Cult of White Privilege IS EthnoMasochism

Hello Mott,

I had to wonder, while watching the vid, if the 'Per capita income of Hong Kong' isn't heavily skewed upward from the median by the existence of a relatively few extremely wealthy individuals, and that the majority actually have very little. Don't people work in sweat shops there as they live stacked in horizontal lockers, barely more than a sleeping space? We do know that the 'per capita income' of the USA is definitely skewed by the existence of an extremely wealthy few, while many barely scrape by paycheck to paycheck, with the help of socialist taxpayer supported government assistance.

Yeah, Hong Kong has a high GDP, but what is the water quality of the waterways? Probably not a very good idea to swim in Kowloon Bay.
I have family members who work in Hong Kong. It's like any major city with it's population density but it is definately a first world city in terms of quality of life and standard of living. The per capita income they posted, I believe, is median per capita income, if so then it's probably fairly accurate.

Just a short boat ride from Hong Kong is Macau and it has a median household income of over $100,000/ Hong Kong and Macau have first world quality of life and standard of living. Very comparable to any major US City.
I don't think we've done that.
We're in the process of it. Mass non-white immigration and anti-white state racism are still happening. We're also just accepting the social and media racism Whites now have to deal with. The results have been lower living standards for Whites.
Keep in mind that multiracialism never works, and hated minorities usually face violent persecution. So what's going to happen when Whites are the minority in our own countries?

We see that as bad because it supports automatic privileges for being white instead of equal chance for all to flourish and succeed.

So how come we don't hear complaints about how Hollywood is "too Jewish" or STEM jobs are "too Asian" or any of the other fields where a non-white group is overrepresented?
And this is America, where white is the majority. OF COURSE most fields will have a white majority. You don't go to Africa and say "damn, these governments are way too black."

I don't understand how the concept of equality is a disadvantage for anyone.
We don't have equality when affirmative action exists. When only Whites don't have freedom of association. When the media is grooming society to view everything we do as racist. These are some of the disadvantages.

Is it anti-white; or is it anti-discriminatory...

I would say it's anti-white because it blames white people for discrimination that isn't there. The media also ONLY talks about white racism, which is also propaganda.
The narrative being constructed here is that Whites are racists. Movies like "Get Out" take it a step further and say the white people you know who have black friends and even date black people, well they're racist too. It's this whole "White Feminism" bullshit.
Basically, the establishment want us to think the only good white person is a white person who accepts their racism and is working every day to harness the power of guilt to be a better POC ally.
Hello StoneByStone,

Don't most people actually have a bit of mixture of self-love and self-hatred? Isn't that really just part of being human?
Sure, but not to the point where they are fighting to make life worse for themselves. I'm sure Blacks have a degree of self-hatred, but for them it's not racial, and it's not so strong that they demand more benefits for every other race but less for themselves.

Does it really do that any more than it loves itself?
Yes. The white race doesn't fight for it's own interests like every other race does.
Hello StoneByStone,

We're in the process of it. Mass non-white immigration and anti-white state racism are still happening. We're also just accepting the social and media racism Whites now have to deal with. The results have been lower living standards for Whites.

I don't see that at all. My living standard is the same whether some immigrants are allowed to participate in our economy or not.

Keep in mind that multiracialism never works, and hated minorities usually face violent persecution. So what's going to happen when Whites are the minority in our own countries?

Nothing is going to happen. Life will go on, all will be fine, even with multiracialism.

So how come we don't hear complaints about how Hollywood is "too Jewish" or STEM jobs are "too Asian" or any of the other fields where a non-white group is overrepresented?

In case you have not noticed, we are trying to catch up because blacks have been so oppressed by slavery and discrimination. The slaves didn't ask to be brought here.

And this is America, where white is the majority. OF COURSE most fields will have a white majority. You don't go to Africa and say "damn, these governments are way too black."

I really don't care who has greater numbers of individuals. But I would like to see a level playing field which would result in our various races being proportionally represented in most areas of the economy.

We don't have equality when affirmative action exists. When only Whites don't have freedom of association. When the media is grooming society to view everything we do as racist.

Total exaggeration.

These are some of the disadvantages.

It hasn't hurt me.

I would say it's anti-white because it blames white people for discrimination that isn't there.

That is a matter of perception.

The media also ONLY talks about white racism, which is also propaganda.

It is not propaganda if it is verified fact.

The narrative being constructed here is that Whites are racists.

No, I don't get that. It is up to each individual how they think about racism.

Basically, the establishment want us to think the only good white person is a white person who accepts their racism and is working every day to harness the power of guilt to be a better POC ally.

What is a POC ally?

And I totally do not see 'the establishment want us to think the only good white person is a white person who accepts their racism and is working every day to harness the power of guilt.' What I see is institutions which reflect our Constitution, our diverse culture, and the idea that all are created equal. And that logically seems like the only fair way to do it.
Hello StoneByStone,

Sure, but not to the point where they are fighting to make life worse for themselves. I'm sure Blacks have a degree of self-hatred, but for them it's not racial, and it's not so strong that they demand more benefits for every other race but less for themselves.

I have not seen my benefits decreased.

The white race doesn't fight for it's own interests like every other race does.

Doesn't have to. Already on top.
Hello StoneByStone,

I don't see that at all. My living standard is the same whether some immigrants are allowed to participate in our economy or not.

Actually, the more racially/ethnically diverse a society becomes, the less social trust that society has. This leads to more atomized communities, less going outside, less risks being taken, and so on. This is one of the causes for alcoholism and suicide rising among white people, as well as the extreme individualism of modern America.
Now you may not feel this is affecting you, and maybe it's not. But it is affecting a lot of white people, and it's one of the reason politics has become so stupidly polarizing. When a country has no sense of community, it becomes easy for politicians to play people against each other.

In case you have not noticed, we are trying to catch up because blacks have been so oppressed by slavery and discrimination. The slaves didn't ask to be brought here.

Slavery prevented Blacks from assimilating when it was actually legal. Today, in the 21st century, Blacks are more privileged that Whites, and still aren't assimilating. And it's the same thing in every country. The Aboriginals still aren't Australian. The Africans that were immigrating to France before WWII still aren't French.

I really don't care who has greater numbers of individuals. But I would like to see a level playing field which would result in our various races being proportionally represented in most areas of the economy.
That's never going to happen without government force. While there are intelligent people in all races, different races have different IQ averages. And this leads to fights over representation.

Total exaggeration.
Which part and how?

That is a matter of perception.
You can say that about any propaganda. That's basically how propaganda works. It plays off of perception.
But you can't watch a movie like "Get Out" and tell me the message there isn't that white racism is still everywhere.

It is not propaganda if it is verified fact.
First, it's not verified fact. Second, if you're ONLY talking about one race's alleged racism, then that's propaganda. They're giving us a false view of the world with a clear narrative they want us to believe.

What is a POC ally?

Person of Color ally.

And I totally do not see 'the establishment want us to think the only good white person is a white person who accepts their racism and is working every day to harness the power of guilt.' What I see is institutions which reflect our Constitution, our diverse culture, and the idea that all are created equal. And that logically seems like the only fair way to do it.

Then why is the media so obsessed with inaccurate portrayals of white racism, and only white racism?

The white race doesn't fight for it's own interests like every other race does.
Doesn't have to. Already on top.

What is the measurement of being on top?
If it's money, the Asians are on top. If it's control, the Jews are on top. If it's rights, every non-white group is on top.
Hello StoneByStone,

Actually, the more racially/ethnically diverse a society becomes, the less social trust that society has.

'Social trust?' What's that?

This leads to more atomized communities, less going outside, less risks being taken, and so on. This is one of the causes for alcoholism and suicide rising among white people, as well as the extreme individualism of modern America.

White 'PEOPLE?' It's not white people who are killing themselves. It's white MEN. This is often attributed to loss of dominance as women displace men in breadwinner roles.

Now you may not feel this is affecting you, and maybe it's not. But it is affecting a lot of white people, and it's one of the reason politics has become so stupidly polarizing. When a country has no sense of community, it becomes easy for politicians to play people against each other.

The only politicians which are playing whites against blacks are not getting my vote. The polarization in our society is a result of capitalism and greed.

Slavery prevented Blacks from assimilating when it was actually legal. Today, in the 21st century, Blacks are more privileged that Whites, and still aren't assimilating. And it's the same thing in every country. The Aboriginals still aren't Australian. The Africans that were immigrating to France before WWII still aren't French.

We elected a black president. Not once, but twice. That is a huge assimilation box checked. If the rest of society is still catching up, then we simply need to give it more time and keep helping it along. Obviously, we are doing some right things which are having the desired effect. Just like equal voting rights, the fact that we are seeing some results does not always mean we need to stop doing what is producing those results.

That's never going to happen without government force. While there are intelligent people in all races, different races have different IQ averages. And this leads to fights over representation.

What is IQ level but a measure of what has been learned. Not ability to learn.

Which part [is a total exaggeration] and how?

StoneByStone: "the media is grooming society to view everything we do as racist."

You can say that about any propaganda. That's basically how propaganda works. It plays off of perception.
But you can't watch a movie like "Get Out" and tell me the message there isn't that white racism is still everywhere.

It's a movie. It's fictional. It's entertainment. Imaginary. Not a true story. Also, it is a totally messed up movie. I have not watched it, and would not do so. I read a sum-up of the plot. It's totally bizarre. Gory. It is a sick movie. Of course white racism still exists, but I will never agree that it 'is everywhere.'

First, it's not verified fact.

You don't think white racism exists?

Second, if you're ONLY talking about one race's alleged racism, then that's propaganda. They're giving us a false view of the world with a clear narrative they want us to believe.

Most racism is whites disparaging blacks. That's the major racism problem in the USA. Reverse racism exists, but is not a large problem, so we don't see media reports on that very much.

Then why is the media so obsessed with inaccurate portrayals of white racism, and only white racism?

Because it is a problem which hurts our society in a significant way.

What is the measurement of being on top? If it's money, the Asians are on top. If it's control, the Jews are on top. If it's rights, every non-white group is on top.

I am not going to address this because you are responding to your own post, which is a bit creepy. Are the two of us in a conversation, or are you having one with yourself? Your post presents a quote of your own, ostensibly presented as if you were responding to something I said. Only I didn't say it. That is disingenuous at best. Please don't post your own quotes in a way that makes it look like I said it. I am hoping this was a mistake.
Hello StoneByStone,

'Social trust?' What's that?

It's the trust within a community, often including trust between people who never met before. In Japan, there are bars where, when people walk in, they drop their phones off on the side of the bar. Anyone can easily steal someone else's phone, but this rarely happens because Japan has very high social trust. Part of the reason for that is that Japan is over 90% Japanese.

White 'PEOPLE?' It's not white people who are killing themselves. It's white MEN. This is often attributed to loss of dominance as women displace men in breadwinner roles.

Actually, suicide is up among white women too. The changing of gender roles is upsetting plenty of men, but the skyrocketing of suicide and alcoholism is probably about forced racial integration.

The only politicians which are playing whites against blacks are not getting my vote. The polarization in our society is a result of capitalism and greed.

I was referring to the polarization between Conservatives and Liberals. That's also a result of Capitalism, but when social trust is low, it's easier for politicians to do things like that
We elected a black president. Not once, but twice. That is a huge assimilation box checked. If the rest of society is still catching up, then we simply need to give it more time and keep helping it along. Obviously, we are doing some right things which are having the desired effect. Just like equal voting rights, the fact that we are seeing some results does not always mean we need to stop doing what is producing those results.

We elected Obama because black people, who never voted before and don't follow politics, showed up in huge numbers to vote for a guy they knew nothing about. The election of Obama was a perfect example of Blacks still not thinking in terms of being American. They see themselves as Blacks living in America, and so they'll support the black guy because he's black.

What is IQ level but a measure of what has been learned. Not ability to learn.

Reverse that. IQ does measure ability to learn, not simply what someone knows. Take an IQ test sometime, you'll see that they ask you logic questions and have you do puzzles.

It's a movie. It's fictional. It's entertainment. Imaginary. Not a true story. Also, it is a totally messed up movie. I have not watched it, and would not do so. I read a sum-up of the plot. It's totally bizarre. Gory. It is a sick movie. Of course white racism still exists, but I will never agree that it 'is everywhere.'

Yes, it's fictional, but it presents itself as a fictional dramatization of racism in America. It's propaganda, of course it's entertainment. "Birth of a Nation" was fiction too, but it helped shape how people thought about the KKK. That's how propaganda works. It uses entertainment to condition people.
You might not have fallen for these anti-white movies, but a lot of people do. "Get Out" has been celebrated as a "brave" and "daring" look at racism in America. People are falling for this.

You don't think white racism exists?

It does, but in extremely small amounts. And it's not systematic like anti-white racism is.

Most racism is whites disparaging blacks. That's the major racism problem in the USA. Reverse racism exists, but is not a large problem, so we don't see media reports on that very much.
See, that's the narrative people believe because of movies like "Get Out" and "The First Purge." But it's not true.

Because it is a problem which hurts our society in a significant way.

If that was the case, why are pro-white groups, no matter how moderate, so hated in America? Jared Taylor is considered a White Supremacist simply for saying that white people should have freedom of association. If this alleged white racism is so common, shouldn't White Nationalists be an accepted political party in America?

I am not going to address this because you are responding to your own post, which is a bit creepy. Are the two of us in a conversation, or are you having one with yourself? Your post presents a quote of your own, ostensibly presented as if you were responding to something I said. Only I didn't say it. That is disingenuous at best. Please don't post your own quotes in a way that makes it look like I said it. I am hoping this was a mistake.

The quote I was responding to was something you said about white people being on top. I was pointing out that, by most measurements, white people are not on top.
I love my white privilege

Just the other day a negro and I both reached for the last item on a shelf. I immediately pulled out my White Privilege card and took it.

Just off the top of my head here, without giving it much thought, I think Whites see themselves as 'Conquerors of the World'. They've carved up the World, created Borders, given their Language to the Conquered, and claimed the 'Local Wealth' as their own.
Now, Whites are pretty well off and think, "Hey, maybe we should give some back?"

Africans didn't have abstract concepts in their language so they were doomed to technological deadends because they had no concept of precision which could be relayed between each other. White people simply have better language and were able to pass on technological advances to future generations.

Written vs oral language: How do they differ?
Africans didn't have abstract concepts in their language so they were doomed to technological deadends because they had no concept of precision which could be relayed between each other. White people simply have better language and were able to pass on technological advances to future generations.

Written vs oral language: How do they differ?

If you say so.
It's the trust within a community, often including trust between people who never met before. In Japan, there are bars where, when people walk in, they drop their phones off on the side of the bar. Anyone can easily steal someone else's phone, but this rarely happens because Japan has very high social trust. Part of the reason for that is that Japan is over 90% Japanese.

Actually, suicide is up among white women too. The changing of gender roles is upsetting plenty of men, but the skyrocketing of suicide and alcoholism is probably about forced racial integration.

I was referring to the polarization between Conservatives and Liberals. That's also a result of Capitalism, but when social trust is low, it's easier for politicians to do things like that

We elected Obama because black people, who never voted before and don't follow politics, showed up in huge numbers to vote for a guy they knew nothing about. The election of Obama was a perfect example of Blacks still not thinking in terms of being American. They see themselves as Blacks living in America, and so they'll support the black guy because he's black.

Reverse that. IQ does measure ability to learn, not simply what someone knows. Take an IQ test sometime, you'll see that they ask you logic questions and have you do puzzles.

Yes, it's fictional, but it presents itself as a fictional dramatization of racism in America. It's propaganda, of course it's entertainment. "Birth of a Nation" was fiction too, but it helped shape how people thought about the KKK. That's how propaganda works. It uses entertainment to condition people.
You might not have fallen for these anti-white movies, but a lot of people do. "Get Out" has been celebrated as a "brave" and "daring" look at racism in America. People are falling for this.

It does, but in extremely small amounts. And it's not systematic like anti-white racism is.

See, that's the narrative people believe because of movies like "Get Out" and "The First Purge." But it's not true.

If that was the case, why are pro-white groups, no matter how moderate, so hated in America? Jared Taylor is considered a White Supremacist simply for saying that white people should have freedom of association. If this alleged white racism is so common, shouldn't White Nationalists be an accepted political party in America?

The quote I was responding to was something you said about white people being on top. I was pointing out that, by most measurements, white people are not on top.

In a limited way you may be right, but most who voted for Obama did so because Palin was on the Republican ticket and she's a pizza waitress at heart.
Africans didn't have abstract concepts in their language so they were doomed to technological deadends because they had no concept of precision which could be relayed between each other. White people simply have better language and were able to pass on technological advances to future generations.

Written vs oral language: How do they differ?

What? Who says they don't have abstract concepts?
What? Who says they don't have abstract concepts?

Pre colonial Africa. I should have been more precise. Sorry. I encountered a video about the subject. The research originates with this guy

Many abstract concepts were discovered missing when attempts to translate and build a dictionary were made. Concepts like time. There was no word for the past, the future. There was no complex number system. They had oral language only. Caucasians chose to develop in regions that required greater precision to convey information. For example the researchers asked early natives how they could describe a coconut was halfway up in a tree, but there was only a way to say it was up in the tree. Cuacasians developed more precise language because they needed to describe landscapes and feature more wide ranging than plains and grasslands that are relatively featureless. I think it's simply a matter of one group doing more of something and developing traits that result. Plains dwellers had less use for highly descriptive language and had better intuitive communication techniques. The differences are evident in the higher rates of self-consciousness and neurosis among caucasians compared to africans.
In a limited way you may be right, but most who voted for Obama did so because Palin was on the Republican ticket and she's a pizza waitress at heart.

Palin definitely helped Obama get elected, but among Blacks, it probably wasn't the main reason. Most Blacks don't follow politics because, once again, they don't feel American. They feel like they're outside the system, and whoever the president is, it will be a white person who isn't concerned about their interests. They assumed that Obama was concerned about them simply because he's black.
In a limited way you may be right, but most who voted for Obama did so because Palin was on the Republican ticket and she's a pizza waitress at heart.

Wrong. Most that voted for Obama were like you thinking skin color was a qualification.
Palin definitely helped Obama get elected, but among Blacks, it probably wasn't the main reason. Most Blacks don't follow politics because, once again, they don't feel American. They feel like they're outside the system, and whoever the president is, it will be a white person who isn't concerned about their interests. They assumed that Obama was concerned about them simply because he's black.

Among a lot of guilt ridden whites, Palin wasn't a reason. Like most blacks that voted for Obama, skin color was the only concern.

In 2008, black voting exploded. Many of those that voted for the first time didn't do so because they'd just turned 18. In 2016, when there wasn't a black running for President, black voting went down to levels very similar to what they had been in elections before 2008.

Damn, I came across this video and thought it might be interesting to contemplate that comprehension might have played a roll. If a person didn't have a word for the future, a warning of slavery would carry no meaning. How can you explain slavery without the context of time?