Craigs list killer a college republican

what is truly pathetic about liberals like evince is that when people point to the acts of muslim suicide bombers, terrorists, liberals are quick to point out that they are ONLY a fringe, they DO NOT represent all islam and we should not judge islam based on the acts of a few....

liberals respect islam more than their fellow americans
Again the only reason I posted this is so you would be forced to realise that all parties have nuts at the fringe and to be careful how you frame your arguments anduse the truth instead of lies to motivate people on your team.

You people only hear what you want to hear.

How many death resuted from that eco terrorism?

Yes they are assholes and you do not hear any democrats defending their actions because their actions are illegal.

You keep defending things like torture and the people who ordered it and no one is going to be joining your little club anymore.

Keep telling your crazy fringe of the fringe that people are disposable and when some nutbag burns an appartment complex in construction that its the equivalent to one of your nutbags shooting 5 innocents who had done nothing to him but be brown while they walked passed and you will never see another election win.

Your party encouraged this mad man. Now be like the couple of republicans in this story and report these idiots to the police when you hear them talk crazy instead of finding a way to appeal to them.

The fact that you refuse to listen to what I am really saying and instead pretend I'm saying that all republicans are like these guys is a big part of your parties problem. You hate everyone who doesnt think like you and have to pretend they are saying something other than what they are truely saying to avoid the truth.

Face the facts for just once.

Your party and your blind adherance to it has brought us where we are today.

Its Your parties ideas and actions that brought us here. SURE you got some democrats to help you get there but you have been the ones leading the way and getting your way.

You had the vast majority of power for most of the last 30 years.

If you never take responsibility for anything then you will never be able to lead anything ever again.

The people are not buying it anymore.

Your fringe of the fringe will hurt someone because you did not jettison and or shut them down and instead you encouraged them with your constant lying about the facts.
Again the only reason I posted this is so you would be forced to realise that all parties have nuts at the fringe and to be careful how you frame your arguments anduse the truth instead of lies to motivate people on your team.

You people only hear what you want to hear.
you still confuse me with your hated enemies, the right wing. am I on ignore here?

You keep defending things like torture and the people who ordered it and no one is going to be joining your little club anymore.
I'll give you a million dollars if you can find one single post here where I defended torture.

Your party encouraged this mad man. Now be like the couple of republicans in this story and report these idiots to the police when you hear them talk crazy instead of finding a way to appeal to them.
stop being a fucking lunatic by trying to blame this on a political party. The man was a psycho and proved it by killing people because they were a different color. Are you incapable of analyzing issues and incidents through the totality of circumstances?

The fact that you refuse to listen to what I am really saying and instead pretend I'm saying that all republicans are like these guys is a big part of your parties problem. You hate everyone who doesnt think like you and have to pretend they are saying something other than what they are truely saying to avoid the truth.
we refuse to listen to you because you're doing nothing but ranting and raving against anything you don't like. it gets tiring.

You had the vast majority of power for most of the last 30 years.
this just shows how detached from reality you are. democrats held congress for over 60 years until 1994. They held the senate for nearly that long. a mix of republican and democrat presidents throughout that period doesn't even come close to 'vast majority of power'.
We should find out if he ever worked somewhere with a Union and blame it on Unionizing. Or if he ever took a government loan, and blame it on government programs.
from 1981 till 2009 you we have had only one dem president.

How much of that time was their a veto proof level of Dems

You can pretend having a small majority in the congress is better than having the presidency and a veto pen but it isnt true.

How many of those Dems were like Zell and Liberman?
from 1981 till 2009 you we have had only one dem president.

How much of that time was their a veto proof level of Dems

You can pretend having a small majority in the congress is better than having the presidency and a veto pen but it isnt true.

How many of those Dems were like Zell and Liberman?

so you're equating the inability to force through legislation because of not having a veto proof majority or a filibuster proof majority with a 'vast majority of power'? That's totally insane.
from 1981 till 2009 you we have had only one dem president.

How much of that time was their a veto proof level of Dems

You can pretend having a small majority in the congress is better than having the presidency and a veto pen but it isnt true.

How many of those Dems were like Zell and Liberman?
Between the liberals in the Democrat Part and those in the GOP you've had a veto proof majority for a long time. Grow a set and use it.

Your team has been calling the liberals socialist for decades.

Not all dems are liberal.

Now show me where they had a vetoproof majority?
Do you know what else he did? He grew a beard! That means Al Gore is showing the same signs! *gasp*
1983-1987 the republicans had the senate=5years
1988-1994 dems= 6 years
1995- 2006 Rs had both houses.=11years

Of the last 30 years 3 president were republicans= 20 years

Dems 1 = 8 years

Ony two years of the last 30 were all dem government.

It has been your baby for most of the last 30 years.
1983-1987 the republicans had the senate=5years
1988-1994 dems= 6 years
1995- 2006 Rs had both houses.=11years

Of the last 30 years 3 president were republicans= 20 years

Dems 1 = 8 years

Ony two years of the last 30 were all dem government.

It has been your baby for most of the last 30 years.

and what did the dems do from 1934 to 1994? when they had all that power? practically destroyed the constitution, thats what. so does that make the republicans even?

personally, both your parties suck ass.

Your team has been calling the liberals socialist for decades.

Not all dems are liberal.

Now show me where they had a vetoproof majority?
Nearly all Democrats in Congress are liberals and vote in lock-step. Many in the GOP are also liberals and vote with the Democrats. Liberals have had a majority for a long time. Conservatives- those who want limited government and maximum freedom- have nearly always been a minority.
and what did the dems do from 1934 to 1994? when they had all that power? practically destroyed the constitution, thats what. so does that make the republicans even?

personally, both your parties suck ass.

They did not have all the power you asshole.

read the numbers posted.