Cwacko, Thee Dee, And the Demise Of The GOP.

Was Cwacko hoping you'd show up and start trolling? Why don't you shut your old rock band camp following mouth so he can stop hiding behind you?

You show up on this site speaking in highly antiquated terms, and in ways which could easily be interpreted as trolling, and accuse others of being trolls?

You better hope you never run into me in real life, you little bigot. Cwacko runs, you troll.

You can't even stand without your walker, what are you going to do to a strapping young man that you hit at the knee cap? Hit him with your colostomy bag? Throw your empty fifth at him?
Does anyone else here agree with this outlandish lie by this eastern establishment liberal republican?

Your dancing again, left lover. You're doing the mambo again.

Of course you know what my alternative solutions are so what are yours?

Exterminate all dirty white boys with guns and Bibles? Is that it?

Once again you don't disappoint. You make nothing but unsubstantiated claims about my positions and never state your own. Nothing. It seems you like Trump but you won't actually say so. Trump was the quintessential east coast New York liberal you rail against and now you support him? Don't tell me about principles.

LOL, right?!

I'm sure i'm not alone in wondering what the people we've been talking to all these years online look like. I'd think it a natural curiosity. PR would rank up there for me. Part of me is honored that he thinks I have so much political power. Part of me is intrigued at who is this person that says the same thing over and over while saying nothing.
He must be really pissy right now with the way the Eagles are playing. I wonder if Philly Cheesesteak is also a Sixers fan. :D

LOL, Sixers are a mess. What's funny with his name calling us 'east coast liberals' is the east coast is my least favorite part of the country. I hate the attitudes people have there and it seems he has an east coast attitude himself.
There's only a few things I can say about Philly:

-Sandwiches are good
-Eastern PA > Western PA
-Rocky Balboa
-Revolutionary history

Otherwise, it sucks. I'm not completely anti-east coast. I like New England. Otherwise, DC and Baltimore are cesspools, NYC is overrated, and everything south of the Mason-Dixon line is obviously non-reputable.
There's only a few things I can say about Philly:

-Sandwiches are good
-Eastern PA > Western PA
-Rocky Balboa
-Revolutionary history

Otherwise, it sucks. I'm not completely anti-east coast. I like New England. Otherwise, DC and Baltimore are cesspools, NYC is overrated, and everything south of the Mason-Dixon line is obviously non-reputable.

I have southern routes so I love the South. Any woman that says y'all is good with me.

PR must just self hate based on where he lives
Once again you don't disappoint. You make nothing but unsubstantiated claims about my positions and never state your own. Nothing. It seems you like Trump but you won't actually say so. Trump was the quintessential east coast New York liberal you rail against and now you support him? Don't tell me about principles.

You are yet to offer any viable solutions to the sorry state of the country and Trump but instead, offer personal attacks upon myself. Now you are hiding behind Rana and thee dee - two leftist trolls who are your pacifier.

Don't ever let me hear you slam evince again. Anything evince has pales in comparison to the enormous crater you possess between your legs.

You're a cowardly, spineless moderate jelly fish. A - typical of your moderate leadership which refuses to do anything about Obama and his crew except play ball with him and them.

Say anything about evince, who has more balls than you could ever hope to have, you disgrace, and let me read it and you'll hear from me.