Covid Jab Follies: The more you know.

Yeah! Fauci and all medical professionals know nothing! Make sure you insist they don't wear masks next time you have a respiratory infection or go in for surgery. That will go over well.
Yeah! Fauci and all medical professionals know nothing! Make sure you insist they don't wear masks next time you have a respiratory infection or go in for surgery. That will go over well.
Yeah! Fauci and all medical professionals know nothing! Make sure you insist they don't wear masks next time you have a respiratory infection or go in for surgery. That will go over well.
Stop being silly? You can blame the nut jobs that run the current GOP for all the sheer BS regarding "masks" and such. Here's the thing: Fauci and company are a dubious lot. They lie to protect their Pharma profits, their personal salaries and status. Instead of saying, "wear a mask if you're coughing or sneezing to stop the spread" they enforce the masks mandates. Mind you, this was done in part because you have a society that says to a lot of people "no work, no pay", so people go to work with sniffles and such until they're too sick to show up. With a highly communicable disease, you can't afford that luxury. Hell, I caught Covid and was hospitalized for a month! Previously I wore a mask AND gloves when going out for groceries and such. So in effect, you had 2 extremes vying for dominance.

Tucker Carlson Says Doctors Should APOLOGIZE for Wrongly Recommending the COVID Vax

“If you hurt someone unintentionally, you have to say, ‘I’m sorry.’”

“By the way,” Carlson added, “I would never go to a doctor who was still lying about COVID because that’s a dangerous person. That’s an immoral person and a dangerous person.”

“I can’t get past it,” Carlson continued.

“It’s like, ‘Oh, I’m great at my job. I killed a bunch of people, but I’m a great person.’ It’s like, no, it’s too big a sin to overlook. You have no credibility unless you apologize for that and explain how you reached that wrong conclusion.”
They should be PROSECUTED and FINED ................. Some should go to prison for causing death and long term disability.
The FDA deleting a Tweet doesn't mean Ivermectin was effective against Covid. It wasn't.

Myocarditis was a known side-effect of the Covid vaccine, and covid itself, very early on. The CDC acknowledged it in the summer of 2021.

Nothing to see here. Put the tin foil away.
For your education from 3 years ago:

Review of the Emerging Evidence Demonstrating the Efficacy of Ivermectin in the Prophylaxis and Treatment of COVID-19​

I can personally vouch for this, as I was hospitalized for a month with Covid. Ivermectin sent to me by my brothers literally turned the tide.
Red States were purposely sent deadlier batches of the death jab.
Some of the batches were very deadly, some of the batches had no agent at all, and I have long seen reports that senior members of the Revolution were purposefully injected with saline rather than experimental gene therapy......but what you are saying I have not seen on my grapevine.
They should be PROSECUTED and FINED ................. Some should go to prison for causing death and long term disability.
The Revolution deploys massive quantities of both carrots and thugs tend to do.
For your education from 3 years ago:

Review of the Emerging Evidence Demonstrating the Efficacy of Ivermectin in the Prophylaxis and Treatment of COVID-19​

I can personally vouch for this, as I was hospitalized for a month with Covid. Ivermectin sent to me by my brothers literally turned the tide.
For every study that shows it is effective, there is a study that shows it isn't. That is still true today as far as I know. The FDA has still not approved ivermectin to treat COVID because the results are inconclusive. Especially early on, most of the studies, at least ones that were peer reviewed and shown to not be underpowered, showed that I ever met in was not effective.
For every study that shows it is effective, there is a study that shows it isn't. That is still true today as far as I know. The FDA has still not approved ivermectin to treat COVID because the results are inconclusive. Especially early on, most of the studies, at least ones that were peer reviewed and shown to not be underpowered, showed that I ever met in was not effective.
The studies were designed to show that it is not effective.....most of them were pure fraud.