Crabby Conservatives


Look at the liberals whine about the mean old Republicans and how dare they tell someone what they should eat when the taxpayers are picking up the tab.

Meanwhile in Obamaland, his USDA Stormtroopers are enforcing the following rule for all public schools: Vending machines in public middle and high schools nationwide will no longer be able to distribute snacks like powdered doughnuts, candy bars, chips and soda. Instead, the machines will be filled with healthier alternatives like granola bars, fruit cups, peanuts and flavored water – all of which must be under 200 calories per serving.

And lets not even think about all the strip clubs, bars and gambling establishments that EBT cards have been used at.

Yeah - that's a real apples-to-apples.

It really worries me how dopey some conservatives are. We're talking about a significant segment of the population; talk about an anchor that just keeps us mired in bad policies & false belief.
Yeah - that's a real apples-to-apples.

It really worries me how dopey some conservatives are. We're talking about a significant segment of the population; talk about an anchor that just keeps us mired in bad policies & false belief.

Apparently RX can't see the difference ... kids can still spend their money on junk food; just not in schools. Food stamps - if something is banned in the program, it's banned no matter where you use the food stamps.
Thanks, Darla. I don't know when people became so judgmental about the contents of someone else's grocery basket.

I was on a thread on a different board where someone was simultaneously complaining about people buying steaks with food stamps and that they buy unhealthy food.

I was "Really? so you want them to buy the cheapest ground beef, which can be pretty unhealthy, or do you want them to buy the healthier meat?" If they are really hungry, cheap food often has more calories, so cake, chips, etc. may make sense.

There are restrictions on food stamps, and some of them don't make sense - I think I saw one time where a woman had to replace "sharp" cheddar with "medium" cheddar because the sharp wasn't allowed, or something odd like that.

But in general - if someone is poor enough to be on food stamps, they have enough problems in their life without me judging what they put in their basket. It's up to them to do what they think is best for them and their family.

And really - being pissed about a bday cake? Some people have to go watch Scrooge again...

From your post above -

that sounds pretty reasonable.

i think that the repugs truely hate the working poor, but have no problem subsidizing agricultural conglomerates and the military industrial complex.

oh, and soda is allowed because the sugar industry lobbied for it, not diet soda, but soda with sugar in it.
Thanks, Darla. I don't know when people became so judgmental about the contents of someone else's grocery basket.

I was on a thread on a different board where someone was simultaneously complaining about people buying steaks with food stamps and that they buy unhealthy food.

I was "Really? so you want them to buy the cheapest ground beef, which can be pretty unhealthy, or do you want them to buy the healthier meat?" If they are really hungry, cheap food often has more calories, so cake, chips, etc. may make sense.

There are restrictions on food stamps, and some of them don't make sense - I think I saw one time where a woman had to replace "sharp" cheddar with "medium" cheddar because the sharp wasn't allowed, or something odd like that.

But in general - if someone is poor enough to be on food stamps, they have enough problems in their life without me judging what they put in their basket. It's up to them to do what they think is best for them and their family.

And really - being pissed about a bday cake? Some people have to go watch Scrooge again...

From your post above -

that sounds pretty reasonable.

The naked, green faced envy dripping from some people these days is really sad.

Look at the liberals whine about the mean old Republicans and how dare they tell someone what they should eat when the taxpayers are picking up the tab.

Meanwhile in Obamaland, his USDA Stormtroopers are enforcing the following rule for all public schools: Vending machines in public middle and high schools nationwide will no longer be able to distribute snacks like powdered doughnuts, candy bars, chips and soda. Instead, the machines will be filled with healthier alternatives like granola bars, fruit cups, peanuts and flavored water – all of which must be under 200 calories per serving.

And lets not even think about all the strip clubs, bars and gambling establishments that EBT cards have been used at.

So what?

Taxpayers aren't "picking up the tab" for what middle and high school kids buy from the vending machines in their lobbies.
The wonderful thing is they all want to force people to be born to endure their bullying!
speaking just for myself, I want the exact opposite of all those people being born. I want welfare recipients to have enough discipline to keep their genitals in a lockbox until which time they enter into a stable relationship (and yes, I'm talking about traditional marriage). For Pete's sake, you guys! The protagonist in the story is 19 freaking years old! Where's the baby daddy? And she wants to be a nurse? Do you really want somebody working in healthcare that makes such poor decisions about their own lives and biology? Responsibility, responsibility, responsibility! Maturity, maturity, maturity! That's what I want from these people. BTW, I salute her for not having an abortion, I also would not begrudge her child a birthday cake. As a matter of fact, I would like to see modest "bonuses" paid out to welfare recipients for Christmas and birthdays for their children. But when the governor of my state has to sign into law a bill preventing welfare and food stamp recipients from using their debit cards in strip joints and liquor stores, that pisses me off.
speaking just for myself, I want the exact opposite of all those people being born. I want welfare recipients to have enough discipline to keep their genitals in a lockbox until which time they enter into a stable relationship (and yes, I'm talking about traditional marriage). For Pete's sake, you guys! The protagonist in the story is 19 freaking years old! Where's the baby daddy? And she wants to be a nurse? Do you really want somebody working in healthcare that makes such poor decisions about their own lives and biology? Responsibility, responsibility, responsibility! Maturity, maturity, maturity! That's what I want from these people. BTW, I salute her for not having an abortion, I also would not begrudge her child a birthday cake. As a matter of fact, I would like to see modest "bonuses" paid out to welfare recipients for Christmas and birthdays for their children. But when the governor of my state has to sign into law a bill preventing welfare and food stamp recipients from using their debit cards in strip joints and liquor stores, that pisses me off.
Only because your're stupid enough to believe that shit actually happens.
speaking just for myself, I want the exact opposite of all those people being born. I want welfare recipients to have enough discipline to keep their genitals in a lockbox until which time they enter into a stable relationship (and yes, I'm talking about traditional marriage). For Pete's sake, you guys! The protagonist in the story is 19 freaking years old! Where's the baby daddy? And she wants to be a nurse? Do you really want somebody working in healthcare that makes such poor decisions about their own lives and biology? Responsibility, responsibility, responsibility! Maturity, maturity, maturity! That's what I want from these people. BTW, I salute her for not having an abortion, I also would not begrudge her child a birthday cake. As a matter of fact, I would like to see modest "bonuses" paid out to welfare recipients for Christmas and birthdays for their children. But when the governor of my state has to sign into law a bill preventing welfare and food stamp recipients from using their debit cards in strip joints and liquor stores, that pisses me off.

Speaking strictly for myself, I just have to say it must be wonderful to be you and to have NEVER made a single mistake EVER at any point in your life.
Only because your're stupid enough to believe that shit actually happens.

Or that a law outlawing it matters much. Money is fungible.

The woman spends her ebt on bday cake or her paycheck, it does not matter that much and the more we restrict what they can spend it on the more it increases other associated costs. Does the dumbass lady behind her want the cashier to consult a list of approved goods, segment the groceries and require separate payments for each. Maybe, she does not care about efficiency but I have some procrastinating to do and would prefer that she just pay for it and get out of my way.

With liquor and strip clubs, I can see a little more of an argument for a restriction, but really, it won't matter much.
Aren't the wealthy supposed to say, "Let them eat cake"?

Why isn't school a proper place to teach nutrition? Schools profit off of those machines. They should have some say over what they contain.
Speaking strictly for myself, I just have to say it must be wonderful to be you and to have NEVER made a single mistake EVER at any point in your life.
I've made plenty of mistakes, some of them real whoppers, but never that one. I have not made many mistakes that are so easy to avoid. "Family PLANNING" obviously means something different to you.
speaking just for myself, I want the exact opposite of all those people being born. I want welfare recipients to have enough discipline to keep their genitals in a lockbox until which time they enter into a stable relationship (and yes, I'm talking about traditional marriage). For Pete's sake, you guys! The protagonist in the story is 19 freaking years old! Where's the baby daddy? And she wants to be a nurse? Do you really want somebody working in healthcare that makes such poor decisions about their own lives and biology? Responsibility, responsibility, responsibility! Maturity, maturity, maturity! That's what I want from these people. BTW, I salute her for not having an abortion, I also would not begrudge her child a birthday cake. As a matter of fact, I would like to see modest "bonuses" paid out to welfare recipients for Christmas and birthdays for their children. But when the governor of my state has to sign into law a bill preventing welfare and food stamp recipients from using their debit cards in strip joints and liquor stores, that pisses me off.

There's lots of strip clubs and liquor stores near me. Funny thing, though...

I never see lines of welfare recepients standing in line at them getting cash out of ATM's or tipping strippers. Here's why:

The only thing you can buy with food stamps, is, well...FOOD. You can't buy beer, cigarettes, can't buy toilet paper with them. People who receive cash get it under TANF, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families.

And, guess what? They're poor. Did you ever drive through a poor neighborhood and see the outrageous number of strip clubs, bars, liquor stores and convenience stores?
Lots of them. Why? Because cities don't want them in the "nice" areas of town so they're all in the poor parts of town.

Conversely, how many banks and national supermarket chains do you see in the poor areas of town? Very, very few. Maybe that's why there's ATM's in strip clubs, convenience stores, and liquor stores?

Regardless, the numbers of TANF recepients are inconsequential.

The southwest Florida-based station NBC2 enlisted a Virginia-based database firm to help sort out 1.3 million EBT transactions over a roughly two-year period ending April 2011. Of $201.8 million in total transactions, the station found that $190,733 was withdrawn from liquor stores, strip clubs, bowling alleys, bars and bingo parlors, according to the story. That's less than 1 percent of transactions.

The station's numbers closely match an audit of ATM transactions by the Department of Children and Families, a spokesman told us. ATM withdrawals at casinos or parimutuels comprised .06 percent of all transactions. For places with liquor licenses, such as bars and liquor stores, withdrawals made up .03 percent of the total.

DCF officials say they do not -- and cannot -- keep tabs of what's purchased with TANF money.

"This is a very small universe of folks we're speaking about here," said DCF spokesman Joe Follick.

I understand I'm beating a dead horse here, but maybe our legislators would quit worrying about a miniscule number of welfare frauds and....I don't know...maybe pass some legislation creating fucking jobs to get them off welfare????
Only because your're stupid enough to believe that shit actually happens.
I guess I was hallucinating when I saw that guy using his food stamp debit card at the Seminole Hard Rock Casino a few months back. Stopped going to the nudie bars years ago when I quit drinking, so I can't personally vouch for strip clubs and liquor stores.

Edit: I just read Howey's post above, and I think he's right. I may have seen that guy using a WELFARE debit card. I don't make the distinction. I also agree that the numbers are almost inconsequential and nothing much can be done about it. I impotently object to this behavior purely on principle.
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I guess I was hallucinating when I saw that guy using his food stamp debit card at the Seminole Hard Rock Casino a few months back. Stopped going to the nudie bars years ago when I quit drinking, so I can't personally vouch for strip clubs and liquor stores.

My AF retirement check and Social Security are deposited into what's known as a Direct Benefit Card. Which looks just like a Food Stamp EBT card.

Quit fucking judging people over shit you think, but don't know. Ignorant asswipe!
Aren't the wealthy supposed to say, "Let them eat cake"?

Why isn't school a proper place to teach nutrition? Schools profit off of those machines. They should have some say over what they contain.

that misquote has been around too long. the original was 'can they not eat cake', cake being a byproduct of baking bread that bakers would throw out because they did not wat to give it away even though it was edible.
that misquote has been around too long. the original was 'can they not eat cake', cake being a byproduct of baking bread that bakers would throw out because they did not wat to give it away even though it was edible.

It is still a very elitist, arrogant statement.
speaking just for myself, I want the exact opposite of all those people being born. I want welfare recipients to have enough discipline to keep their genitals in a lockbox until which time they enter into a stable relationship (and yes, I'm talking about traditional marriage). For Pete's sake, you guys! The protagonist in the story is 19 freaking years old! Where's the baby daddy? And she wants to be a nurse? Do you really want somebody working in healthcare that makes such poor decisions about their own lives and biology? Responsibility, responsibility, responsibility! Maturity, maturity, maturity! That's what I want from these people. BTW, I salute her for not having an abortion, I also would not begrudge her child a birthday cake. As a matter of fact, I would like to see modest "bonuses" paid out to welfare recipients for Christmas and birthdays for their children. But when the governor of my state has to sign into law a bill preventing welfare and food stamp recipients from using their debit cards in strip joints and liquor stores, that pisses me off.

That 19 year old probably went to an abstinance-only high school; we know how poorly that works.

Ever heard of divorce? Ever heard of a spouse dying? Ever heard of people getting so sick they can't work? Ever hear of rape?

Ever hear that contraception does sometimes fail?

Easy to judge. But not the best use of your brain.
That 19 year old probably went to an abstinance-only high school; we know how poorly that works.

Ever heard of divorce? Ever heard of a spouse dying? Ever heard of people getting so sick they can't work? Ever hear of rape?

Ever hear that contraception does sometimes fail?

Easy to judge. But not the best use of your brain.

Maturity from a 19 is that she is trying to better herself, get off the dole. She is using a hand up, not a hand out. The majority of teenagers aren't responsible and mature, most grow that way, many by learning from mistakes.

Callousone is on my ignore list. I just basically come here to talk to people I like. Lol.
Maturity from a 19 is that she is trying to better herself, get off the dole. She is using a hand up, not a hand out. The majority of teenagers aren't responsible and mature, most grow that way, many by learning from mistakes.

Callousone is on my ignore list. I just basically come here to talk to people I like. Lol.

Ah! I hadn't noticed posts from him before. Imagine he'll my joining my ignore list soon if he's on yours... but I'll give him a little more time!
They really are. I have seen people write that conservatives thrive on resentment. And that conservative politicians exploit that. I think it's true. Conservatives just seem to be, generally speaking, much more resentful people.

not me.....I'm happy go-lucky.....