Coronavirus: Are You In It For The Long Run?

A lot of people seem to get way too hung up on the latest news, the latest headlines.

We live in this unsustainable throw-away world of disposable products, and it seems like the news is becoming a disposable product. The latest headlines are attention-grabbing and we want to know the latest, want to talk about what it means (and here, apparently, we want to talk about one another more than the actual political subject,) but what about the bigger picture?

Each day's headlines contribute to a much bigger picture. Really, the long standing trends and changes are more important.

How does this obsession with the latest news hurt us?

Well, look at the Coronavirus.

Most people were great at social distancing at first, right after the national emergency was declared. But as the headlines got stale, people wanted to be done with that, wanted to move on.

The only problem is the pandemic has not gone away.

If we drop our guard, stop practicing social distancing measures, that allows the virus to have a resurgence.

That is apparently what happened in 1918, and it looks like it is about to happen all over again.

People, we need to think beyond the last thing that was said.

We have to see the bigger picture.

What "pandemic"?
One of the things that was so shocking about the Coronavirus when it was new,
The coronavirus is not new.

was the realization that everyday life had to change, and it had to change for a long time.
It hasn't changed. I still live my life the same as I did before.

We learned that we have to get a vaccine, or herd immunity, before we can go back to life as we knew it.
Not needed. Learn what an immune system is and how it works.

If we try to blow this off and rush things?
Blow WHAT off?

We could have a second wave, a third wave, multiple waves.
I like waves.

Everybody heard this, but it seems a lot of people have not done a good job of making a commitment to fight this thing till the end.
A virus is not a war.

And we have very poor leadership. That is hurting us a lot. DT is acting like it's all over, and so are his sycophants.
There was never even a situation, let alone a pandemic.

Just because the headlines get replaced every day doesn't mean the old ones become meaningless.
There was never even a situation, let alone a pandemic.
We are all part of the army needed to fight Coronavirus.
A virus is not a war.

We need good leadership because we are not trained to do this. We never signed up for this.
We have immune systems, dude. We are already "locked and loaded" ;)

If we don't have good leadership we are not going to remain committed.
... to what?

Losing 100 thousand Americans is losing the war.
A virus is not a war.
Those numbers are a lie.

If only we had good leadership.

DT is a failure.
DT is getting my vote (IN PERSON) once again in November.
Hello Nordberg,

Best wishes for continued health for you both.

And you'll have your best chance at it if I have anything to do with it. I am determined to stick to the guidelines even if I am the only one in a particular setting. I know that by doing the patriotic thing I am not only protecting myself but others. I would hate to think that I got lax and it led to someone else dying. I would not want to live with that. I've got to do my best. I owe it to my fellow citizens.

Virtue signaling.
Hello Jack,

Same here.

And I do miss doing stuff, seeing people!

But it's not like I am giving in. We gotta beat this bug. I wanna do my part. It's the patriotic thing to do.

We are all soldiers in the Corona War.
Virtue signaling.

A virus is not a war.

There is nothing "patriotic" about going bahhhhhhhhck to the plantation...
A lot of people seem to get way too hung up on the latest news, the latest headlines.

We live in this unsustainable throw-away world of disposable products, and it seems like the news is becoming a disposable product. The latest headlines are attention-grabbing and we want to know the latest, want to talk about what it means (and here, apparently, we want to talk about one another more than the actual political subject,) but what about the bigger picture?

Each day's headlines contribute to a much bigger picture. Really, the long standing trends and changes are more important.

How does this obsession with the latest news hurt us?

Well, look at the Coronavirus.

Most people were great at social distancing at first, right after the national emergency was declared. But as the headlines got stale, people wanted to be done with that, wanted to move on.

The only problem is the pandemic has not gone away.

If we drop our guard, stop practicing social distancing measures, that allows the virus to have a resurgence.

That is apparently what happened in 1918, and it looks like it is about to happen all over again.

People, we need to think beyond the last thing that was said.

We have to see the bigger picture.

Before you can ever get a deadly pandemic under control, you first have to get humans under control. [Geeko Sportivo]

The pandemic is not a political play toy. [Geeko Sportivo]
Maybe you addressed this later ITT but I think it goes without saying there is zero social distancing going on in these protests. You have thousands of people marching side by side on the streets and this is in cities where shelter-in-place orders are in effect. They won't let you go to work but you can walk next to hundreds of others on the street. Not sure how this is helping us get past the virus.
Doesn't matter to leftist nutjobs... You are talking about people who called in the national guard to keep law-abiding citizens cooped up in their homes, yet refuse to call them to restore order when criminals are rioting/looting/killing/damaging businesses.
Hello cawacko,

I agree.

A well-organized protest would stipulate masks and 6' + spacing. And would also say when, what and for how long, and how important it is to go right home after. That way it makes it hard for outsiders to turn it into something else.

But then, realistically, we are dealing with an emotionally charged social movement in reaction to a shocking murder. Being emotional does not lead to logical thinking and planning.
Masks don't stop a virus, and neither does six feet.
You need over 84 percent of the people to get it. That is a way off. It is almost like a measles party mentality. Except this one can kill you and it has lingering effects for many, like permanent lung damage. Kids get Kawasaki disease. this is nothing to play with. A lot of body bags will be filled before we reach herd.
Fear mongering.
A lot of people seem to get way too hung up on the latest news, the latest headlines.

We live in this unsustainable throw-away world of disposable products, and it seems like the news is becoming a disposable product. The latest headlines are attention-grabbing and we want to know the latest, want to talk about what it means (and here, apparently, we want to talk about one another more than the actual political subject,) but what about the bigger picture?

Each day's headlines contribute to a much bigger picture. Really, the long standing trends and changes are more important.

How does this obsession with the latest news hurt us?

Well, look at the Coronavirus.

Most people were great at social distancing at first, right after the national emergency was declared. But as the headlines got stale, people wanted to be done with that, wanted to move on.

The only problem is the pandemic has not gone away.

If we drop our guard, stop practicing social distancing measures, that allows the virus to have a resurgence.

That is apparently what happened in 1918, and it looks like it is about to happen all over again.

People, we need to think beyond the last thing that was said.

We have to see the bigger picture.

I was hopeful earlier on but our country was never set up to fall back like that. We needed to keep the water wheel going and many Americans are too stuck in so-called rights or are just plain spoiled and needy. They opened up my area for the holiday in Michigan while most others stayed locked down. My favorite restaurant nearby already posted on Facebook that they had a patron that came through test positive.
My friend, a Doctor of Internal medicine in Brooklyn would disagree with you.
My friend, doctors that have since been "Wojcickied" down the "memory hole" would disagree with you.

In fact, I was attempting to respond to comments on YouTube this morning (about the recent "police shootings"... no cuss words or anything... just attempting to present statistics about such incidents that the media purposely ignores) and YT's algorithm kept immediately removing my comments.
My friend, doctors that have since been "Wojcickied" down the "memory hole" would disagree with you.

In fact, I was attempting to respond to comments on YouTube this morning (about the recent "police shootings"... no cuss words or anything... just attempting to present statistics about such incidents that the media purposely ignores) and YT's algorithm kept immediately removing my comments.
Lol, those Drs needed to make a trip to NYC or New Jersey.
The coronavirus is not new.

It hasn't changed. I still live my life the same as I did before.

Not needed. Learn what an immune system is and how it works.

Blow WHAT off?

I like waves.

A virus is not a war.

There was never even a situation, let alone a pandemic.

There was never even a situation, let alone a pandemic.

I suggest you read up on what a pandemic is. You say you live like you always have. I take that to mean you go out around others don't keep social distance, don't wear a mask. You most likey are one of the 20% to 50% of carriers that are asymptomatic, who knows how many you have infected and killed. Hope you sleep well knowing you are possibly killing people.
Hello Geeko Sportivo,

Before you can ever get a deadly pandemic under control, you first have to get humans under control. [Geeko Sportivo]

The pandemic is not a political play toy. [Geeko Sportivo]

That is a huge problem when instead of a leader we have a big selfish narcissist.
Hello Crocodile,

I was hopeful earlier on but our country was never set up to fall back like that. We needed to keep the water wheel going and many Americans are too stuck in so-called rights or are just plain spoiled and needy. They opened up my area for the holiday in Michigan while most others stayed locked down. My favorite restaurant nearby already posted on Facebook that they had a patron that came through test positive.

How foolish. Yes, I am seeing the precautions being tossed out like yesterday's headlines, as I am watching for the first peak in the Peak Watch Thread.

I had thought the thread would run it's course, we would find the peak, and that then I could let that thread go. But now I realize I will have to keep it going even after the first peak because there may be more than one.
I suggest you read up on what a pandemic is.
This is not a pandemic.

You say you live like you always have. I take that to mean you go out around others don't keep social distance, don't wear a mask.
Correct. I don't do any of that nonsense.

You most likey are one of the 20% to 50% of carriers that are asymptomatic,
That's quite possible.

who knows how many you have infected and killed.
Of what? The rice-a-rona? The common flu? The common cold? Ebola? Viruses/bacteria (and their spread) are a part of life, dude. It is not equivalent to "murder". My going to the grocery store is not "biological warfare".

Hope you sleep well knowing you are possibly killing people.
Viruses/bacteria (and their spread) are a part of life, dude. It is not equivalent to "murder". My going to the grocery store is not "biological warfare".

Get a grip.