Creationist child abusers close doors

and yet, despite the voices you hear in your head, I reject neither......

Yes, you do. Your view on evolution includes some ill defined idea that several species were created and there was some amount of evolution from there. Your support of this seems to be your cutlish twisting of scripture. There is no science to support your claims and plenty to refute it.
Once again, because there are no references to it as the world that Noah knew and it causes serious problems of continuity.

You are arguing for a localized flood. Feel free to suggest an alternative word, that means localized, though.

So you are saying the Bible was not divinely transcribed or the writers did not have the truth revealed to them? It is just a book written by a bunch of ignorant desert people? I agree, but then that makes the whole thing less credible and / or authoritative.

The parameters are those of the Bible. I find it a crappy and worthless source. If you and pmp want to just make it up as you go then feel free, but it's going reduce your credibility even further.

But since it occurred in the "world" that Noah knew, it makes sense that it could be referring to the entire world of Noah.

You're the one that seems to feel that since it didn't spell it out directly, as being localized, that it couldn't mean anything else but world wide.

I'm sure your opinion of the Bible is just devastating to others. :chesh:

As I said before:
Or maybe it's worded the way it is; because otherwise they would have a hard time understanding it, like you are.
But since it occurred in the "world" that Noah knew, it makes sense that it could be referring to the entire world of Noah.

You're the one that seems to feel that since it didn't spell it out directly, as being localized, that it couldn't mean anything else but world wide.

I'm sure your opinion of the Bible is just devastating to others. :chesh:

As I said before:

No, it does not make sense. Again, the covenant makes no sense if localized since we have had local floods. The references from Christ make no sense either if it is local. You are avoiding those two points. It is not told from Noah's perspective and so it would be very odd that they would use his frame of reference for the world. It is God saying to Noah that he will destroy all flesh and cover the face of the earth in water. It is God's frame of reference.

You are reaching. It does not matter. If it's a local flood then it loses it's importance to the discussion and it is not useful in explaining the fossil record or any of the other nonsense pmp has presented about "kinds."
No, it does not make sense. Again, the covenant makes no sense if localized since we have had local floods. The references from Christ make no sense either if it is local. You are avoiding those two points. It is not told from Noah's perspective and so it would be very odd that they would use his frame of reference for the world. It is God saying to Noah that he will destroy all flesh and cover the face of the earth in water. It is God's frame of reference.

You are reaching. It does not matter. If it's a local flood then it loses it's importance to the discussion and it is not useful in explaining the fossil record or any of the other nonsense pmp has presented about "kinds."

Yes; he told Noah that he was going to destroy everything in Noah's world.
I've never said anything about fossils,
Yes; he told Noah that he was going to destroy everything in Noah's world.
I've never said anything about fossils,

He did not say "in Noah's world." He said "all flesh" from the "face of the earth."

Again, we have had localized floods. Are you saying the convenant was a lie, misunderstood???

Did Jesus Christ misunderstand the flood?

The point about fossils and kinds is the only reason this has relevance. If it is a local flood then it has no importance to a science test.
He did not say "in Noah's world." He said "all flesh" from the "face of the earth."

Again, we have had localized floods. Are you saying the convenant was a lie, misunderstood???

Did Jesus Christ misunderstand the flood?

The point about fossils and kinds is the only reason this has relevance. If it is a local flood then it has no importance to a science test.

Yes; since the entire "face of the earth" was all the world (earth) that Noah was aware of.
Since our knowledge of the entire world has expanded, the promise has held true.

I've never discussed fossils with you or anyone else.
Yes; since the entire "face of the earth" was all the world (earth) that Noah was aware of.
Since our knowledge of the entire world has expanded, the promise has held true.

I've never discussed fossils with you or anyone else.

No face of the earth does not imply the world Noah was aware of.

Our knowledge? I thought it was about Noah's knowledge?

The context of this discussion is the floods impact on the fossil record and so you are talking about that. If its a local flood it cannot have had the impact on life suggested and we can dismiss it as no more important than the mythical stories of Samson or Hercules.
No face of the earth does not imply the world Noah was aware of.

Our knowledge? I thought it was about Noah's knowledge?

The context of this discussion is the floods impact on the fossil record and so you are talking about that. If its a local flood it cannot have had the impact on life suggested and we can dismiss it as no more important than the mythical stories of Samson or Hercules.

But Noah's understanding of what was the earth, at that time, is relevant.
You're the one who wants to take today's understanding of what the "world" is and trying to make it the same as Noah's understanding of what the world is/was.

I haven't discussed fossils; because you're unable to understand the concept of someone's "world".
it is absent from the scientific proof of evolution......

Please cite this alternative theory of evolution that does not include common descent. Who are it's primary proponents?

There is proof of common descent. It has been cited numerous times. You don't find it compelling and reject the theory of evolution without proof of an alternative.
surely you haven't forgotten the Gallup Poll......atheists are so quick to throw it around they overlook the other side of the questioning......
those that think God had no hand in the process of human existence (which would be the Baxter Theory of Evolution and Refrigerator Maintenance)......15%........

No that does not support your claim. One could believe God created life and that evolution, including common descent, took care of the rest. But this is poll of lay people and not an analysis of alternative scientific theories of evolution. It's an embarrassing fail for you again on every level.
he made a covenant with every human living on earth at the time.......they had just walked off the ark.........

Genesis 9

8 Then God said to Noah and to his sons with him: 9 “I now establish my covenant with you and with your descendants after you 10 and with every living creature that was with you—the birds, the livestock and all the wild animals, all those that came out of the ark with you—every living creature on earth. 11 I establish my covenant with you: Never again will all life be destroyed by the waters of a flood; never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth.”

12 And God said, “This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come: 13 I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. 14 Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, 15 I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life. 16 Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.”

17 So God said to Noah, “This is the sign of the covenant I have established between me and all life on the earth.
