Craigs list killer a college republican

what a stupid thread

3. Former Rep. Gerry Studds. He was censured for sexual relationship with underage male page in 1983. Massachusetts voters returned him to office for six more terms.

2. Former Rep. Mel Reynolds. The Illinois Democrat was convicted of 12 counts of sexual assault with a 16-year-old. President Bill Clinton pardoned him before leaving office.

Rep. Fred Richmond (D-N.Y.)
In April 1978, Richmond was arrested in Washington for soliciting sex from a 16-year-old boy. Richmond apologized for his actions, conceding he "made bad judgments involving my private life." In spite of a Democratic primary opponent's attempts to cash in on the headlines, Richmond easily won renomination and reelection. But his career came to an end four years later when, after pleading guilty to possession of marijuana and tax evasion – and amid allegations that he had his staff procure cocaine for him – he resigned his seat.

notice how democrats keep reelecting these people....
ahsahahahaha .

for thirty years you guys have controled the majority of what has gone down in this country except the BRA of 1993 which was done without one single R vote and gave us the best reductions we had seen in years, your team pissed it away.

This mess is far more created by your fellas even when mine acted like assholes and helped you.

This is your creation.

The American people will never forget it.
Damo I said 30 years and he changed it for his convience to be 60 years and then resorted to pushing the years back to 1994 end date.

There was a time when you would not stoop to defending that type of thing.
ahsahahahaha .

for thirty years you guys have controled the majority of what has gone down in this country except the BRA of 1993 which was done without one single R vote and gave us the best reductions we had seen in years, your team pissed it away.

This mess is far more created by your fellas even when mine acted like assholes and helped you.

This is your creation.

The American people will never forget it.

Fortunately most Americans are able to see a wider lens than your "us" vs. "they" "my party" vs. "your party" prism. Most Americans don't "love" a political party and most Americans care more about the country than their party. (notice I said most not all) So most intelligent people don't fall into the trap of blaming everything all on one side or the other.

The Republicans rightfully lost control of Congress and the Presidency here recently based on their performance. That's how it should be. Voters will just as quickly turn on the Democrats though as they did the Republicans.

So again lets all be thankful most don't view politics from Desh's prism.
3. Former Rep. Gerry Studds. He was censured for sexual relationship with underage male page in 1983. Massachusetts voters returned him to office for six more terms.

2. Former Rep. Mel Reynolds. The Illinois Democrat was convicted of 12 counts of sexual assault with a 16-year-old. President Bill Clinton pardoned him before leaving office.

Rep. Fred Richmond (D-N.Y.)
In April 1978, Richmond was arrested in Washington for soliciting sex from a 16-year-old boy. Richmond apologized for his actions, conceding he "made bad judgments involving my private life." In spite of a Democratic primary opponent's attempts to cash in on the headlines, Richmond easily won renomination and reelection. But his career came to an end four years later when, after pleading guilty to possession of marijuana and tax evasion – and amid allegations that he had his staff procure cocaine for him – he resigned his seat.

notice how democrats keep reelecting these people....

What does that say about the Democrat electorate?
Should it not be mentioned?

If he was a dem do you think someone would have posted it?

You would have seen no mention of party affiliation from any of the MSM. But let a Republican get caught farting and the story line starts off with the word Republican.
Damo I said 30 years and he changed it for his convience to be 60 years and then resorted to pushing the years back to 1994 end date.

There was a time when you would not stoop to defending that type of thing.
No, Desh. He was pointing out that previously to those thirty years, the Ds held sway over DC for a long, long time and did no better.
Then why did he go up to 1994?

He was changing the years to include the time when Dems did actually control more of the years.

I said for thirty years the republicans have had the majority of the control.

I was right. The mess we have on our hands was predominately created by Republican policy.

None of them are willing to say anything about the republican party leading us into the biggest mess we have ever seen.

All that is said is Its really the dems who caused it and then they turn arround and defend torture or anything else Bush screwed up.

I just wish people were not so unwilling to admitt their mistakes.

Until they can they will never change and just keep spewing stupid lies about how Bareny Frank caused this and that Obama isnt an American.

Its just so stupid it will do nohting but weaken the party.

I need a smart and honest Republican party to help me keep the Democrats honest.

It is never going to get there with the stupid ass shit I see coming out of it daily.

I beg of you people ACT IN AN INTELLIGENT MANNER and help this country find its way in this morass.

Stop just thinking aobut party and do whats right for the country.

If you truely love this country you will be willing to jettison the idiots who refuse to use facts and believe any lie that comes along just to feel "right" for a few more seconds.

You have to be willing to lose an election or two to clean the party but if you dont you will lose way more than a few elections.

If you are not willing to lose those couple of elections then the true loser is your country.

You will make yourself so weak that the Dems will end up having too much power too long and we all know that means corruption.

Please for just a few years put country first over party.
Then why did he go up to 1994?

He was changing the years to include the time when Dems did actually control more of the years.

I said for thirty years the republicans have had the majority of the control.

I was right. The mess we have on our hands was predominately created by Republican policy.

None of them are willing to say anything about the republican party leading us into the biggest mess we have ever seen.

All that is said is Its really the dems who caused it and then they turn arround and defend torture or anything else Bush screwed up.

I just wish people were not so unwilling to admitt their mistakes.

Until they can they will never change and just keep spewing stupid lies about how Bareny Frank caused this and that Obama isnt an American.

Its just so stupid it will do nohting but weaken the party.

I need a smart and honest Republican party to help me keep the Democrats honest.

It is never going to get there with the stupid ass shit I see coming out of it daily.

I beg of you people ACT IN AN INTELLIGENT MANNER and help this country find its way in this morass.

Stop just thinking aobut party and do whats right for the country.

If you truely love this country you will be willing to jettison the idiots who refuse to use facts and believe any lie that comes along just to feel "right" for a few more seconds.

You have to be willing to lose an election or two to clean the party but if you dont you will lose way more than a few elections.

If you are not willing to lose those couple of elections then the true loser is your country.

You will make yourself so weak that the Dems will end up having too much power too long and we all know that means corruption.

Please for just a few years put country first over party.
Because it was a round number? It doesn't really matter, he's right and you know it. You can pretend to misunderstand his post, or actually misunderstand it, but the reality is they did no better it is why the Ds lost power for that long. It was only the past 8 years where they went all stupid and followed Bush into "Compassionate" (read: non-fiscally conservative) Conservatism....
Damo, how dare you allow someone to move the goals to where it makes sense! Desh liked her parameters, so they shouldn't be moved.

Neither 'party' has done what should be done for the good of the country. It's way past time that 'we the people' insist they do or get rid of all of them.