It is absolutely essential for these people to not only keep the liberal wing of the republican party up and running, but more importantly, over powering of conservatives in the party. Cwacko, thee dee, all the so called moderates are cultural Marxists as are the kind found in the Democratic party which has no moderate wing let alone any conservative wing and is completely controlled by hard leftists, top to bottom. the culture is essential to control because the culture is the country and it is bound at the hip with the economy.
Donald Trump, the reform candidate is a direct threat to the establishment Republicans for this very reason knowing that a centralized government is what is keeping the cultural Marxists in power and in control of the culture. Their entire agenda relies on an intact centralized government. They are all of the Woodstock grain in both parties.
Cwacko's phony credentials and his inability to expose his real agenda as being such typifies the establishment of the GOP today. Keeping the government intact is his priority.