Crazy thigs you did as a kid.

You confuse telling the truth with an attack. It's clear, based on how you view things, your parents didn't raise you to be an honorable person. Honorable people don't mess with someone else's property.

I don't answer foolish questions. I did notice that you call yourself by a different name than you did a week ago. Sign of a coward.

My parents are proud of the person they raised. They, unlike yours, raised someone that respects the property of others and doesn't try to justify doing things to it just for fun.

You say your parents are proud they raised a racist skin head. I find that hard to believe well I'll give them the benefit of the doubt.

I now understand why you didn't do teen things. You must have been busy burning crosses and terrorizing black famlies.
You say your parents are proud they raised a racist skin head. I find that hard to believe well I'll give them the benefit of the doubt.

I now understand why you didn't do teen things. You must have been busy burning crosses and terrorizing black famlies.

You're lying by claiming I'm one. It's clear your parents taught you lying was OK.

I didn't do things you think are OK because, unlike you, I was taught better.
Good for you. I've never understood why mixing booze and bullets seemed like a good idea. Where I used to live with my late husband, there was even a store that advertised it sold liquor, ammo, bait, and tackle. We used to call it "Your One-Stop Shop for Mayhem." lol

Selling it and using it together are two entirely different things...unless they're sold and used together. When I was a kid, there was a small store that sold .22s and the lady also sold beer under the table. Nice old Italian lady, she'd sell us 22s, but not beer.
You're lying by claiming I'm one. It's clear your parents taught you lying was OK.

I didn't do things you think are OK because, unlike you, I was taught better.

You have already shown your true colors one by calling me a N lover and kissing black ass. You are a throw back to the 50's when racism was the rule of the day. So try to hide it all you want you lying cock sucking racist. May you burn in hell bitch.

You sicken me so you are on ignore.
You have already shown your true colors one by calling me a N lover and kissing black ass. You are a throw back to the 50's when racism was the rule of the day. So try to hide it all you want you lying cock sucking racist. May you burn in hell bitch.

I've shown your true colors. Why are you embarrassed by the truth?

Someone is triggered. Get help, son. It's clear your parents did you a disservice.
Selling it and using it together are two entirely different things...unless they're sold and used together. When I was a kid, there was a small store that sold .22s and the lady also sold beer under the table. Nice old Italian lady, she'd sell us 22s, but not beer.

OwlWoman must think every person that owns a gun drinks and fishes.
Good for you. I've never understood why mixing booze and bullets seemed like a good idea. Where I used to live with my late husband, there was even a store that advertised it sold liquor, ammo, bait, and tackle. We used to call it "Your One-Stop Shop for Mayhem." lol

That's funny! I wanted to thank it. Did you disable that button?
Caught a bat and put it in my Ag teacher’s desk drawer. When he opened the desk .... fun times. Never told him about that.
I get it. You're one of those that thinks how it happens to you is how it happens to everyone else and that you have to have done something to know the results of it being done.

How idiotic of you.

It's a fun thread. I'm having a ball mocking and embarrassing you because of your simple minded thought processes.

Can't you, just for once, stfu & stop being a buzz kill you boring fuck.:mad: Go make a boring kid thread & leave this one be.....
Use to have a lot of relative's in Fostoria, most are dead now, just a few cousin's now?
I like to watch the trains at the old train station. Fostoria is in the top five in the nation for train watching. I'm trying to get a piece of Fostoria glass, will checkout antique shops next time I visit.


Well if you find out Mason is a cousin pls don't deny it, admit it up front..

Small town, perhaps some of his socks were named after some of your relatives & they live in his head to this day.:)

I hoped freights a few times Up & down Calif.. Maybe 15 or 16 (Some stories there)....

Another time they were working on the storm drains (bit like sewer pipes but w/out sewer water, just a little drive way run off).. We wandered around for miles under them w/ flashlights & or candles.. Wonder we never got stuck as it wasn't easy to jump up & grab the hand rails when you're 13/14...
This is just for fun.
Post any crazy antics you pulled as a kid/teen.

We had a lady in the neighborhood that had a huge watermelon patch. When we would camp out we would sneak over and steal a watermelon. Well warm watermelon isn't all that good. Lucky for us there was a small general store with an ice house that he didn't lock near where we camped. We got the bright idea to steal watermelons put them in the ice house and have cold melons. That went on for several months till we got caught and got our hides tanned.

My parents kept dragging me to my older brother's little league games when I was little. I had to search for things to keep me busy. It often led to me getting into things. I found touch up paint in the van and proceeded to draw on things. When I was caught they wanted to know what I had drawn on. It was no big deal until I took them by this one car. Only did I understand what the big deal was much later in life when I learned what a Mercedes Benz was.
My parents kept dragging me to my older brother's little league games when I was little. I had to search for things to keep me busy. It often led to me getting into things. I found touch up paint in the van and proceeded to draw on things. When I was caught they wanted to know what I had drawn on. It was no big deal until I took them by this one car. Only did I understand what the big deal was much later in life when I learned what a Mercedes Benz was.

LOL :good4u:
I chased my older brother, riding his bicycle with my Tonka Truck and he slammed on the brakes and I had no two front teeth till I was 6 years old.

No girls dated me thrthen. When I turned 7 and had teeth, I was the man and the Tonka Truck was buried somewhere in Montana!

I love Montana! Not only Tonka Trucks, but got chased by a fucking momma bear. My mother dragging me across the land and the creek.