thereof. Is that sinking in to your thick head yet, or should I repeat it another 50 times in this thread?
The difference is someone can come along and change laws dealing with marriages and civil unions. They are referred to by different names meaning they are different and that difference can and will be exploited at a later date.
Fucktard.... please READ the goddamn thread! Where have I stated that I want TWO systems? CIVIL UNIONS WOULD REPLACE MARRIAGE LICENSES!
Married gays tend to be monogamous thus cutting down on the transmission of AIDS. As for what's our business we do not force couples to stay married for the sake of the children. Our business is to not interfere in other people's business.
Except for when YOU make the determination something is "detrimental" or "harmful" ...then you have no problem interfering, we've already shown that to be the case!
Your solution is neither rational nor reasonable. As I explained before there will always be someone who will try and exploit the difference in ways we can not imagine today.
My solution is the only one that is ultimately going to work! I think you misinterpreted what I said, and I encourage you to read it again. Let me explain something to you, there are ALWAYS going to be bigoted people, there will always be intolerant people, who don't accept homosexuality or the gay lifestyle, and you will NEVER pass a law against that or one that forces them to accept it!
Once again, tell me how gay marriage affects you. The examples you gave lead to odors (masturbation) and possible diseases (pissing in the street). What is your objection to gay marriage? It's a simple question.Give me something to work with here. How do two gay people living together as a married couple cause you harm or discomfort? Perhaps if you would be specific I could understand your position.
I've already gone through it, several times... you don't want to listen! I have also shown you why your criteria fails the test of logic. There are MANY things that do not effect me personally, that I am opposed to society adopting as a standard. It doesn't have to cause me harm and discomfort!
I already explained to you about girls marrying too young. Childbearing is too hard on their young bodies.
Okay, but how does that fit your criteria above? How does it harm you or cause you discomfort? It is YOUR opinion, and I am sure some people would disagree with your opinion. Since when in the fuck did YOU become the arbiter of what is too hard on young bodies? Shouldn't that be an individual determination?
As for you pwning the debate it's only in your imagination. Again, give me a reason why you are against gay marriage. Did your best friend run off and get married? Did an EX turn gay after she left you?
As I mentioned previously maybe we can help you face whatever you are in denial about. Your preoccupation with sex and masturbation and urination are definite signs you have some sort of sexual/genital hang up. The case is gay marriage will be legalized across the country. It will just take time. During that time perhaps we should stop arguing about it and deal with your problem. Where would you like to start? Early childhood? Puberty? We're listening.....
In the words of John Wayne in The Shootist, "You're the most long-winded bastard I ever knew!" You just repeat your stupidity over and over, and respond to things that haven't even been posted.
It seems to me, this last retort is full of straw men! Why must you change the topic and try to infer that I have some mental disorder which keeps me from supporting your lunatic ideas? 80% of the country is OPPOSED to what you are in favor of! Has that point not sunk in yet? If one of us has deep-rooted psychological problems, I would suggest it is the one who is on the 20% fringe side of this argument!
No... "GAY MARRIAGE" is NOT going to be passed into law and accepted by society, not when 80% of us are opposed to it! That ain't gonna happen in this world! Sorry! You can call me every name in the book, you can make as many straw men as you like, and you can ignore the facts until you die, but what you are advocating has no chance of becoming standard, and the ONLY way it has become legal anywhere, is through judicial activism, where the will of the people has been overturned. THAT IS NOT FREEDOM!
Again, I will propose my solution... Civil Union Contracts... No more "marriage license" as the government would not be issuing such a license anymore. A CU contract could be entered into by any two legal age parties, regardless of sex, sexuality, religious belief, or relationship to each other. From there, if they want to have a religious ceremony commonly known as "marriage" it is between them and the church, and the government is not involved. Taxes, insurance, etc... would treat CU contracts just as they do a marriage license now, there would be no difference, there would not be TWO things, just CU's!
As I see it, the ONLY reason to be opposed to such an idea, is because you simply want to hurl shit in the face of religion! You want religion to be forced to accept that you have perverted something it holds sacred, and completely disregard the rights of those who practice religion, to have their traditions and religious practices. If you honestly wanted a solution to the problem, to allow gay people to obtain the same benefits as traditional married couples, my solution would accomplish that! If you wanted a solution which considered the point of view from ALL sides, my solution accomplishes that! If you wanted a solution which respects religious sanctity, as well as gay rights, and removes any such connotation from the role of government, my solution accomplishes that.