Creationist child abusers close doors

that's your stock retort when you forget what the fuck you said....

and therein lies your can't see the forest for the Tree......

Your lame attempts at a pithy response don't cover the fact that the source and a 100 others state that you are wrong. Macroevolution explains the variety of beetles.
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I've given you my definition a half a dozen times in as many just don't bother to read them.....when you pretend that humans and crustaceans have a common ancestor you are engaging in think they are branches of the same sequoia.....

You have not. Define macroevolution.
You used it in a sentence. Define it. want a postmodernist to "define" something?.....if you can't figure out what I am describing from that sentence you aren't worth debating with......macro-evolution = "pretending that humans and crustaceans have a common ancestor".......claiming we've descended from pond scum.......claiming that peanuts and sea gulls are related...... want a postmodernist to "define" something?.....if you can't figure out what I am describing from that sentence you aren't worth debating with......macro-evolution = "pretending that humans and crustaceans have a common ancestor".......claiming we've descended from pond scum.......claiming that peanuts and sea gulls are related......

Then quit trolling my threads, chickenshit.

Macroecolution is evolution above the level of species. Macroevolution explains the variety of beetles, insects, animals and life. There is no real distinction between variation of species and other more inclusive groupings. You don't want to offer a definition of macroevolution because it will force you to make a silly distinction about kinds or some other creationist grouping that does not exist.
There is no real distinction between variation of species and other more inclusive groupings.

there is no real distinction between saying peanuts are related to peas and saying peanuts are related to peacocks?......

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there is no real distinction between saying peanuts are related to peas and saying peanuts are related to peacocks?......

That is not what I said, but since you can't answer the question honestly you are left to your usual dishonest chickenshit tactics. Define macroevolution, microevolution and how they differ?
macro-evolution is saying peanuts are related to peacocks
micro-evolution is saying peanuts are related to peas.....

they differ in that one is obvious, the other is fantasy....

No, that isn't a valid definition. Macroevolution and microevolution are not speech acts. It does not describe "saying" this or that. They are an arbitrary way in which we have subdivided evolution. A valid definition would be to describe the division. Since you are too chickenshit to answer honestly, I will try to convert your comments into something sensible.

You seem to be implying that...
Macroevolution is evolution above the level of kingdom; and microevolution is anything below it? Is that your weak kneed argument? You want proof of evolution that crosses that line but accept all that happens below it? Previous arguments indicate something else, but you are likely feeling a bit bruised, beaten and ashamed so you are being exceptionally cowardly.
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No, the words do not describe speech acts. The words distinguish between evolution below and above the level of species. It's all evolution though.
No, the words do not describe speech acts. mean because sometimes they are written?.....they are used to human beings analyzing and studying.....even "evolution" is a speech act.......if I walk down the street I can see a car....I can see a cloud......I can see a cat.....I may even see a cat having kittens.......I cannot see an is a word applied to something that cannot be seen...... mean because sometimes they are written?.....they are used to human beings analyzing and studying.....even "evolution" is a speech act.......if I walk down the street I can see a car....I can see a cloud......I can see a cat.....I may even see a cat having kittens.......I cannot see an is a word applied to something that cannot be seen......

You are such an idiot. You were claiming that the distinction between macroevolution and microevolution was all about a statement being made. It's as if you were claiming each is an ism.

You have used the word to describe a distinction in evolution above and below certain degrees of variation. That is how it is commonly used. You refuse to define that degree of variation because you are an intellectual coward and know that your distinctinction is nonsense. The only distinction that makes any sense is in gene pools or species.