fully immersed in faith..
I asked for a theory that excludes common descent. You have not found one.
sure I have.....the theory of evolution as proven by scientific examination.......
I asked for a theory that excludes common descent. You have not found one.
It's all bullshit. If the flood did not cover the world then what is the point?
obviously its a stupid theory....why do you believe it?......I certainly have not said it.....So God created dinosaurs and humans at the same time? Boy that is a pretty stupid theory.
What came after eukaryotes you ask? Everything, except prokaryotes.
The shit happened is your approach.
You demand exquisite and exact detail for every step in the the evolutionary line with undenibale proofs for each step and offer NO proof or detail..
a position backed by tons of evidence
.....the theory of evolution for which there may be some small doubt on details in the lineage........I accept scientifically proven facts...
sure I have.....the theory of evolution as proven by scientific examination.......
punishing human disobedience.....a better question would be, "what is the point of flooding places where there were no disobedient humans?".....
obviously its a stupid theory....why do you believe it?......I certainly have not said it.....
so stage one is prokaryotes, stage two is eukaryotes, and stage three is everything else?.......does that mean that dinosaurs and humans evolved at the same time?....../grins?.......Boy that is a pretty stupid theory.
obviously not....I believe shit was intended and caused.....
you realize that is an essential difference between admitting something is an act of faith and claiming it is science, right?......
then why is it so difficult to provide just a tiny bit of evidence supporting the evolution of prokaryotes into eukaryotes?.......I mean, if you can't get from stage one to stage two how do you expect to get to stage 2,675,000?......
is this a minimalist admission that there may be some doubt, however small, about your "scientifically proven facts"?......
It unequivocally states he wanted to kill all flesh (animals) that walk the earth.
I asked you for the first step. He created what? Prokaryotes? Dinosaurs? Humans?
I am asking you what is the point in the context of your silly ideas on cat kind?
how your crappy religion disproves science
right....that's what it was all about......killing all flesh......forgot that
I'm not saying "my crappy religion disproves science".......I'm saying science doesn't prove your crappy religion......
the context of my "silly ideas on cat kind" was to respond to an even more silly claim that there wouldn't have been room for all the animals on the ark.......I simply pointed out we didn't need all the animals on the ark because of the scientific fact of evolution........
Apparently you did. If the only importance is allegorical then it is really stupid for you to argue that it was local. You are trying to cherry pick again, using it for what aids your argument and ignore what causes problems.
You are claiming that your shitty religion is just as valid as science. You are afraid to state a hypothesis because you know it is all nonsense.