Cult of White Privilege IS EthnoMasochism

Among a lot of guilt ridden whites, Palin wasn't a reason. Like most blacks that voted for Obama, skin color was the only concern.

That was another factor. The Jewish media has conditioned Whites to act against their own interests. That's the real reason for white ethnomasochism.
That was another factor. The Jewish media has conditioned Whites to act against their own interests. That's the real reason for white ethnomasochism.

It must suck to always have to come up with someone to blame. I mean, you could do so much more with your time.
Hello StoneByStone,

It's the trust within a community, often including trust between people who never met before. In Japan, there are bars where, when people walk in, they drop their phones off on the side of the bar. Anyone can easily steal someone else's phone, but this rarely happens because Japan has very high social trust. Part of the reason for that is that Japan is over 90% Japanese.

I think it is because that culture has strong morals about stealing.

Actually, suicide is up among white women too. The changing of gender roles is upsetting plenty of men, but the skyrocketing of suicide and alcoholism is probably about forced racial integration.

I don't see that. What I see is the crush of relentless capitalism, like a boa constrictor, waiting for any chance to extract more oxygen out of the 99.9%.

I was referring to the polarization between Conservatives and Liberals. That's also a result of Capitalism, but when social trust is low, it's easier for politicians to do things like that

The greedy rich and powerful play conservatives against liberals in a divide and conquer strategy.

We elected Obama because black people, who never voted before and don't follow politics, showed up in huge numbers to vote for a guy they knew nothing about. The election of Obama was a perfect example of Blacks still not thinking in terms of being American. They see themselves as Blacks living in America, and so they'll support the black guy because he's black.

That is of course true for a small segment of society, but I believe you have way overestimated the extent. Ben Carson is black, but he didn't get many black votes.

If that was the case, why are pro-white groups, no matter how moderate, so hated in America?

I don't know that they are hated so much as they are generally perceived as hate groups.