Post #67 was the last rational, relevant exchange on this thread. Flame wars between folks on the ignore list have nothing to do with the OP. Also, even if you agree with the OP, if you are on my ignore list, you should be getting a notice that I can't see your posts (unless you are exchanging with a non-listed person). Exchanges with other people on the list will seem like a lot of This message is hidden because >fill in the blank< is on your ignore list. filling up a page. That's all.
There are those who want to learn, and there are those who dont.
Learning is always a good idea.
Sez the woke fuck.
Retract!?! You ludicrous booby, .@Mega_City_One . Who on earth put *you* in charge of deciding what opinions people could hold? I was not wrong. You just don't like what I said because it makes you feel less perfect. If you had the power, you'd silence me., But , for now, you don't. So go away.
Hear Hear.
Are you drunk? Stop being drunk.
Casual Cruelty is what Jordan Peterson calls it...and it is monstrous....these are some of the worst humans who have ever lived.