Creationist child abusers close doors

How do we know Noah was not a clown? How do we know there were not two boats? Maybe the flood was really a leak from Noah's gag flower? Or is pmp the only clown in this story?
No that does not support your claim. One could believe God created life and that evolution, including common descent, took care of the rest. But this is poll of lay people and not an analysis of alternative scientific theories of evolution. It's an embarrassing fail for you again on every level.

/ certainly proves you made a mistake by asserting common acceptance as authority.......
How do we know Noah was not a clown? How do we know there were not two boats? Maybe the flood was really a leak from Noah's gag flower? Or is pmp the only clown in this story?

I apologize that challenging your preconceived idea and that you're afraid of considering that which scares you.
from a thread started by someone afraid to face the truth we find evidence that there is a lack of common acceptance regarding the science of evolution.....
despite 150 years of research on the biology of evolution, scientists still disagree about how and why multicellular creatures and plants emerged from ancient oceans that teemed with robust and self-reliant single-celled entities.
surprisingly, the first thing their research has uncovered is Democrats....
On the other hand, a noncooperative cell—or what is labeled a "defector" in the lab—will move around an ecosystem eating up scarce resources without making any contributions to sustainability.
they also acknowledge the doctrine of "shit just happens"......
To be clear: There is no conscious goal or direction or systemic intentionality built into the evolutionary trajectory of a given entity, be it unicellular or multicellular.
/ certainly proves you made a mistake by asserting common acceptance as authority.......

That is not what happened. You claimed it was MY theory, but you have totally failed to show how anything I have said diverges from the commonly accepted theory.

The poll fails to prove it is not commonly accepted, but what the general public believes was not the context and you know it. You are just a failure.
ah, what I said.....

Not what you said.

I now establish my covenant with you and with your descendants after you 10 and with every living creature that was with you

covenant between me and the earth.

So God said to Noah, “This is the sign of the covenant I have established between me and all life on the earth.
they also acknowledge the doctrine of "shit just happens"......

No, they don't acknowledge a doctrine of anything that simple or crude. They acknowledge that somewhat random events happen and are shaped and filtered by natural selection which is exactly what I have told you before. But your childish mind insists there must be a purpose, a moral and some benevolent soul guiding all the death, birth and sometimes seeming chaos of life. You and usf are cowards and can't deal with reality. So you attack those promoting acceptance of reality with silly strawmen.

Behaviors have an effect on the evolution of species and vice versa. But let's not forget that evolution is the result of random events that generate consequences that are subject to natural selection. Some random changes improve an organism’s chance of surviving and reproducing in a specific environment, and some decrease it. Scientists strive to quantify these changes statistically so that we can make predictions and figure out what happened in the past.

To be clear: There is no conscious goal or direction or systemic intentionality built into the evolutionary trajectory of a given entity, be it unicellular or multicellular. Nonetheless, in scientific conversation, it is often convenient to talk about behaviors as if they are the result of choices. But cells are not conscious beings competing in a game like Prisoner's Dilemma, say, which treats outcomes as decisions.
