Bullshit Blob revels in the public display of his ignorance, perversion, and worthlessness.
If only he were unique.
America has at least 63,000,000 people whose absence would improve the planet immensely.
If somebody comes up with a plan for that, that's my candidate.

You should set an example and go first.

Film and televise it, so you can show your dedication. :good4u:
The electoral college would be a long process. Changing the constitution requires 2/3rd in house and senate and ratification by 3/4rs of the states. The Dem house certainly does not have that power.
The house also does not have the power to add Supremes.

But the current Senate does.

The Office of Attorney General must be removed from the Cabinet, where it distinctly does not belong, and be made a national elective office.

Just about every state attorney general is a constitutional office directly elected by the voters of the state.

The AG is supposed to be America's Lawyer, not the Executive Branch's lawyer.

It should never have been a presidential appointment confirmed by the senate in the first place.

It, like the presidency, should be an elective office without term limits so if we ever get a good one, we can keep him or her.

If we get a dud like Barr, we can shitcan him/her at the polls.

I don't believe in elected judges at any level, but AGs should definitely be elected.

You had no problem with Eric Holder or Loretta Lynch being Obama's Executive branch lawyer, boy. They were black, therefore,you gave them a pass.

If you feel as strongly as your whining seems to indicate, perhaps you should get started in the push for that instead of crying like a little bitch on a forum. Get steppin' boy.
Evmetro is right that when the Dems take the House, Senate, and WH next year they will remove the cloture rule in the Senate, then the Senate will nominate six new judges to SCOTUS. The alt right agenda will be undone by the end of the President's term.

so instead of Hope and Change, your motto is Change Because We Have No Hope..........
The Office of Attorney General must be removed from the Cabinet, where it distinctly does not belong, and be made a national elective office.

Just about every state attorney general is a constitutional office directly elected by the voters of the state.

The AG is supposed to be America's Lawyer, not the Executive Branch's lawyer.

It should never have been a presidential appointment confirmed by the senate in the first place.

It, like the presidency, should be an elective office without term limits so if we ever get a good one, we can keep him or her.

If we get a dud like Barr, we can shitcan him/her at the polls.

I don't believe in elected judges at any level, but AGs should definitely be elected.
fuck off, democrat. Nobody cares what you're peddling.
Hello NiftyNiblick,

It is our diversity which makes us great.

Racial, religious, cultural, ethnic, and similar forms of diversity are celebrated by many of us. Not all.
Ideological diversity is killing all of us, however.

No matter which party has more control of the government, roughly half the nation is sufficiently enraged to be on the precipice of violence.
Huge factions of our population have totally irreconcilable core values. Indeed, we find one another's values to be repugnant.

These factions are sincere in their views. To oversimplify just a little bit, Coastal values and Middle American values cannot both happily live under the same government.

All this "bring us together" bullshit is Pollyanna talk.
We hate each other.
We don't want to come together.
We each want our own way, that way being totally incompatible with the other way.

I see President Pigfucker's face and my fist instinctively balls. The same thing goes for every member iof the Republican leadership, and for every Trump supporter that I know. This is not the normal "loyal opposition" response.
This is incompatibility, pure and simple.

I know that your heart is in the right place, Talker.
Make your observations with your brain, not your heart.

You want something that will never happen.
Even if it did, do you think that half the population always despising the government, no matter which major faction is in power, is a good thing?
It isn't.
It sucks.
It keeps our government dysfunctional.
Somebody has to win a decisive victory, and the loser has to go away.

That being the case, I hope for my side to win by any means possible.
You should, too.
There is no wondering why you had no problem with it, nl. Pucker up, coon.

Your internet courage is remarkable, banjofuck.

I may be seventy-two years old, but I'm also a former professional boxer in good health.

You would still shit your pants before opening your mouth in my presence....boy.
That's what punk crackers like you do.

For that reason, you should get on your knees and thank Al Gore for inventing the Internet.
Give him a blowjob while you're down there.
The man gave you a voice that you don't deserve....boy.