Conservatives Going Ape-shit Because Muslim Wants to Be Sworn in With Koran

Evidently, this Dennis Praegor lunatic, was lying all along:

But Prager’s column is based on one other glaring error: the swearing-in ceremony for the House of Representatives never includes a religious book. The Office of the House Clerk confirmed to ThinkProgress that the swearing-in ceremony consists only of the Members raising their right hands and swearing to uphold the Constitution. The Clerk spokesperson said neither the Christian Bible, nor any other religious text, had ever been used in an official capacity during the ceremony. (Occassionally, Members pose for symbolic photo-ops with their hand on a Bible.)
LOL. Even better. Get everybody up in arms about nothing... I just couldn't believe that too many people would be upset about it anyway, only the lunatic fringe.
First and foremost...

Taking the oath of office or swearing to tell the truth in a court of law... using the bible... has always been and always will be the policy in the US...Taking aside whether or not one is a believer or not is irrelevant...This has been designated as due course in process...So if this Muslim elect congressman wants to swear on the Quran may I suggest he take up residence in the ME....!:readit:
Taking the oath of office or swearing to tell the truth in a court of law... using the bible... has always been and always will be the policy in the US...Taking aside whether or not one is a believer or not is irrelevant...This has been designated as due course in process...So if this Muslim elect congressman wants to swear on the Quran may I suggest he take up residence in the ME....!:readit:

now if you could find that in our laws somewhere, you might have a point worthy of something other than laughter and derision.

This country is not a christian nation. All faiths are welcome here. If Joe Lieberman requested using a torah would you suggest he take up residence in Israel? Wold you say that for all Jews taking oaths?
The que being....

now if you could find that in our laws somewhere, you might have a point worthy of something other than laughter and derision.

This country is not a christian nation. All faiths are welcome here. If Joe Lieberman requested using a torah would you suggest he take up residence in Israel? Wold you say that for all Jews taking oaths?

POLICY...and Joe has no problem swearing on the Bible...believe it or not he loves the US!
POLICY...and Joe has no problem swearing on the Bible...believe it or not he loves the US!
The thing of it is they don't actually swear on a Bible. They stand in a group and raise their right hands. Some of them pose later for a picture with their hand on a book, but that isn't how they are sworn in.
Thats true...

The thing of it is they don't actually swear on a Bible. They stand in a group and raise their right hands. Some of them pose later for a picture with their hand on a book, but that isn't how they are sworn in.

And for the record there is no requirement to swear on the bible...however it has become a symbol since George Washington took the oath and swore on the bible...

Whereas Teddy Roosevelt took the oath of office in 1901 and did not swear on the if the congressman wants to not swear on the bible...okay...but should not substitute the Quran...IMHO!
nothing in our laws requires the use of a bible. if someone wants to swear or affirm on a copy of the Saturday Evening Post, there is nothing in law that would preclude that.

to suggest that anyone who refuses to use a bible or would request the use of some other sacred text appropriate to their religion should move from this country to some other country where their religion is in the minority is an attitude I find totally repugnant.
nothing in our laws requires the use of a bible. if someone wants to swear or affirm on a copy of the Saturday Evening Post, there is nothing in law that would preclude that.

to suggest that anyone who refuses to use a bible or would request the use of some other sacred text appropriate to their religion should move from this country to some other country where their religion is in the minority is an attitude I find totally repugnant.

I agree. Personally I like Mad Magazine, but what the hey?
That's the Presidency, since only one person is taking the Oath they choose how they will take it. With Congressmen, they gather them all together have them raise their right hands and then take the Oath of office as a group. Afterwards many will have posed pictures taken with their hand on a book they choose, but it is really just a posed picture. The Oath for Congressmen is taken with no books on which to place your hand.
You already said this...

That's the Presidency, since only one person is taking the Oath they choose how they will take it. With Congressmen, they gather them all together have them raise their right hands and then take the Oath of office as a group. Afterwards many will have posed pictures taken with their hand on a book they choose, but it is really just a posed picture. The Oath for Congressmen is taken with no books on which to place your hand.

and I did not argue the point...I agreed...!:pke:
ah, but you did suggest that if the congressman wanted to use the Quran, he should move to the middle east..... a bigotted and repugnant philosophy here in the land of the free and the home of the brave.
Yes I did...

ah, but you did suggest that if the congressman wanted to use the Quran, he should move to the middle east..... a bigotted and repugnant philosophy here in the land of the free and the home of the brave.

If that makes me anti-Islamofacist and biggoted so be it!
Pretty much...

so every muslim in America is now an islamofascist in your eyes?

how quaint.

I surely haven't seen many speaking up and condemming the actions of the radicals...they are sitting on the fence waiting for the winner...I want it to be about you?
I personally would never judge an elected official's capability to do his job and uphold the constitution based upon his religion and I find those that would, repugnant, as I have said.

i have known a great many muslims in my life.... and a majority of them, both here and abroad, I am proud to have known and to call my friends and I do not doubt for a moment, regarding those in America, their patriotism or love of America. I do doubt those emotions in those who would cast aside our constitution in favor of some christians-preferred theocracy.