Covid Jab Follies: The more you know.

First they decide what result they need to spin the regimes narratives, then they create the junk science needed to get there.

Sometimes they write pure fiction.
Here's a little tidbit that's come up regarding the CDC information being released to the general public. It's really sad that you have to have podcasts from comedians and self described investigative journalist to get ALL THE FACTS regarding something as serious as Covid. It's a bit long, but the first 5 minutes are enlightening. Enjoy:

:lolup: Dishonest dumbass thinks that podcasts, comedians and fake journalists is getting all the facts. WOW!! :laugh:
Its mostly Heather who goes in depth showing how particular so-called peer reviewed science is junk science. She will take a "study" and spend 15 minutes highlighting why it is junk.
For every study that shows it is effective, there is a study that shows it isn't. That is still true today as far as I know. The FDA has still not approved ivermectin to treat COVID because the results are inconclusive. Especially early on, most of the studies, at least ones that were peer reviewed and shown to not be underpowered, showed that I ever met in was not effective.
Sorry, but your first sentence doesn't cut it. It's not a matter of whom do you believe, as the ones you want to believe conclude that any contrary study is not real or flawed. Problem with that is the source material you don't like is at times the very same used to push the party line. The nagging little details are usually ignored by the MSM and Pharma/Fauci folks.

You make some high sounding but genuinely empty statements, because again, the source material I use is reputable and using valid scientific methods by "peer reviewed" researchers. Also, FDA non-approval is irrelevant, given that they threw the rule book out the window to "approve" all the initial Covid vaccines they are swearing are all for that nagging increase in long term negative after effects, and that suspicious increase in cardio-vascular & pulmonary deaths in relatively young and healthy folk a year or so after mandated vaccines in the sports and business professions. Also, the FDA has a history of approving drugs that have to be latter pulled of the market due to adverse or fatal effects on the public (Merck's "Vytorin" comes to mind).

Like it or not, ivermectin is an effective combatant to Covid. I'm living proof of that, and I have no reason to lie about it.
Some of the batches were very deadly, some of the batches had no agent at all, and I have long seen reports that senior members of the Revolution were purposefully injected with saline rather than experimental gene therapy......but what you are saying I have not seen on my grapevine.
I had so very many articles documenting various issues with regard to the vaccine and the Covid response .
However, the forum I was on consolidated and deep sixed whole forum categories. Covid was one of them.
I left that forum because of that as well as other issues. I was on that forum for 10 years.
To use search engines to find articles on issues that I posted about is not only time consuming but futile.
The power that be have SCRUBBED the internet of so many very good research pieces.