Covid Jab Follies: The more you know.

This is because of the millions of illegals who have entered without proper medical exams and spread throughout the Nation. Democrats are liars, disnformationist and propagandists.
That’s a lie, you’re the one spreading disinformation
So far, so good. Remember, it's a not 100% ratio. But when one honestly looks at the evidence, it's a ratio that slowly increases each year. OTC drugs are pulled off the counter or less. Just saying.
3.5 billion doses have been administered. 3.5 billion. I’m sorry, this is a very successful vaccine. Your data just doesn’t stand up.

3.5 billuon
Been debunked. The blank pages were internal memos, not studies.

The COVID/myocarditis relationship is well known and easily found. What is it?

That the risk of myocarditis is multiple times higher with COVID than with vaccine.
Agreed here. Note that political extremists are often conspiracy theorists. The only difference between Left and Right winged wackos are their targets.

There is risk with flu vaccine, but it's rare. Flu vaccine isn't a cure, but it mitigates the severity of an illness, especially in the elderly...which is most people on JPP. Flu vaccines have been around for years, but COVID is new so the dumbasses, the paranoid and the conspiracy theorist wackos fear it.

I've been severely sick and worked in a profession exposing me to a lot of exotic diseases. Both experiences have made me very open to accepting sound medical advice. COVID vaccines are not just a US thing, they are a global thing. Lots of doctors and scientists looking at the problem and seeking to solve it. I trust the collective judgement of the global medical community. The conspiracy theorist wackos mileage may vary.

How effective is the seasonal flu shot?

Influenza (flu) vaccine effectiveness (VE) can vary. The protection provided by a flu vaccine varies from season to season and depends in part on the age and health status of the person getting the vaccine and the similarity or “match” between the viruses in the vaccine and those in circulation. During years when the flu vaccine match is good, it is possible to measure substantial benefits from flu vaccination in terms of preventing flu illness and complications. However, the benefits of flu vaccination will still vary, depending on characteristics of the person being vaccinated (for example, their health and age), what flu viruses are circulating that season and, potentially, which type of flu vaccine was used... .
...There are many reasons to get an influenza (flu) vaccine each year.

Below is a summary of the benefits of flu vaccination and selected scientific studies that support these benefits.

  • Flu vaccination can keep you from getting sick with flu.
  • Flu vaccination has been shown in several studies to reduce severity of illness in people who get vaccinated but still get sick.
  • Flu vaccination can reduce the risk of flu-associated hospitalization.
  • Flu vaccination is an important preventive tool for people with certain chronic health conditions.
  • Flu vaccination during pregnancy helps protect pregnant people from flu during and after pregnancy and helps protect their infants from flu in their first few months of life.
  • Flu vaccine can be lifesaving in children.
  • Getting vaccinated yourself may also protect people around you, including those who are more vulnerable to serious flu illness, like babies and young children, older people, and people with certain chronic health conditions.
Despite the many benefits offered by flu vaccination, only about half of Americans get an annual flu vaccine. During an average flu season, flu can cause millions of illnesses, hundreds of thousands of hospitalizations and tens of thousands of deaths. Many more people could be protected from flu if more people got vaccinated.

*References for the studies listed above can be found at Publications on Influenza Vaccine Benefits.
Here's a little tidbit that's come up regarding the CDC information being released to the general public. It's really sad that you have to have podcasts from comedians and self described investigative journalist to get ALL THE FACTS regarding something as serious as Covid. It's a bit long, but the first 5 minutes are enlightening. Enjoy:

It's good to see a Left and Right Wing extremist team together on a subject. LOL
It's good to see a Left and Right Wing extremist team together on a subject. LOL
The CDC !!!???...... you are a panderer of disinformation and propaganda. I'd say; What a joke. But it isn't funny. It's sad.

CDC-Pharma Vaccine Interconnectivity​

Based on the provided search results, the interconnection between the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and pharmaceutical vaccine manufacturers can be summarized as follows:

  1. Financial Entanglements: The CDC receives a significant portion of its budget from private sources, including pharmaceutical companies and their foundations. This funding can influence the agency’s policies and decisions. (Source: “CDC & WHO Corrupt Financial Entanglements with the Vaccine Industry”)
  2. Licensing Agreements and Collaboration: The CDC collaborates with vaccine manufacturers on projects to develop new vaccines, and owns 56 vaccine patents. This close relationship allows pharmaceutical companies to gain leverage over regulatory decision-making. (Source: “Examining RFK Jr.'s Claim That the CDC “Owns Over 20 Vaccine Patents””)
  3. Conflict of Interest: CDC and FDA committee members have financial ties with vaccine pharmaceutical companies, which can compromise their objectivity in vaccine policy decisions. (Source: “CDC & FDA Committee Members Have Financial Conflict of Interest with Vaccine Pharmaceuticals”)
  4. Influence on Policy Making: Pharmaceutical companies, such as Merck & Co Inc, play a significant role in state vaccination policymaking, including direct-to-physician marketing, outreach to medical professional organizations, and financial support to interest groups. (Source: “Pharmaceutical Companies’ Role in State Vaccination Policymaking: The Case of Human Papillomavirus Vaccination”)
  5. CDMOs and Vaccine Manufacturing: The global vaccine market has undergone significant changes, with many vaccines in development outside of large pharmaceutical firms. This has led to increased reliance on contract development and manufacturing organizations (CDMOs) for vaccine production. Pharmaceutical companies, such as GlaxoSmithKline, Sanofi, Merck, and Pfizer, dominate the vaccine market due to their in-house manufacturing capabilities. (Source: “Market overview: CDMOs in the evolving global vaccine industry”)
In summary, the interconnection between the CDC and pharmaceutical vaccine manufacturers involves:

  • Financial entanglements and potential influence over policy decisions
  • Licensing agreements and collaborations on vaccine development
  • Conflicts of interest among CDC and FDA committee members
  • Pharmaceutical company influence on state vaccination policymaking
  • Dominance of large pharmaceutical companies in vaccine manufacturing, with increased reliance on CDMOs for production.
These connections highlight the complex relationships between government agencies, pharmaceutical companies, and vaccine manufacturing, which can impact vaccine policy, development, and distribution.

Source: Brave AI
You are obviously talking about yourself since the extreme conflicts of interest were stated in my previous post.
No, son. I'm talking to intelligent, educated and sane Americans in the room, not the fucking moronic losers who never take responsibility for themselves and are pimples on the ass of humanity.

Some needs to apply some acne medication on you.
Deflection will get you nowhere....... fast. Checkmate!
No worries, knuckle-dragger. Again, I'm not posting to you, MAGAts or other dimwitted criminals. I'm posting to those intelligent and sane enough to see the bigger picture.

Educating people like you is a waste of time. Better to just keep an eye on you and, when you break the law, convict you and lock you up like Sean Combs.
I’ve had all my shots and boosters. I’ve had no problems.
Same here. The people who have problems are either rarities or, more likely, don't understand how vaccines work. The conspiracy theorists on JPP exemplify the stupidity and/or ignorance of those who don't understand science. Often, they are science-deniers in the first place.

As I just posted to @Knuckles Neanderthal, educating such people is often a waste of time. Best to let them die off from their ignorance, bury them and don't look back.
No worries, knuckle-dragger. Again, I'm not posting to you, MAGAts or other dimwitted criminals. I'm posting to those intelligent and sane enough to see the bigger picture.

Educating people like you is a waste of time. Better to just keep an eye on you and, when you break the law, convict you and lock you up like Sean Combs.
You have authoritarian tendencies. Tyrant!
Same here. The people who have problems are either rarities or, more likely, don't understand how vaccines work. The conspiracy theorists on JPP exemplify the stupidity and/or ignorance of those who don't understand science. Often, they are science-deniers in the first place.

As I just posted to @Knuckles Neanderthal, educating such people is often a waste of time. Best to let them die off from their ignorance, bury them and don't look back.
How many medications do you take daily old man?
You have authoritarian tendencies. Tyrant!
Moronic knuckle-dragger thinks me letting him die of his own ignorance is "authoritarian".

Again, dumbass, this is why MAGAts are all losers: You expect me to give a shit about saving you from yourself instead of taking responsibility for your own life and actions.

You exemplify everything that is weak, stupid and self-destructive about people like you. Best to let you die out naturally so you won't drag down those who are strong and smart enough to be responsible for themselves.
Agreed here. Note that political extremists are often conspiracy theorists.
The Democrat party is a conspiracy, Sybil. It is no theory.
The only difference between Left and Right winged wackos are their targets.
There is risk with flu vaccine, but it's rare. Flu vaccine isn't a cure, but it mitigates the severity of an illness, especially in the elderly...which is most people on JPP. Flu vaccines have been around for years, but COVID is new so the dumbasses, the paranoid and the conspiracy theorist wackos fear it.
Mantra 1d. Lame. Paradox V.
I've been severely sick and worked in a profession exposing me to a lot of exotic diseases. Both experiences have made me very open to accepting sound medical advice.
Fear mongering isn't 'sound medical advice', Sybil.
COVID vaccines are not just a US thing, they are a global thing. Lots of doctors and scientists looking at the problem and seeking to solve it. I trust the collective judgement of the global medical community. The conspiracy theorist wackos mileage may vary.
Mantra 1d. Lame. Paradox V.

How effective is the seasonal flu shot?

Influenza (flu) vaccine effectiveness (VE) can vary. The protection provided by a flu vaccine varies from season to season and depends in part on the age and health status of the person getting the vaccine and the similarity or “match” between the viruses in the vaccine and those in circulation. During years when the flu vaccine match is good, it is possible to measure substantial benefits from flu vaccination in terms of preventing flu illness and complications. However, the benefits of flu vaccination will still vary, depending on characteristics of the person being vaccinated (for example, their health and age), what flu viruses are circulating that season and, potentially, which type of flu vaccine was used... .
...There are many reasons to get an influenza (flu) vaccine each year.

Below is a summary of the benefits of flu vaccination and selected scientific studies that support these benefits.

  • Flu vaccination can keep you from getting sick with flu.
  • Flu vaccination has been shown in several studies to reduce severity of illness in people who get vaccinated but still get sick.
  • Flu vaccination can reduce the risk of flu-associated hospitalization.
  • Flu vaccination is an important preventive tool for people with certain chronic health conditions.
  • Flu vaccination during pregnancy helps protect pregnant people from flu during and after pregnancy and helps protect their infants from flu in their first few months of life.
  • Flu vaccine can be lifesaving in children.
  • Getting vaccinated yourself may also protect people around you, including those who are more vulnerable to serious flu illness, like babies and young children, older people, and people with certain chronic health conditions.
Despite the many benefits offered by flu vaccination, only about half of Americans get an annual flu vaccine. During an average flu season, flu can cause millions of illnesses, hundreds of thousands of hospitalizations and tens of thousands of deaths. Many more people could be protected from flu if more people got vaccinated.

*References for the studies listed above can be found at Publications on Influenza Vaccine Benefits.
You can stop the advertising.