Covid Jab Follies: The more you know.

No worries, knuckle-dragger. Again, I'm not posting to you, MAGAts or other dimwitted criminals. I'm posting to those intelligent and sane enough to see the bigger picture.
Mantra 1a. Lame. Supporting Trump isn't a crime, Sybil.
Educating people like you is a waste of time. Better to just keep an eye on you and, when you break the law, convict you and lock you up like Sean Combs.
He is not breaking any law, Sybil. You are hallucinating again.
Same here. The people who have problems are either rarities or, more likely, don't understand how vaccines work. The conspiracy theorists on JPP exemplify the stupidity and/or ignorance of those who don't understand science. Often, they are science-deniers in the first place.
As I just posted to @Knuckles Neanderthal, educating such people is often a waste of time. Best to let them die off from their ignorance, bury them and don't look back.
At my age, there are no such thing as long term effects.
The inoculations have apparently helped me to never get covid, up to this point.
For me, the logical move is to get them with my flu shots.

When the covid strains were far more deadly than they are today,
which is normal in a pandemic,
not getting vaxxed was socially irresponsible, immoral, and un-patriotic.

Now that the virus is less deadly, although easier to catch, do what you want.
At my age, there are no such thing as long term effects.
The inoculations have apparently helped me to never get covid, up to this point.
For me, the logical move is to get them with my flu shots.

When the covid strains were far more deadly than they are today,
which is normal in a pandemic,
not getting vaxxed was socially irresponsible, immoral, and un-patriotic.

Now that the virus is less deadly, although easier to catch, do what you want.
Your first sentence is just plain absurd, because if you have received numerous shots WITHIN THE LAST 2 YEARS, and have been on this board for X amount of years, then you have a good possibility of developing the ailments that have become synonymous with Covid jabs.

What I find REALLY absurd is your line about not getting the Covid jabs is socially irresponsible, immoral, and un-patriotic. :LOL: Seriously, you should apply for a job in the marketing section of a Big Pharma company! Do you have any idea how many people DIE as a result of FDA approved Big Pharma drugs? C'mon man, get real!
For me, the logical move is to get them with my flu shots.
The one and only time I got a flu shot I ended up with the worst case of the flu I ever had.
I’ll get a bonafide vaccine as defined by pre-Covid terms but never a flu ‘shot’ much less a covid shot.

not getting vaxxed was socially irresponsible, immoral, and un-patriotic.
Why? It didn’t prevent getting or transmitting covid. Supposedly it only reduced symptoms. Although many others ended up with short and long term symptoms from the shot.
The one and only time I got a flu shot I ended up with the worst case of the flu I ever had.
I’ll get a bonafide vaccine as defined by pre-Covid terms but never a flu ‘shot’ much less a covid shot.

Why? It didn’t prevent getting or transmitting covid. Supposedly it only reduced symptoms. Although many others ended up with short and long term symptoms from the shot.
And those who took the jabs get COVID more often.....they dont do anything it was claimed they do....which brings about the question what is their purpose.
Your first sentence is just plain absurd, because if you have received numerous shots WITHIN THE LAST 2 YEARS, and have been on this board for X amount of years, then you have a good possibility of developing the ailments that have become synonymous with Covid jabs.

What I find REALLY absurd is your line about not getting the Covid jabs is socially irresponsible, immoral, and un-patriotic. :LOL:Seriously, you should apply for a job in the marketing section of a Big Pharma company! Do you have any idea how many people DIE as a result of FDA approved Big Pharma drugs? C'mon man, get real!
You don't know everything, Tacky.
At my age, there are no such thing as long term effects.
The inoculations have apparently helped me to never get covid, up to this point.
For me, the logical move is to get them with my flu shots.

When the covid strains were far more deadly than they are today,
which is normal in a pandemic,
not getting vaxxed was socially irresponsible, immoral, and un-patriotic.

Now that the virus is less deadly, although easier to catch, do what you want.
Commies love dem some government mandates.
