A lot of people seem to get way too hung up on the latest news, the latest headlines.
We live in this unsustainable throw-away world of disposable products, and it seems like the news is becoming a disposable product. The latest headlines are attention-grabbing and we want to know the latest, want to talk about what it means (and here, apparently, we want to talk about one another more than the actual political subject,) but what about the bigger picture?
Each day's headlines contribute to a much bigger picture. Really, the long standing trends and changes are more important.
How does this obsession with the latest news hurt us?
Well, look at the Coronavirus.
Most people were great at social distancing at first, right after the national emergency was declared. But as the headlines got stale, people wanted to be done with that, wanted to move on.
The only problem is the pandemic has not gone away.
If we drop our guard, stop practicing social distancing measures, that allows the virus to have a resurgence.
That is apparently what happened in 1918, and it looks like it is about to happen all over again.
People, we need to think beyond the last thing that was said.
We have to see the bigger picture.