Conservatives Going Ape-shit Because Muslim Wants to Be Sworn in With Koran


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First we had Glenn Beck, now it's Dennis Prager. Rep. Ellison wants to take his oath of office with his hand on the Koran. Now all hell has broken loose among the wingnuts. Multiculturalism is coming! Multiculturalism is coming!

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To me it is better than if the guy just goes thru the motions, and swears on a religious document that means nothing to him.
Why do we still swear on religious documents? It would be kind of silly to swear on the Dhammapada... It just isn't quite that kind of religious document.
Why do we still swear on religious documents? It would be kind of silly to swear on the Dhammapada... It just isn't quite that kind of religious document.
I wouldn't want to be sworn in with my hand on a bible. It would be meaningless to me and, frankly, a desecration. A minor one, certainly, but still.

I think there's an alternate form placing one's hand on a copy of the constitution. That's what I would opt for, myself. But if they allow one religious form then they should allow others.
Certainly, I couldn't see any difference. Shoot even the Freemasons let you choose your book...
Rep. Ellison wants to take his oath of office with his hand on the Koran.

What the hell is wrong with that? The dude is muslim.
Personally I'd use a copy of the Constitution. I can't see how holding my hand on a document makes my word any better. However I also cannot see why forcing muslims to swear on Bibles would do anything to make them uphold their word either.... This is a non-issue. I'd like to see all the people that were "going crazy" over this. Honestly, who is it? The godhatesf*gs guy?
Personally I'd use a copy of the Constitution. I can't see how holding my hand on a document makes my word any better. However I also cannot see why forcing muslims to swear on Bibles would do anything to make them uphold their word either.... This is a non-issue. I'd like to see all the people that were "going crazy" over this. Honestly, who is it? The godhatesf*gs guy?
Close. Dennis Prager.
LOL, looking at the comments left for his article, all I can do is laugh. Are these people fuckin serious? Theya re so scared of the Muslim faith that they are practicly shitting themselves over this. What a bunch of fuckin pussies.

"OH NO, he's trying to change American tradition and have the muslim world take ove rthe US!"

Article VI states:

The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the members of the several state legislatures, and all executive and judicial officers, both of the United States and of the several states, shall be bound by oath or affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.
I would like to see no document used for swearing in. After all its just his word that he's going to do right by the people. whether he has his hands on a document means nothing.

He's a muslem so I don't trust him.

And I'm not an islamophobe I'm an islamobigot.
I would like to see no document used for swearing in. After all its just his word that he's going to do right by the people. whether he has his hands on a document means nothing.

He's a muslem so I don't trust him.

And I'm not an islamophobe I'm an islamobigot.
And you are honest...
I would like to see no document used for swearing in. After all its just his word that he's going to do right by the people. whether he has his hands on a document means nothing.

He's a muslem so I don't trust him.

And I'm not an islamophobe I'm an islamobigot.

And I'm not an islamophobe I'm an islamobigot

We already know that. No need to advertise it.