Conservatives Going Ape-shit Because Muslim Wants to Be Sworn in With Koran

so are you suggesting that the muslim congressmen advocates taking off heads of infidels who do not convert to Islam? are you suggesting that American muslims in general hold to that belief?

so are you suggesting that the muslim congressmen advocates taking off heads of infidels who do not convert to Islam? are you suggesting that American muslims in general hold to that belief?

Under the Quran one must be offered to convert...or be eliminated...thats a fact!
why can you not just answer my question? are you suggesting that the muslim congressmen advocates taking off heads of infidels who do not convert to Islam? are you suggesting that American muslims in general hold to that belief?

yes or no?
I already answered your....

why can you not just answer my question? are you suggesting that the muslim congressmen advocates taking off heads of infidels who do not convert to Islam? are you suggesting that American muslims in general hold to that belief?

yes or no?

Question....! I said they are sitting on the fence waiting for the winner...if the other side wins...the answer will become...YES!
you honestly believe that American citizens who are practicing muslims want to behead all infidels?

YOu really are too far out in right field to have any meaningful discussions with.

Your tether to reality it slipping, if not unhooked.
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you honestly believe that American citizens who are practicing muslims want to behead all infidels?

YOu really are too far out in right field to have any meaningful discussions with.

Your tether to reality it slipping, if not unhooked.

I will continue the good fight so my head does not become on the other hand will run for the nearest WalMart and buy a prayer rug if they win!;)
do you want to seriously debate issues? are you even intellectually capable of such debate, or are you really only capable of silly one liners?

I think that you should go arm yourself and go down to your local mosque and fight the good fight by slaughtering the assembled worshippers there so that those crazy muslims who purport to be patriotic American citizens won't cut off your head first. Be bold. Be preemptive. Be an asshole. But leave this site in search of others more to your way of thinking.
now if you could find that in our laws somewhere, you might have a point worthy of something other than laughter and derision.

This country is not a christian nation. All faiths are welcome here. If Joe Lieberman requested using a torah would you suggest he take up residence in Israel? Wold you say that for all Jews taking oaths?

They should swear in on the damned constitution, since that is what they are supposed to be upholding, not the bible, not any religious text.

However, since religious texts appear to the order of the day, then why on earth would anyone swear in on a text that is not from their religion? The whole thing is so stupid.
Evidently, this Dennis Praegor lunatic, was lying all along:

But Prager’s column is based on one other glaring error: the swearing-in ceremony for the House of Representatives never includes a religious book. The Office of the House Clerk confirmed to ThinkProgress that the swearing-in ceremony consists only of the Members raising their right hands and swearing to uphold the Constitution. The Clerk spokesperson said neither the Christian Bible, nor any other religious text, had ever been used in an official capacity during the ceremony. (Occassionally, Members pose for symbolic photo-ops with their hand on a Bible.)

That's really incredible. I wonder how many Christians he managed to get into an uproar over absolutely nothing.

You know, if they looked around, they wouldn't find it very difficult to discover real problems. Why they have to invent problems is a mystery to me.
because they have caused all the REAL problems and only spew shit like this to deflect attention from that fact.
That's really incredible. I wonder how many Christians he managed to get into an uproar over absolutely nothing.

You know, if they looked around, they wouldn't find it very difficult to discover real problems. Why they have to invent problems is a mystery to me.

Standard operating procedure for Cons.

Like the war on Easter, or the war on Christmas: "invent" a cultural crises, to whip up the base.
I will continue the good fight so my head does not become on the other hand will run for the nearest WalMart and buy a prayer rug if they win!;)

Liberals don't shop at Wal-Mart retard.

and my guess is you will just blow hot air instead of really fighting any fight. lol..
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after getting "The High Cost of Low Prices" in the mail from wife has absolutely forbidden me or any of the children from EVER buying ANYTHING from WalMart or Sam's Club EVER again.

scary fucking movie.
Walmart's sales are down, not a good economic sign at all. Unless the anti Walmart rhetoric is working and cutting their sales....
But I have extremely mixed feelings on Walmart and Chinese imports.
On one hand the Repubs should love WM because they and the Chinese imports have made the economy look better than it really is.
On the other hand the Chinese imports are just bleeding our money and not providing hardly any jobs in this country.....
WM itself outside of the Chinese imports I have no problem with, they are just another retailer , the biggest perhaps but so what. Retailers traditionally have poor pay and benefits.