"conservatives" Worst Nightmare!!!

Gee, I thought you would follow a little closer in Christ's footsteps..

Since you declared yourself a prophet did it ever occur to you to fuckin act like one on occasion??:palm:

Don't worry. I answered the question for you.
Gee, I thought you would follow a little closer in Christ's footsteps..

Since you declared yourself a prophet did it ever occur to you to fuckin act like one on occasion??:palm:

apparently you haven't done much reading in the last few books of the OT.....that's okay, most folks get bored by that part and skip to Matthew......
apparently you haven't done much reading in the last few books of the OT.....that's okay, most folks get bored by that part and skip to Matthew......

& some get bored in the old testament & never quite make it to the new testament.......

So you are an old testament prophet now.........lmao!!