Cool JPP feature

Watermark thinks that politicians are like gods. Untouchable, superhuman machines that are far superior to the common prole and who do not have the desire or the stench to befriend a filthy working individual. Well, they still hunt, fish, and associate with "regular" folks.

I have the opposite view of politicians. Those corkholes should brag to their cohorts when they hang out with a real human. Subhuman filth they are.
Watermark thinks that politicians are like gods. Untouchable, superhuman machines that are far superior to the common prole and who do not have the desire or the stench to befriend a filthy working individual. Well, they still hunt, fish, and associate with "regular" folks.

I have the opposite view of politicians. Those corkholes should brag to their cohorts when they hang out with a real human. Subhuman filth they are.

Well, I have had the pleasure to know several politicians, and Zell is top drawer. He is just as he comes across, very plain-spoken and pragmatic. He's just a generally decent guy, who doesn't comprehend dishonesty. If he tells you a chicken dips snuff, you better check under its wing for the can. When he gives you his word on something, you can bet he will honor it. That's just the way he is, and I don't think they build 'em that way anymore.

In contrast, Newt Gingrich (as much as I like his politics) is a complete self-absorbed asshole. He is indeed like most politicians, always calculating what's in his best political interest, and acting accordingly. Trent Lott is the same way, he acts like he doesn't have time to be cordial and friendly, he has more important people to talk to. I agree with your viewpoint on most politicians, they are indeed scum. Other than Zell, about the only one I've personally met who is worth a shit, is Bob Barr. He's right up there with Zell, but he tends to take himself too seriously sometimes. Jeff Sessions seems to be a pretty good guy too, but I only talked with him once.
Watermark thinks that politicians are like gods. Untouchable, superhuman machines that are far superior to the common prole and who do not have the desire or the stench to befriend a filthy working individual. Well, they still hunt, fish, and associate with "regular" folks.

I have the opposite view of politicians. Those corkholes should brag to their cohorts when they hang out with a real human. Subhuman filth they are.

Proles. I like the way you're speaking.

I think Zell Miller is a piece of trash who would be better off dead, personally. I can't wait tell he dies. I'll celebrate the day, then I'll come and piss on his grave. I just think that some of Dixie's claims are rather... fantastic.
Well, I have had the pleasure to know several politicians, and Zell is top drawer. He is just as he comes across, very plain-spoken and pragmatic. He's just a generally decent guy, who doesn't comprehend dishonesty. If he tells you a chicken dips snuff, you better check under its wing for the can. When he gives you his word on something, you can bet he will honor it. That's just the way he is, and I don't think they build 'em that way anymore.

In contrast, Newt Gingrich (as much as I like his politics) is a complete self-absorbed asshole. He is indeed like most politicians, always calculating what's in his best political interest, and acting accordingly. Trent Lott is the same way, he acts like he doesn't have time to be cordial and friendly, he has more important people to talk to. I agree with your viewpoint on most politicians, they are indeed scum. Other than Zell, about the only one I've personally met who is worth a shit, is Bob Barr. He's right up there with Zell, but he tends to take himself too seriously sometimes. Jeff Sessions seems to be a pretty good guy too, but I only talked with him once.

An honest politician is the anomaly. Granted there are still a few of them out there, but it generally happens that their ambition completely circumvents their will to do right by their constituents. The asylum is being run by the insane, and the American public is too stupid, complacent, fat and happy to do a damned thing about it.
An honest politician is the anomaly. Granted there are still a few of them out there, but it generally happens that their ambition completely circumvents their will to do right by their constituents. The asylum is being run by the insane, and the American public is too stupid, complacent, fat and happy to do a damned thing about it.

Except when it comes to betraying his party and country by supporting an illegitimate dictator for control over the US.

He didn't betray his party, his party betrayed him... he wrote a book about that, actually.

"illegitimate dictator?" Who's that, GWB? Sorry, but we have an electoral process, and it was followed. Your guy lost, and GWB won, get over it.

Talk about being a Drama Queen!
An honest politician is the anomaly. Granted there are still a few of them out there, but it generally happens that their ambition completely circumvents their will to do right by their constituents. The asylum is being run by the insane, and the American public is too stupid, complacent, fat and happy to do a damned thing about it.

For the record, Zell agrees with you, which is exactly why he is no longer in politics. It's amazing to me how the liberal left now sees him as some kind of abomination, as if they have completely forgotten, he was the keynote speaker for Bill Clinton, and coined the phrase "feel your pain" which resonated with blue-collar America and was largely responsible for Clinton's election to the White House.

He is not a big fan of the Bush's, he was very critical of GHWB when he was campaigning for Clinton, and he constantly trashed Dan Quayle. After Clinton, the Democrats took a sharp left turn, and that's when they lost Zell, I think. He is truly a conservative Democrat, and is sympathetic to many of the caused supported by the Democrats over the years.
back to the mac thing real quick, a lot of people have gotten into the habit of calling them g5's when they are mac pros. It's just one of those things.
I looked at the Mac Pro after I said that, and it actually does have the same case as the G5. I guess people just call it "G5" because of how heavily the Powermac G5 was advertised, so the computer in that case became assocaited with it even when they weren't using the PowerPC G5 processor anymore.
I looked at the Mac Pro after I said that, and it actually does have the same case as the G5. I guess people just call it "G5" because of how heavily the Powermac G5 was advertised, so the computer in that case became assocaited with it even when they weren't using the PowerPC G5 processor anymore.
