Cool JPP feature

Does not work too well in Netscape.
Just closes the window.

I have a dual-core Mac G5 with Intel processors. I installed Windows for Mac, and Virtue Desktops, so now, my F16 key toggles my desktop from Mac to PC (windows) and I can do it all! Best of BOTH worlds! :)
Back in my Mac days we tried Windoze for Mac and it was slow as molasses.
I have a dual-core Mac G5 with Intel processors. I installed Windows for Mac, and Virtue Desktops, so now, my F16 key toggles my desktop from Mac to PC (windows) and I can do it all! Best of BOTH worlds! :)

wow man that is sick, i am supremely jealous. I have windows via bootcamp, and i have vmware fushion but with my measly 1 gig of ram it's not ideal to run my operating systems in tandam. I don't use windows unless im playing poker sometimes but even then that's only sometimes.
Back in my Mac days we tried Windoze for Mac and it was slow as molasses.

Windows doesn't do so hot on an Apple IIE.

If you want to experience a mac as it should be experiences, be more like the other Southern Man on the board, Dix.
Back in my Mac days we tried Windoze for Mac and it was slow as molasses.

That statement doesn't even make sense. Back in your "day", Mac used an entirely different processor architecture. It was literally impossible to make Windoze run on it.

If you got it to run SLOW, well, that's fucking amazing my friend. That's an incredible feat of engineering.
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wow man that is sick, i am supremely jealous. I have windows via bootcamp, and i have vmware fushion but with my measly 1 gig of ram it's not ideal to run my operating systems in tandam. I don't use windows unless im playing poker sometimes but even then that's only sometimes.

Newspapers began using PC's way back before Windows, and when MS Word came out, they all upgraded to Windows systems, but then... evolution of computer pagination came along, and Macs are better suited for graphics. So you have newspapers with a mix of PC's and Macs, reporters and editors still using the PC, while the graphic artists and pagination use the Macs. My problem is, I have to deal with both Mac and PC files. I also have to work in the news pagination program, and access the FTP and servers, which are all PC based. Prior to this solution (which I love) I had two computers, and the only problem was transferring files cross-platform. Now, it is as easy as pressing the F16 key and 'flipping' over to the other desktop.

As for speed, I can relate to what SM is saying, back when they first introduced Windows for Mac it was total crap, nothing worked, it was slow and clunky, and just not worth the effort. You are basically running Windows as a program on the Mac. With the G5 dual core Intel's, speed is no problem. When I do encounter a 'crash' now, it is usually when I am working on the Mac side, the Windows program runs flawlessly.

It's always been funny to me how people "take sides" when it comes to systems... I've seen downright fighting break out over which was better, Mac or PC... I don't really have a preference either way, both have their strong points and serve a purpose. If I just won a contest for a computer of my choice, I would probably go with a Mac, just because they are more expensive and maybe a little less problematic, but I have nothing against PC's.
Dixie... you have a Power Mac G5 with Intel processors?

Are you sure you don't want to revise that statement?

The G5 in Powermac G5 refers to the PowermacG5 CPU. You can't have a PowermacG5 CPU and an Intel CPU at the same time. I will give you the benefit of a doubt. Maybe you're emulating? Maybe you mispoke? Maybe you have the newest form of the Powermac, the Mac Pro? Or maybe, as usual, as with your psychology degree and your million dollar fortune that you're going to move due to Obama's election, you're just making shit up?
With the G5 dual core Intel's, speed is no problem. When I do encounter a 'crash' now, it is usually when I am working on the Mac side, the Windows program runs flawlessly.

Again, the G5 is a type of processor that the Mac abandoned for Intel Core 2 Duo's. You cannot have an Intel Dual Core G5.
Again, the G5 is a type of processor that the Mac abandoned for Intel Core 2 Duo's. You cannot have an Intel Dual Core G5.

8-core: Two 2.93GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon 5500 series processors.
They are in a G5 case, and I think they were upgraded from G5 processors. We call them G5's at work, sorry if I somehow upset your sense of order in the world by using the inappropriate terminology regarding my computer's hierarchy.

Actually I do recall the IT guy calling them "Intel Macs" when he did our upgrades. And YES, I do think Apple lists them as the "Mac Pro" now. Okay, now breathe deeply and allow your anus to become unretentive!
Do you treat your psychiatric patients while you're working there?

Nope, I don't have patients, I am not a doctor. I think I've said that before.

And also distribute your fortune to the poor?

Nope, Nancy, Harry, and Barry are getting enough of my fortune now, no more "help" from me. Most of my 'fortune' is invested in overseas interests and gold. And even though I have cut back considerably on my charitable contributions, I would just about bet you I still contribute more than you do, or probably ever have. But then, you 'contribute' by voting for socialists who promise to do that for ya, right?

All while hanging out with your best bud, Zell?

Haven't seen Zell since last February, when a group of us went hunting together on his birthday. He gets around pretty well for 77, I couldn't hardly keep up with him. I wouldn't say we are "best buds" but he does call me by my first name. Out of respect, I address him as "Mr. Miller" but he fusses every time I do, and says I don't have to be so 'formal.' We've known each other since 1989, when he was Lt. Gov. of Georgia.

Now... Let me just interject a thought on this, since we are on the topic. I routinely get this thrown in my face, as if I have told some kind of whopper that you don't believe. But let me ask you, from a purely logical standpoint (and I know you have difficulty with logic), why in the hell would I lie about something like that? To impress you pinheads, that I am friends with Zell? LMAO... like the fuck it matters to you? Yeah---I'm gonna make up a story about being friends with Zell Miller, then all the pinheads will respect me! LMMFAOOOoooooooo! That's just toooooo much! I don't give a shit what you believe, I can't "prove" that what I've said is true, and it's going to have to be entirely up to you, whether you believe it or not.