Covid Jab Follies: The more you know.


There is NOTHING to brag about that you got so fucking sick to be hospitalized because you DIDN’T get vaccinated. That’s a statement of pure stupidity.

I WAS vaccinated. Stayed OUT of the hospital. Lost NO weight. Had NO side effects. And was running up to 16 miles as a 69 year old because my heart and lungs are in such great shape.

You took the route of stupid. It cost you money and it cost you your health.
The bottom line, you ignoramus, is that I didn't get ventilated and only markedly improved AFTER taking ivermectin with various vitamins & supplements. No "brag", just fact. (stolen from old TV show, "The Guns of Will Sonnet").

Hey chuckles, want to know how many folk got jabbed (or multiple jabbed) and STILL ended up in the hospital? Can you do the honest research on your own, or do you need help?

And PUH-LEEZE spare us the fantastic tales about your personal life. Given your demonstrated mental deficiency and intellectual dishonesty in debating on the FACTS and such, it's amazing that you think anyone would believe this latest BS of yours.
Reds are winning if your goal is the return of polio, measles, other childhood diseases, and out-of-control epidemics. Trumpys have a right to be as stupid as they want. Sadly, the nation suffers too,
Sadly, you have the MAGA yahoos latching onto a reality and warping it to their own needs. Like it or not, the REAL point of contention is that (1) wrong tool used for diagnosis (2) Flawed methods of recording causation of deaths (3) repeated revisionism of cases of illness and deaths of those vaccinated who previously did NOT have covid. (4) repeated revisionism and denial of noted detrimental side effects of covid vaccines that would NOT have passed FDA standards were it not for "emergency" status.

So your first sentence is just stupid parroted of an extreme that is NOT being advocated by reputable medical scientist and doctors who are not on the covid jab band wagon.
Sadly, you have the MAGA yahoos latching onto a reality and warping it to their own needs. Like it or not, the REAL point of contention is that (1) wrong tool used for diagnosis (2) Flawed methods of recording causation of deaths (3) repeated revisionism of cases of illness and deaths of those vaccinated who previously did NOT have covid. (4) repeated revisionism and denial of noted detrimental side effects of covid vaccines that would NOT have passed FDA standards were it not for "emergency" status.

So your first sentence is just stupid parroted of an extreme that is NOT being advocated by reputable medical scientist and doctors who are not on the covid jab band wagon.
In fact, the anti-vaxxer campaign got boosted by the twisting of medical information like you are doing. The normal death rates in America are known numbers. During Covid, there were millions more deaths. The morgues in some places rented refrigerated trucks to pile bodies in, That is not normal.
The right ,through Infowars and other right wing sites, believed absurd lies. You rightys believed Jones over the most reputable scientists in the world. You still do at the risk of your lives.
Sadly ,you are being duped. Some of your children will pay.
In fact, the anti-vaxxer campaign got boosted by the twisting of medical information like you are doing. The normal death rates in America are known numbers. During Covid, there were millions more deaths. The morgues in some places rented refrigerated trucks to pile bodies in, That is not normal.
The right ,through Infowars and other right wing sites, believed absurd lies. You rightys believed Jones over the most reputable scientists in the world. You still do at the risk of your lives.
Sadly ,you are being duped. Some of your children will pay.
Right off the bat, you parrot the SOP for Big Pharma. Reporting or pointing to valid documented information that is contrary to the status quo is NOT "twisting". Your second and third sentence is a moot point of which I was NOT referring to. Yes, the bad responses to Covid caught the standard medical system flat footed, thus over-whelming it. BUT, you cannot deny the following; 1. Fauci has no credibility, as he has championed using PCR to diagnose the Covid virus, of which it's inventor -- the late Dr. Kary Mullis who won a Nobel Prize for it --had stated since the 1980's that PCR IS NOT A DIAGNOSTIC TOOL, NOR CAN IT BE ADAPTED TO BE SUCH. He had called out Fauci to debate the issue before a peer reviewed audience or forum when it was being used in the HIV=AIDS situation. Fauci NEVER answered the challenge. 2. This should clarify what I pointing to: 3. All my years on this site pretty much proves that I am anything but a "righty", much less give credence to such idiocy as Infowars. You're just doing the SOS by people sacred into grasping the first thing an official entity tells them is okay. Fortunately, I am not like you and use the God given critical thinking/analysis skills to examine ALL information available.

You can have vaccines, just do them right .... like not have an increased load on young systems or use ingredients that are detrimental to the human body. Those parents across the country didn't make up their tragic autism stories, and the pharma companies had to cop using toxic mercury solutions in some of their vaccines. That you readily buy into the absurd excuses an justifications by the powers that be is so much more to pity you.
Reds are winning if your goal is the return of polio, measles, other childhood diseases, and out-of-control epidemics. Trumpys have a right to be as stupid as they want. Sadly, the nation suffers too,
This is because of the millions of illegals who have entered without proper medical exams and spread throughout the Nation. Democrats are liars, disnformationist and propagandists.
This is because of the millions of illegals who have entered without proper medical exams and spread throughout the Nation. Democrats are liars, disnformationist and propagandists.
Wrong, again
