Your solution is not acceptable for the same reason the "equal but different" solution wasn't any solution for the black people.
Please explain how my solution is "equal but different" in any way? Also, please articulate how Homosexuality is now a RACE of people? For that matter, please explain to me, how Gay people having the same right to marry opposite sex as straight people, is denying something to anyone? Seems to me, you just made a straw man knee-jerk reactionary statement, that you can't back up.
Maybe you're a stand-up guy but a lot of people are not. There will always be someone who will try to put a wedge between marriage and civil unions or whatever term is used to replace the definition of marriage in which others are involved.
Well there should be a wedge between the two, they are not the same thing. If I were saying that "civil unions" would only be available to gay people, and marriage would still be available to straight people, you would indeed have your "equal but different" argument, and I wouldn't support that. I don't want CU to be defined by sexual lifestyle choice either. Read my solution again, I want to REMOVE any aspect to sexuality, or sexual relationship, and make it a generic contract between two adults of legal age and consent. I don't understand why you aren't in favor of this solution, and you've not explained it here. You want to revert back to your strawmen, and keep the issue alive, because you gain political traction with it. In my opinion, YOU are the problem! YOU are the reason gay people can't obtain the benefits and perks currently afforded to traditional married couples. I have presented a solution which satisfies ALL parties involved, or at least considers all aspects and finds the best common ground. That's the best we can do as a society.
Gays know this. We all know this because we saw it happen before. People will exploit the difference.
Again, everyone would have the same right to obtain a CU contract, no one would be denied this, and it would apply regardless of gender, relationship, or religious belief. Where is this "difference" you speak of?
As for what society wants we evolve and learn and change accordingly. We know if girls bear children when they're too young it harms their body. That's why we now have a minimum age for marriage.
Well, we also know that homosexual activity is the leading cause of AIDS. But your contention was, it's not any of our business. We know as well, children are better off when raised in a traditional family, but again, this is not supposed to be any of our business. Suddenly, it becomes our business when YOU want it to be? That makes no sense, except as a complete hypocritical double standard.
As a society we make rules to prevent harming others. We don't, or at least shouldn't, make rules just because we want things our way. That is what freedom is all about.
Then what the fuck are YOU doing here? I presented a completely rational and reasonable solution which would accommodate all sides, give everyone what they want, and not deny anyone anything! Yet, here you are, continuing the argument.... why? So you can have things YOUR way!
You keep mentioning masturbation. If you ever lived in the suburbs or country and had a female cat or dog you'd understand why masturbation in public is forbidden. Just like dogs and cats people leave a scent. That's why we don't piss on the street, as well.
Again, you are not entitled to live in a society without offensive smells. Sorry, that is not a right you or I have. I gave an absurd example to demonstrate why WE THE PEOPLE establish rules and laws, even though it doesn't "involve" us, even though it's not "harming" us in any way. I used your same parameters for your argument for gay marriage, and applied it to something YOU don't agree with, and YOU don't want to apply the same principles. This proves my point, and pwns you in the debate, whether your realized it or not.
What harm does gay marriage do to society, as a whole? If you can give me something to work with here I might find you have a point but, as it is, you haven't specified anything.
And after being shown your complete idiocy, and being completely and thoroughly pwned in the debate, you revert right back to the point that was just refuted soundly.... absolutely amazing! What "HARM" does it do to society if people masturbate in the street? Offensive smell doesn't HARM you, dimwit! What HARM does it do to society to let adults fuck kids? The Greeks survived it for centuries! What HARM does it do to society for girls to get married at 12, our own nation practiced this for hundreds of years.
As I said, I posted a viable and reasonable solution to the problem, and you've not really indicated why my solution can't or won't work, you just want to stubbornly insist on having your way, and continuing the argument. Do you just not comprehend, the problem will never get solved as long as we are arguing about it? Maybe YOU don't want the problem solved? Maybe YOU don't give two rats asses about gay people? Could THAT be the case here?