Crazy thigs you did as a kid.


Well-known member
This is just for fun.
Post any crazy antics you pulled as a kid/teen.

We had a lady in the neighborhood that had a huge watermelon patch. When we would camp out we would sneak over and steal a watermelon. Well warm watermelon isn't all that good. Lucky for us there was a small general store with an ice house that he didn't lock near where we camped. We got the bright idea to steal watermelons put them in the ice house and have cold melons. That went on for several months till we got caught and got our hides tanned.
I locked my mom in the outhouse when we were camping so I could go play in the woods like my brothers. I got in a lot of trouble. How could they be so mean to a cute little four-year-old? lol
You never streaked, egged someone, TP'd someone's house? Man you must have led a sheltered life.

None of it.

I had lots of fun as a kid. None of it involved running around naked like an uncivilized savage or doing things that could harm/destroy someone else's property. Not having done those things doesn't mean sheltered at all.
This is just for fun.
Post any crazy antics you pulled as a kid/teen.

We had a lady in the neighborhood that had a huge watermelon patch. When we would camp out we would sneak over and steal a watermelon. Well warm watermelon isn't all that good. Lucky for us there was a small general store with an ice house that he didn't lock near where we camped. We got the bright idea to steal watermelons put them in the ice house and have cold melons. That went on for several months till we got caught and got our hides tanned.

On my summer vacation between my sophomore and junior year I tried to hitchhike from Davenport, IA to San Francisco. I made it as far west as the Badlands.
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None of it.

I had lots of fun as a kid. None of it involved running around naked like an uncivilized savage or doing things that could harm/destroy someone else's property. Not having done those things doesn't mean sheltered at all.

Well TPing a house does no damage but it does take some work to clean up.
None of it.

I had lots of fun as a kid. None of it involved running around naked like an uncivilized savage or doing things that could harm/destroy someone else's property. Not having done those things doesn't mean sheltered at all.

what made you want to kill people with guns?
Stark naked co-ed softball game against a rival University of California school.

I blame the opponents buxom female center fielder for the reason I kept striking out.
Stark naked co-ed softball game against a rival University of California school.
I blame the opponents buxom female center fielder for the reason I kept striking out.

That's more interesting than locking your mom in the outhouse. Got vid? lol
Used to ride on top of the elevator in college. The dorm was 10 stories. Controls to over ride the interior buttons were on top.

We could force the elevator to go in opposite directions, go to a different floor, stop in between floors and open the door to show them, slow it down, speed it up.

A real hoot.