Covid19 question.

Except that THIS time the POTUS will actually listen to their recommendations, and issue the appropriate instructions to the people. He won't spend a half an hour daily up at the podium praising himself and quack remedies he heard about on Fox, and denigrating his own physicians and scientists. :rolleyes:

No science here. Move along...move along...
Do you honestly believe that? I'm serious, does your mind really reject every medical expert out there and come to some inane conclusion that they are all wrong? That is truly bizarre.

You don't get to speak for anyone else but yourself. You don't get to speak for every medical expert. They don't all agree either.

The idiot also doesn't recognize that he really doesn't have the authority to order that to begin with. Individual states and governors would.
Individual and States don't have that authority either. Governors are not kings. They MUST conform to the constitution of that State and they cannot override the legislature except by veto. No constitution in any State authorizes that government to require a particular piece of clothing or to establish a state religion (such as the Church of Covid), or to pick and choose which businesses are allowed to operate as 'essential' (see the 14th amendment of the US Constitution).
The only way the President could do it is like Carter did the 55 mph national speed limit. That is threatening to withhold federal funds until such a mandate is in place. States might do this, but then like the hated 55 mph speed limit, ignore enforcement or put in place a token enforcement that means nothing.
The President has no such authority. Carter exceeded his authority.
That would be followed by the general public pushing back and ignoring or flaunting the order.
Generally happens when the people in government ignore the constitution.
So you get your medical advice from a youtube video because you think medical professionals are partisan. Okay, got it.

Medical professionals ARE partisan. They are people, and have political views like anyone else.
Expert worship. Since you decided to ignore what Fauci said, I'll leave you in your own paradox stew.
Personally I hope that a vaccine is just around the corner so people will stop getting sick, dying, overloading the health care system, and infecting others too. It would be wonderful to be able to eat out on a busy Friday night, hop on a plane and see my new g-kid, go to an art fair or a game, and go to school in person again.

The health care system is not overloaded. You can't stop people from dying. Everyone dies. Everyone gets sick from time to time too. Want to eat out? Go do so. Hop on a plane? No problem. Don't like the restrictions? Blame your governor.
Isn't it funny how some here are saying each state's governors should handle their individual states?

Isn't that what Trump did?
It has been reported that president elect Biden wants a national mask policy. Under his plan as soon as you step outside your door you must wear a mask or face a possible fine.

Does he not understand that unlike hay fever that is caused by pollen drifting in the air the Covid19 germs do not just float with the breeze waiting to infect people? Also the air in ones home is the same air as outside. So if you must wear a mask outside shouldn't you wear a mask inside especially if you have your windows open?

Do I have to wear a mask if I'm driving down the Freeway in my car? What if I'm mowing my grass in the backyard? Can I walk to my mailbox and get the Mail without a mask?
Uh, wasn't it EE who asked the question?

EE: "It has been reported that president elect Biden wants a national mask policy. Under his plan as soon as you step outside your door you must wear a mask or face a possible fine."

I thought EE knew something?
EE: "It has been reported that president elect Biden wants a national mask policy. Under his plan as soon as you step outside your door you must wear a mask or face a possible fine."

I thought EE knew something?

Proof positive you shouldn't think...