Crazy thigs you did as a kid.

might have been why I was so UNTROUBLING to my parents

My Dad was a big enough asshole for the whole family

After I returned home I walked in the door and Dad walked up to me and dropped me with a solid over hand right. I then made a very serious mistake. I got back up. He dropped me with a left hook. I then turned around, crawled out the door, got outside and ran for my life! LOL
After I returned home I walked in the door and Dad walked up to me and dropped me with a solid over hand right. I then made a very serious mistake. I got back up. He dropped me with a left hook. I then turned around, crawled out the door, got outside and ran for my life! LOL

for reals?

that sucks
Mine knocked me down once

But I jumped back right into his face with a look that said YOU are gonna have to hurt me for real

He backed down

he never did it again

and NEVER physically threatened my brother in front of me at least
Mine knocked me down once

But I jumped back right into his face with a look that said YOU are gonna have to hurt me for real

He backed down

he never did it again

and NEVER physically threatened my brother in front of me at least

Do you have video?

Never happened.
I did stupid shit into my early 30's, that's when I quit drinking.
That said, I probably shouldn't share this, but I did on a previous forum and one or two of you may recall.
Anyway, I was into fireworks...all kinds, but especially home made ones.
A friend and myself made this pipe bomb, it was a little over a foot long and 2 1/2 inches inside diameter.
We packed it with a mixture of slow to fast burning powder, the slow burning in the center where the fuse was.
There was a railroad bridge that crossed the river and there was this 4 or 5 foot square deck to stand on in case
a train would pass. It had a steel frame and thick hardwood floor. We placed the pipe on the floor right where it was
bolted to the bridge on the floor. We lit it and ran like hell, we reached the shore and turned around expecting a really
loud bang. Well it was loud alright, it blew that deck right off the bridge. That was the last one we made.
I chased my older brother on his bike with my Tonka Truck and he stomped on the brakes and my two front teeth and my truck didn't. Had to wait a year or two for the adult teeth to come in.

Mine knocked me down once

But I jumped back right into his face with a look that said YOU are gonna have to hurt me for real

He backed down

he never did it again

and NEVER physically threatened my brother in front of me at least



Mrs I spit in black men's faces.

You're a crack addled joke.
Saying that it does no damage is inaccurate.

Next thing you'll claim is that egging doesn't harm cars.

TP does no damage it is white biodegradable paper sport. I know because I've had my house TP'd and it suffered no damage. You must know a lot about egging cars. I never egged a car but you must have been involved in one to know it can damage paint. Thought you were the perfect kid never did anything bad. But you sure seem to be well aquainted with teen pranks.

This was supposed to be a fun thread but you and your alter ego evince spoiled it.
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TP does no damage it is white biodegradable paper sport. I know because I've had my house TP'd and it suffered no damage. You must know a lot about egging cars. I never egged a car but you must have been involved in one to know it can damage paint. Thought you were the perfect kid never did anything bad. But you sure seem to be well aquainted with teen pranks.

This was supposed to be a fun thread but you and your alter ego evince spoiled it.

I get it. You're one of those that thinks how it happens to you is how it happens to everyone else and that you have to have done something to know the results of it being done.

How idiotic of you.

It's a fun thread. I'm having a ball mocking and embarrassing you because of your simple minded thought processes.
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Me and my two cousins walked from Findlay Ohio to Fostoria Ohio on the Nickel Plate railroad tracks. We were 13 and 14 years old, our parents let us do this, there is no way in hell parents would let their kids do something like this nowadays! The distance was 14 miles, had to beware of the fast moving freight trains too. Our parents were at the end to pick us up. It was a nice adventure too!

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Me and my two cousins walked from Findlay Ohio to Fostoria Ohio on the Nickel Plate railroad tracks. We were 13 and 14 years old, our parents let us do this, there is no way in hell parents would let their kids to something like this nowadays! The distance was 14 miles, had to beware of the fast moving freight trains too. Our parents were at the end to pick us up. It was a nice adventure too!


I live in Fostoria!
I yelled at my Mom once. Next thing I knew there was thunder coming down the hallway and I was bouncing off a wall. My Dad caught me on the way down and told me not to treat my Mom like that. Never did, though I startled her a bit with my vocabulary after basic training.

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I live in Fostoria!

Use to have a lot of relative's in Fostoria, most are dead now, just a few cousin's now?
I like to watch the trains at the old train station. Fostoria is in the top five in the nation for train watching. I'm trying to get a piece of Fostoria glass, will checkout antique shops next time I visit.

Use to have a lot of relative's in Fostoria, most are dead now, just a few cousin's now?
I like to watch the trains at the old train station. Fostoria is in the top five in the nation for train watching. I'm trying to get a piece of Fostoria glass, will checkout antique shops next time I visit.


Great little town,much better than Toledo where I came from.
To be honest, under the circumstances, I deserved it, my mother was worried sick about me as I just up and took off and just left a note on the table. I was gone for over a week and they had no clue where I was.

No one cared then and no one cares now. Poor moot.