Creationist child abusers close doors

Now, how do we know Noah was not a clown? How do we know there were not two boats? It does not say he was not a clown. There is nothing in the bible to contradict either claim while there is plenty to contradict your localized flood nonsense.

have we not already pointed out you are free to believe whatever you want?......after all, you already admit to believing humans evolved from mold because shit happens elegantly......should we deny you the belief in even a fleet of arks because its more absurd than that?.......
/shrugs......other members of the 15% who embrace your belief structure.....

You have failed to establish that it is only 15% who accept the theory of evolution and it's virtually 100% of the scientist in the field, which is the authoritative group. Again there are many young earthers, geocentric, flat earthers and other assorted kooks like usf and monty1 that reject science and agree with you.
continuity is your fantasy.....there is nothing to destroy.....

No, it is not my fantasy. The continuity you are destroying is part of the Christian fantasy, as per Christ himself, wherein the entire earth and all humans will come to judgment. The continuity you are destroying is necessary for God's covenant as well. But if you wish to discredit the Bible, go ahead.
every fossil is proof of the existence of a single creature......and nothing else......even have fossils of what percentage of the creatures that have lived........not 1%.......probably not .000001%......people refer to a missing link, but in reality you have missing can't even account for the most important gap, that between single celled and multi-celled creatures......

Yes, we can. Soft bodies are not likely to form fossils. You can't account for the gap.
8 Then God said to Noah and to his sons with him: 9 “I now establish my covenant with you and with your descendants after you 10 and with every living creature that was with you—the birds, the livestock and all the wild animals, all those that came out of the ark with you—every living creature on earth. 11 I establish my covenant with you: Never again will all life be destroyed by the waters of a flood; never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth.

so, how do you plan to alter this part of the text?......

I am not altering anything and it is you that is clipping in order to misrepresent it. First off, if it is only those that came out of the ark but every living creature on earth then HOW could it it not indicate a global flood? Why is God indicating it is the entire earth? the important part you are removing.

12 And God said, “This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come: 13 I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. 14 Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, 15 I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life. 16 Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.


There is no way to argue that the passage indicates that the covenant was between God and only the inhabitants of the ark accept to lie, profusely.
have we not already pointed out you are free to believe whatever you want?......after all, you already admit to believing humans evolved from mold because shit happens elegantly......should we deny you the belief in even a fleet of arks because its more absurd than that?.......

No, I have not admitted that humans evolved from mold. I never said that and there is no indication that that is true. You are just making up more shit. You are far too stupid to follow along and believe yourself clever.
The continuity you are destroying is part of the Christian fantasy, as per Christ himself, wherein the entire earth and all humans will come to judgment. believe its necessary to believe that humans evolved and were not created or the concept of Christ as savior falls apart?........goodlord, you've achieved new heights of scripture manipulation.....
There is no way to argue that the passage indicates that the covenant was between God and only the inhabitants of the ark accept to lie, profusely. he said it was with those with him on the ark it isn't a lie to say he said it was with those with him on the ark......there weren't any others to have a covenant with......
No, I have not admitted that humans evolved from mold. I never said that and there is no indication that that is true. You are just making up more shit. You are far too stupid to follow along and believe yourself clever.

worms then?.......bacteria at the very least.......what do you believe humans ultimately evolved from?......
/shrugs....not if they share your silly non-scientific ideas......

/shrugs they share my scientific ideas... the ones you reject. The thread you were banned from shows that there are no serious scientist that reject common descent. It is just like there are no serious biblical scholars/theologists that believe Genesis should be taken as factually accurate.
the three pictured in the link you gave which I was referring to in the statement you quoted....

Which link? Do you mean the whale and its transitional fossils. All three were created by God at different times. Wow, you are really delusional. There is no length you will not go to to hold onto your fairy tale.
/shrugs they share my scientific ideas... the ones you reject. The thread you were banned from shows that there are no serious scientist that reject common descent. It is just like there are no serious biblical scholars/theologists that believe Genesis should be taken as factually accurate.

If you ask him how big he believes Noah's world was, he'll put you on ignore; because responding with intelligence scares him. :)