Crabby Conservatives

My AF retirement check and Social Security are deposited into what's known as a Direct Benefit Card. Which looks just like a Food Stamp EBT card.

Quit fucking judging people over shit you think, but don't know. Ignorant asswipe!
Does your card look like the one on the left, Howey?benefitcards11.jpgIf so, I apologize because your card looks like a Florida benefits card, and the 25-30 year old guy I saw using that card at an ATM in the casino was OBVIOUSLY getting money from his AF pension or SS! And I never imagined there were so many VERY youthful looking AF retirees shopping with their grandchildren at Publix! The only FEDERAL card I've seen that looks even remotely like the card I saw is issued by the VA, and that ain't what I saw.
MA EBT cards show the remaining balance on the receipt for each purchase.
One receipt given to a ma congresswoman showed a balance of over 7000 dollars.

Interesting isn't it that 76% of working Americans don't have such amounts saved!!
I read this story in a state of semi-disbelief. In my entire life I have never once even noticed someone paying with food stamps, no less inspected what they purchased. What is wrong with people???

And why do so many believe that being poor means you should suffer the most possible pain and never have any pleasure at all? A little boy shouldn't have a birthday cake! Imagine what kind of black-hearted, twisted-soul monster you have to be to be bothered by that. Wow. The lives of the crabs in this article must be beyond miserable. I would so much rather have a smile in my heart than this misery. I am very thankful I was not born the way these misers were. I am very lucky.

WASHINGTON -- Janina Riley noticed a woman muttering behind her in the checkout line as she paid for food at a Giant Eagle grocery store in Pittsburgh last April.

"I can't believe she's buying that big-ass cake with food stamps," the woman said, according to Riley.

Riley, 19, had just used a government-issued debit card to pay for most of her groceries, which included a cake for her son that said "Happy First Birthday Xavier" in a theme from the movie "Cars." She glared at the women for a second, then decided to confront her.

"I was just like, 'Shut the fuck up,'" Riley said. "You don't know what I'm doing with these food stamps."

But many Americans do not want to let people on food stamps eat cake. This sentiment is particularly prevalent among conservatives in Congress. Cash register resentment of the sort directed at Riley feeds Republican animus toward the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.

It's a petty path toward a huge target: As SNAP enrollment has surged to nearly 50 million in the wake of the Great Recession, the program's annual cost has more than doubled to $80 billion. Republicans want to shrink those numbers, but they missed their best chance in June, when a trillion-dollar farm bill failed in the House of Representatives, after the GOP sought deeper cuts than Democrats would accept.

Following the vote, Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) got to work telling a familiar story, one he said he'd heard many times from broken-hearted and angry constituents. Its protagonist is a hardworking Texan waiting in line at the grocery store. Someone's buying Alaskan king crab legs in front of him, and he's looking at them longingly, dreaming of the day he can afford such a luxury. Then the person buying them whips out his EBT -- an Electronic Benefits Transfer card for food stamps.

"He looks at the king crab legs and looks at his ground meat and realizes," Gohmert said, "because he does pay income tax ... he is actually helping pay for the king crab legs when he can't pay for them for himself."

And that's how cash register resentment becomes crabby conservatism -- the belief that your own struggles are tangled up in another person's safety net.


Janina Riley said the situation at Giant Eagle didn't escalate after she confronted the mumbling woman. She figured it wouldn't have started at all if the person had known that she was studying to become a nurse, and that she already worked more than 30 hours a week as an aide in a nursing home.

People have to be poor in order to receive nutrition assistance. The maximum gross monthly income for SNAP eligibility in Pennsylvania, for instance, is $2,018 for a household of two, and the family can't own assets worth more than $5,500 (though there are several exceptions, like a single car). Most recipients qualify based on their participation in another means-tested program like Medicaid.

At $10 per hour, Riley's wages leave her poor enough to qualify for $124 a month in food stamps. At the Giant Eagle that day, she used her full monthly benefit to pay for part of her cart full of food and roughly $80 of her own money for the rest.

"Most people do work. It's just we don't make enough money, that's the problem," Riley said. "The biggest misconception is that people on food stamps sit on their butts all day."

She's part of the 30 percent of SNAP recipients who earn money by working, and the 91 percent whose annual incomes are at or below the poverty line. Most recipients are either children, elderly or disabled.

But in the public imagination, hard-working single moms rent a room with king crab welfare queens.

It's a gripe going back at least 20 years. In 1993, the Columbus Dispatch ran a letter to the editor lamenting a food stamp recipient buying "two bottles of wine, steak and a large bag of king crab legs.''

The crab complaint has recurred more than a dozen times in newspapers around the country, including this 2007 missive from a reader in the Myrtle Beach Sun-News: "After working a typical 12-hour shift, I had to stop by the local grocery store. Standing in line behind an oversized woman with three kids, I noticed the items going through the checkout. She had two 10-pound packs of frozen crab legs and two large packs of rib-eye steaks among a couple of vegetable items totaling up to an excess of $60."

Nutrition assistance is a federal program administered by states at the ground level. State and federal lawmakers have long sought new restrictions on what nutrition assistance can buy. Fancy food stories are often the reason. For instance, Wisconsin state Rep. Dean Kaufert (R-Neenah) cited cash register situations as his rationale for a bill restricting food stamp purchases earlier this year.

"Anecdotally, we’ve all heard the stories about people standing in line behind the person who is buying the tenderloin, the porterhouse and they’re using their EBT card to do it, while you and I who are getting by, we’re buying ground beef," Kaufert told a local radio station. "That’s a small share of those folks. But also I’ve been at the convenience store many times -- the amount of nachos and soda that’s being purchased by kids with their parents’ EBT card, I think it’s time to say no to that."

In June, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg led a coalition of big-city mayors asking Congress to restrict food stamps from paying for soda in the name of fighting obesity.

Junk food and crab legs aren't even the worst of it. "Every day we hear of reports of food stamps being used to pay for beer, cigarettes, cell phone bills, and even cars," Sen. Dan Coats (R-Ind.) said on the U.S. Senate floor in February. "That hardly needs to be mentioned because it is something we have come to understand -- there is a lot of misuse of tax dollars."

Elizabeth Lower-Basch, an analyst for the Center for Law and Social Policy, noted the secondhand nature of many of the anecdotes.

"It's definitely a meme. You hear it a lot," Lower-Basch said. "There's a lot of a-friend-told-me-she-saw type stories. I'm not going to tell you there aren't cases of people making lousy choices, but they are far more visible in the public imagination."


Federal law says food stamps can't be used to buy booze, cigarettes, vitamins, or household supplies. But they can buy almost anything else at a supermarket, so long as it isn't served hot for immediate consumption. So what do people buy with SNAP?

A government survey from the late-'90s found that meats accounted for 34.9 percent of food stamp purchases, grains 19.7 percent, fruits and veggies 19.6 percent, and dairy products 12.5 percent. Soft drinks made up 5.6 percent and sweets 2.5 percent.

Full Story

Un-freaking-believable. Just another reason why I could never, ever, ever become a conservative.

Also, what kind of people pay such close attention to someone else's transaction? They could be reading the National Enquirer instead.
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that misquote has been around too long. the original was 'can they not eat cake', cake being a byproduct of baking bread that bakers would throw out because they did not wat to give it away even though it was edible.
Not forgetting that such a statement was never actually made, exept in the propaganda pamphlets of the revolution.
The Massachusetts department of terrorist assistance( DTA), recently released some data regarding EBT balances, apparently.
The person who payed the $800 fee never got the documents.

People on welfare are not poor.
They are lazy.
I guess I was hallucinating when I saw that guy using his food stamp debit card at the Seminole Hard Rock Casino a few months back. Stopped going to the nudie bars years ago when I quit drinking, so I can't personally vouch for strip clubs and liquor stores.

Edit: I just read Howey's post above, and I think he's right. I may have seen that guy using a WELFARE debit card. I don't make the distinction. I also agree that the numbers are almost inconsequential and nothing much can be done about it. I impotently object to this behavior purely on principle.

there is no such thing as a government program that someone will not find a way to defraud. does that mean that the people who deserve/need the support should be punished for the sins of the few?

ps please show a link to where such a card may be used at an atm to get cash
how so, because the bakers did not want to reduce their profit margin?

or because it sounds good?

It diminishes the plight of the people, the "cake" would not have improved their lot for it was the heavy taxation that was the reason theyvwere without bread, and why there was the revolution. The royals were living well, while the people starved.
speaking just for myself, I want the exact opposite of all those people being born. I want welfare recipients to have enough discipline to keep their genitals in a lockbox until which time they enter into a stable relationship (and yes, I'm talking about traditional marriage). For Pete's sake, you guys! The protagonist in the story is 19 freaking years old! Where's the baby daddy? And she wants to be a nurse? Do you really want somebody working in healthcare that makes such poor decisions about their own lives and biology? Responsibility, responsibility, responsibility! Maturity, maturity, maturity! That's what I want from these people. BTW, I salute her for not having an abortion, I also would not begrudge her child a birthday cake. As a matter of fact, I would like to see modest "bonuses" paid out to welfare recipients for Christmas and birthdays for their children. But when the governor of my state has to sign into law a bill preventing welfare and food stamp recipients from using their debit cards in strip joints and liquor stores, that pisses me off.

you seem to overlook the working poor that are struggliing to keep their heads afloat during the worse economic downturn since the great depression. most of them are not teenagers, but people that have lost their regular jobs and are working at minimum wage and former middle class that have lost just about everything so companies can ship their jobs out of the country
It diminishes the plight of the people, the "cake" would not have improved their lot for it was the heavy taxation that was the reason theyvwere without bread, and why there was the revolution. The royals were living well, while the people starved.

the system of royalty died because it was so out of touch with reality and the american revolution showed the way. unfortunately, an illiterate population does not support democracy very well and the new power elite just replaced the old power elite

when a nation is systematically looted, there is not much left over to restart from and the people still did not get fed, just revenge
does that mean that the people who deserve/need the support should be punished for the sins of the few?

Good point. I'm sure he supports taking away all the guns of "responsible" gun owners because Lanza shot up some school kids.
Does your card look like the one on the left, Howey?View attachment 2165If so, I apologize because your card looks like a Florida benefits card, and the 25-30 year old guy I saw using that card at an ATM in the casino was OBVIOUSLY getting money from his AF pension or SS! And I never imagined there were so many VERY youthful looking AF retirees shopping with their grandchildren at Publix! The only FEDERAL card I've seen that looks even remotely like the card I saw is issued by the VA, and that ain't what I saw.

You're ignorant.

The card on the left looks exactly like what my card used to look like and exactly what the Florida food stamp card along with TANF card used to look like. Both were issued by Chase Bank. The card on the right is what the Florida food stamp card looks like now. It was changed last; year. Why? Because assholes like you were calling out folks using the card. So the card was changed to make it look like a normal debit card.

Remember, you judgemental fuckwad, you have no idea what card that guy used at Hard Rock and you have no idea w those youngish ppl were using at Publix.

It's none of your fucking business.

Do you chase little kids off your lawn with your cane too?
speaking just for myself, I want the exact opposite of all those people being born. I want welfare recipients to have enough discipline to keep their genitals in a lockbox until which time they enter into a stable relationship (and yes, I'm talking about traditional marriage). For Pete's sake, you guys! The protagonist in the story is 19 freaking years old! Where's the baby daddy? And she wants to be a nurse? Do you really want somebody working in healthcare that makes such poor decisions about their own lives and biology? Responsibility, responsibility, responsibility! Maturity, maturity, maturity! That's what I want from these people. BTW, I salute her for not having an abortion, I also would not begrudge her child a birthday cake. As a matter of fact, I would like to see modest "bonuses" paid out to welfare recipients for Christmas and birthdays for their children. But when the governor of my state has to sign into law a bill preventing welfare and food stamp recipients from using their debit cards in strip joints and liquor stores, that pisses me off.

I think we should all die and leave the bullies to do some work - which would be the end of the species straight away. I'll get around to it soon.