fully immersed in faith..
Prof Baxter, I admire you. You always have very cogent arguments.
he's as dense as the wood in his Tree.....
Prof Baxter, I admire you. You always have very cogent arguments.
that's your stock retort when you forget what the fuck you said....
and therein lies your can't see the forest for the Tree......
I've given you my definition a half a dozen times in as many just don't bother to read them.....when you pretend that humans and crustaceans have a common ancestor you are engaging in think they are branches of the same sequoia.....
You have not. Define macroevolution.
read the post you quoted.....
You used it in a sentence. Define it.
Nice pagan Jesus freak burn!You are getting confused by your own spin. First it is creation by God then evolution.
Honestly, your bizarre cult is boring and not the topic. want a postmodernist to "define" something?.....if you can't figure out what I am describing from that sentence you aren't worth debating with......macro-evolution = "pretending that humans and crustaceans have a common ancestor".......claiming we've descended from pond scum.......claiming that peanuts and sea gulls are related......
There is no real distinction between variation of species and other more inclusive groupings.
there is no real distinction between saying peanuts are related to peas and saying peanuts are related to peacocks?......
. Define macroevolution, microevolution and how they differ?
macro-evolution is saying peanuts are related to peacocks
micro-evolution is saying peanuts are related to peas.....
they differ in that one is obvious, the other is fantasy....
Macroevolution and microevolution are not speech acts.
You seem to be implying that...
Macroevolution is evolution above the level of kingdom; and microevolution is anything below it?
No, that isn't a valid definition.
No, the words do not describe speech acts. mean because sometimes they are written?.....they are used to human beings analyzing and studying.....even "evolution" is a speech act.......if I walk down the street I can see a car....I can see a cloud......I can see a cat.....I may even see a cat having kittens.......I cannot see an is a word applied to something that cannot be seen......
degree of variation
meaningless and arbitrary, except to a hard-core modernist......