Creationist child abusers close doors

did you think it was the ocean?.........the "waters" is the English word used to substitute for the Hebrew word......a couple of verses later it says he separated the "waters" from the "waters".......he called one part of those "waters" the sky.....does that still sound like the ocean to you?.......

then he said “Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry ground appear. And it was so. 10 God called the dry ground “land,” and the gathered waters he called “seas.”

now you have oceans.....and land......but not until the third thing......

I think what is being communicated was that matter was formed and the laws of nature that effect matter.....

You are a shameless liar. Yes, it sounds like ocean, because it is well known that is what these people believed. It's referenced again in the flood story.
You are a shameless liar. Yes, it sounds like ocean, because it is well known that is what these people believed. It's referenced again in the flood story.

then please explain why you believe they were referring to "ocean" before they say God created the "ocean".......why didn't they say God sat down on a rock and created rocks?.......
then please explain why you believe they were referring to "ocean" before they say God created the "ocean".......why didn't they say God sat down on a rock and created rocks?.......

You are trying to change the subject again. Will you explain how he created the earth after it says... The earth was...?

It states that he called the water divided by land seas or oceans. It still indicates, before that, there was water on the earth and it was divided above and below the firmament (raqia).
Baxter, there are no real answers coming and so why do you continue to entertain a fairy tale you can never believe in. You know that any answers he gives you won't be satisfactory. Just wondering what your motives are. Can you tell me?

And I'm also wondering what PMP's motives are. Do you think you can make believers out of people like Baxter?
You are trying to change the subject again. Will you explain how he created the earth after it says... The earth was...?

It states that he called the water divided by land seas or oceans. It still indicates, before that, there was water on the earth and it was divided above and below the firmament (raqia).

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. first vs. in the Bible
because it was saying the earth wasn't.....formless and void is not "was".....

So now, "was" means "wasn't"?

It WAS without form and empty or void.

You twist, spin and lie so much and so blatantly, there is really no point in discussing any of these topics with you. There is no doubt the Hebrew cosmology was geocentric and contained many other errors. It's a well known fact that the Catholic church maintained the error and suppressed heliocentric alternatives, but your twisted revisionism will claim otherwise. The only real point is to let you demonstrate how thoroughly dishonest fundamentalist religious beliefs require one to be.
It states that he called the water divided by land seas or oceans.

6 And God said, “Let there be a vault between the waters to separate water from water.” 7 So God made the vault and separated the water under the vault from the water above it. And it was so. 8 God called the vault “sky.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the second day.

9 And God said, “Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry ground appear.” And it was so. 10 God called the dry ground “land,” and the gathered waters he called “seas.” And God saw that it was good.

he divided "the waters" into two parts separated by "the vault".....the part above "the vault" was called sky......obviously the "sky" has no upward limit as we say we can see stars "in the sky" to this very day.....
that part of "the waters" under the vault was gathered into one place leaving dry ground which he called "sea" and "land"......

what would "the vault" have been?......what is it we know today that causes a separation between "the sky" and that which is under it?......was creating "the vault" simply the creation of what we know today as the scientific laws such as gravity?......could "the waters" simply have been matter,existing as particles in space?......

and the gathering of "the waters" into sea and land the formation of the earth and other planets and stars?......

time then matter then energy then formation......pretty consistent with what science tells us had to be the sequence so far.....

next up? until this year seemed out of science tells us life began out in space before the earth itself was formed....I wonder how the shepherds knew........
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It states that he called the water divided by land seas or oceans.

And God said, “Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry ground appear.” And it was so. 10 God called the dry ground “land,” and the gathered waters he called “seas.”


he divided "the waters" into two parts separated by "the vault".....the part above "the vault" was called sky......obviously the "sky" has no upward limit as we say we can see stars "in the sky" to this very day.....

that part of "the waters" under the vault was gathered into one place leaving dry ground which he called "sea" and "land"......

what would "the vault" have been?......what is it we know today that causes a separation between "the sky" and that which is under it?......was creating "the vault" simply the creation of what we know today as the scientific laws such as gravity?......could "the waters" simply have been matter,existing as particles in space?......

and the gathering of "the waters" into sea and land the formation of the earth and other planets and stars?......

time then matter then energy then formation......pretty consistent with what science tells us had to be the sequence so far.....

next up? until this year seemed out of science tells us life began out in space before the earth itself was formed....I wonder how the shepherds knew........

You are just making up a bunch of bullshit that does not fit into the context.

They believed that the firmament or vault was a solid sort of dome. The part above the vault, including the ocean they believe was there, was called the heavens. The stars, sun and moon were believed to be embedded in the firmament or vault. This is all well known and supported by other passages and beliefs of the times.

Science does not tell us that life began in space. Again, this is just more lies from you and another attempt to rewrite your bible to fit. You are mentally disturbed.
you have to use the whole sentence........"was formless and void" means "wasn't"........if it said "was pretty and round and all green and blue with white whispy clouds around it" you might have been right.....

It does not mean that. It says the earth was and then goes on to describe how it was.
right.....because we all know Baptists would agree with

Okay, I don't know what one would call it other than a delusional and ignorant attempt to force the data to fit the Bible even if that means rewriting the Bible and history. You even seem to be willing to rewrite the bible for unsupported hypothesis, but not for proven facts like evolution. It's just bizarre.
And God said, “Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry ground appear.” And it was so. 10 God called the dry ground “land,” and the gathered waters he called “seas.”


uh, have you forgotten what you were arguing for?......that would be "yep....AFTER he "gathered" them he called them seas" were claiming they were seas all along......before he separated the land, before he separated the sky, before he created day and don't get to say "yep" when the statement contradicts you.....then you have to say "oh, bad".......
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You are just making up a bunch of bullshit that does not fit into the context.

ironically, mine DOES fit into the context......your claims not only create an absurdity, its the very absurdity you are using to claim the whole thing can't be real......that's a circular argument....
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They believed that the firmament or vault was a solid sort of dome. The part above the vault, including the ocean they believe was there, was called the heavens. The stars, sun and moon were believed to be embedded in the firmament or vault. This is all well known and supported by other passages and beliefs of the times.

lol.....I won't ask you to waste your time trying to document that absurdity.....
It does not mean that. It says the earth was and then goes on to describe how it was.

and "how it was" was "wasn't"?........

which of the definitions of void are you using when you say the earth was "void".....
Search Results

adjective: void
not valid or legally binding.
"the contract was void"
synonyms: invalid, null, ineffective, nonviable, useless, worthless, nugatory More
"the election was void"
antonyms: valid
(of speech or action) ineffectual; useless.
"all the stratagems you've worked out are rendered void"
completely empty.
"void spaces surround the tanks"
synonyms: empty, vacant, blank, bare, clear, free, unfilled, unoccupied, uninhabited More
"vast void spaces"
antonyms: full
free from; lacking.
"what were once the masterpieces of literature are now void of meaning"
synonyms: devoid of, empty of, vacant of, bereft of, free from; More
lacking, wanting, without, with nary a
"a country void of man or beast"
antonyms: occupied
(of an office or position) vacant.
(in bridge and whist) having been dealt no cards in a particular suit.
noun: void; plural noun: voids
a completely empty space.
"the black void of space"
synonyms: vacuum, emptiness, nothingness, nullity, blankness, vacuity; More
empty space, blank space, space, gap, cavity, chasm, abyss, gulf, pit, black hole
"the void of space"
an emptiness caused by the loss of something.
"the void left by the death of his wife"
an unfilled space in a wall, building, or structure.
(in bridge and whist) a suit in which a player is dealt no cards.
verb: void; 3rd person present: voids; past tense: voided; past participle: voided; gerund or present participle: voiding
declare that (something) is not valid or legally binding.
"the Supreme Court voided the statute"
synonyms: invalidate, annul, nullify; More
negate, quash, cancel, countermand, repeal, revoke, rescind, retract, withdraw, reverse, undo, abolish;
"the contract was voided"
antonyms: validate
discharge or drain away (water, gases, etc.).
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Okay, I don't know what one would call it other than a delusional and ignorant attempt to force the data to fit the Bible even if that means rewriting the Bible and history. You even seem to be willing to rewrite the bible for unsupported hypothesis, but not for proven facts like evolution. It's just bizarre.

/ understanding is based upon a reading of the scriptures in a logical manner, following the original text and disregarding all the extraneous baggage that fundamentalists, atheists and other foggy thinkers try to impose upon it......what is bizarre is that you are as eager to impose literalism upon the text as any fundamentalist snake handling preacher......there is nothing in the text itself which is contradicted by science......

I look at what the Bible actually says and what science actually says about evolution.......l don't accept your beliefs about either when they aren't supported by the visible reality......