Crazy thigs you did as a kid.

Me and my two cousins walked from Findlay Ohio to Fostoria Ohio on the Nickel Plate railroad tracks. We were 13 and 14 years old, our parents let us do this, there is no way in hell parents would let their kids do something like this nowadays! The distance was 14 miles, had to beware of the fast moving freight trains too. Our parents were at the end to pick us up. It was a nice adventure too!


No kidding? My Grandfather was a Conductor on the Nickel Plate.
I get it. You're one of those that thinks how it happens to you is how it happens to everyone else and that you have to have done something to know the results of it being done.

How idiotic of you.

It's a fun thread. I'm having a ball mocking and embarrassing you because of your simple minded thought processes.

You claim TP causes damages. Well dumb ass kids TP trees, hedges, mail boxes and the like so prove how toxic biodegradable paper is to plants and the delicate mail box. From your reactions it is clear that you were a wimp in your teens as you prove you are today. I bet the most daring thing you have ever done in your life was not whisper in the library.
The only one you embarrass with your moronic posts is yourself.

I did stupid shit into my early 30's, that's when I quit drinking.
That said, I probably shouldn't share this, but I did on a previous forum and one or two of you may recall.
Anyway, I was into fireworks...all kinds, but especially home made ones.
A friend and myself made this pipe bomb, it was a little over a foot long and 2 1/2 inches inside diameter.
We packed it with a mixture of slow to fast burning powder, the slow burning in the center where the fuse was.
There was a railroad bridge that crossed the river and there was this 4 or 5 foot square deck to stand on in case
a train would pass. It had a steel frame and thick hardwood floor. We placed the pipe on the floor right where it was
bolted to the bridge on the floor. We lit it and ran like hell, we reached the shore and turned around expecting a really
loud bang. Well it was loud alright, it blew that deck right off the bridge. That was the last one we made.

OMG. Always suspected you harbor an inner anarchist! Did you nervously watch the news for weeks to see if the police were looking for the perp?

My late husband used to make mini-bombs at Fourth of July out of his empty pill bottles and black powder. Once he blew a chunk of asphalt clean out of the culvert by our house. But nothing as spectacular as your doings.
You claim TP causes damages. Well dumb ass kids TP trees, hedges, mail boxes and the like so prove how toxic biodegradable paper is to plants and the delicate mail box. From your reactions it is clear that you were a wimp in your teens as you prove you are today. I bet the most daring thing you have ever done in your life was not whisper in the library.
The only one you embarrass with your moronic posts is yourself.


Again, you're using your isolated experience and applying it to every situation. That proves you're an idiot. You should be embarrassed yet your continue to be one.

I did plenty of fun things as a kid. However, my parents raised me to respect the property of others and not act like a savage. It's clear yours raised you to be nothing but trouble. Maybe that's because they were raised that way and their parents before them.
This is just for fun.
Post any crazy antics you pulled as a kid/teen.

We had a lady in the neighborhood that had a huge watermelon patch. When we would camp out we would sneak over and steal a watermelon. Well warm watermelon isn't all that good. Lucky for us there was a small general store with an ice house that he didn't lock near where we camped. We got the bright idea to steal watermelons put them in the ice house and have cold melons. That went on for several months till we got caught and got our hides tanned.

I had the most awesome bike ever. My grandmother bought it for me when I was in 5th or 6th grade, a total surprise. 20" tires that were skinny, like a ten speed. It had a dual console shifter with a standard 3 speed on the right side of the rear hub, but also had a high-low on the left side. I never saw another bike with either of those features.

We'd choose a direction and ride our bikes as far as we could and try to get lost. This was metro Boston.

Then we'd ride down steep roads and pass the cars. I remember my speedometer hitting 42 mph. That was on a bike with 20" wheels.

Once an older kid tried to steal it while we we playing street hockey. A friend yelled "he's got your bike" and I took after him on foot. The big bastard couldn't figure how to get it out of high gear and was standing on the pedals trying to get it to roll, and I caught up to him in 100 yards. By that time he was going pretty fast so I launched myself at the sissy bar and hung on. I had both knees scrapping on the pavement but I stopped him, and he ran off. I was bleeding like hell.
No just pointing out the truth. BTW what does CFM stand for Certified Fucking Moron?

No, you changed a post, coward.

You have no clue what CFM stands for but you'll pretend just like everything else in your life, boy.

Your shitty parents must be proud that they raise such an unworthy kid.
No, you changed a post, coward.

You have no clue what CFM stands for but you'll pretend just like everything else in your life, boy.

Your shitty parents must be proud that they raise such an unworthy kid.

I takes a very immature coward to attack another's parents. Your parents would most likely be ashamed to have a child that turned out like you. As you failed to answer what CFM stands for I can only assume I was correct, that you are a Certified Fucking Moron. You can now tuck your tail between your two legs and crawl back under your rock with your soul mate evince. Good by and good riddance.
I takes a very immature coward to attack another's parents. Your parents would most likely be ashamed to have a child that turned out like you. As you failed to answer what CFM stands for I can only assume I was correct, that you are a Certified Fucking Moron. You can now tuck your tail between your two legs and crawl back under your rock with your soul mate evince. Good by and good riddance.

CFM is a certified POS.
I was chasing some girls (for reasons I don't remember, but I was only eight or nine) and jumped a small spiked fence outside a shop. The spike went up under my arm, missing an artery by some infinitesimal distance. I howled and yelled, and all sorts of people went by with friendly waves or smiling greetings (my father was the vicar), but no one helped, and I had finally to lift myself with the other arm. From this I learned the useful lesson to be careful about how I chased girls.
OMG. Always suspected you harbor an inner anarchist! Did you nervously watch the news for weeks to see if the police were looking for the perp?

My late husband used to make mini-bombs at Fourth of July out of his empty pill bottles and black powder. Once he blew a chunk of asphalt clean out of the culvert by our house. But nothing as spectacular as your doings.

We stayed away for awhile, never heard anything about it though.
I definitely had my fun, but I always kept my priorities in order. Always went to work and didn't drink days before I went to shooting competitions or hunting.
Me and my two cousins walked from Findlay Ohio to Fostoria Ohio on the Nickel Plate railroad tracks. We were 13 and 14 years old, our parents let us do this, there is no way in hell parents would let their kids do something like this nowadays! The distance was 14 miles, had to beware of the fast moving freight trains too. Our parents were at the end to pick us up. It was a nice adventure too!


you must love the movie Stand by me
My little sister and i used to play dress up and she'd always make me put on a dress whereas she got to wear My TMNT costume
I takes a very immature coward to attack another's parents. Your parents would most likely be ashamed to have a child that turned out like you. As you failed to answer what CFM stands for I can only assume I was correct, that you are a Certified Fucking Moron. You can now tuck your tail between your two legs and crawl back under your rock with your soul mate evince. Good by and good riddance.

You confuse telling the truth with an attack. It's clear, based on how you view things, your parents didn't raise you to be an honorable person. Honorable people don't mess with someone else's property.

I don't answer foolish questions. I did notice that you call yourself by a different name than you did a week ago. Sign of a coward.

My parents are proud of the person they raised. They, unlike yours, raised someone that respects the property of others and doesn't try to justify doing things to it just for fun.
We stayed away for awhile, never heard anything about it though.
I definitely had my fun, but I always kept my priorities in order. Always went to work and didn't drink days before I went to shooting competitions or hunting.

Good for you. I've never understood why mixing booze and bullets seemed like a good idea. Where I used to live with my late husband, there was even a store that advertised it sold liquor, ammo, bait, and tackle. We used to call it "Your One-Stop Shop for Mayhem." lol