Cyndi Lauper Says 'Our Families Are Validated' as Biden Signs Marriage Act

And it is pretend. Procreation is a big part of getting married. Continue on the bloodline and legacies. democrats have yet to figure out basic biology. Biden said so himself in 2006.

It's a big part of many marriages. But not all marriages, and it doesn't define marriage at all. It's a fairly irrelevant point in this debate - unless we want to start mandating children for all married couples.
The Constitution is not a weapon! It's a tool! It's a machine. It has to be worked. It's a work in progress.

The Constitution is not about destruction, obstruction, disruption, abduction, expulsion, compulsion, or corruption- It is about construction, production, instruction, and function!

It is a stake in the ground, put there by the framers, for which to build upon!

the constitution was written to RESTRICT and LIMIT the federal government, moron. It has a select few and defined powers written in to it so that the federal government ensures equality for all in all the states............

YOU and your leftist ilk use it as a weapon against those you don't like. ask Karen Dutch, she uses it as a weapon.
the constitution was written to RESTRICT and LIMIT the federal government, moron. It has a select few and defined powers written in to it so that the federal government ensures equality for all in all the states............

YOU and your leftist ilk use it as a weapon against those you don't like. ask Karen Dutch, she uses it as a weapon.

Who told you this?
Who told you this?

He's delusional. He claims to support the Constitution, which he never capitalizes, then seeks to strip Americans of their Constitutional rights through violent oppression. He's a WSE supporter.

The good news is that he's too cowardly to risk his own skin so he tries to find patsies online to activate and do his work. Think of AHZ, the Buffalo shooter and other RW nutjobs that acted alone. Who radicalized them? Pussies like Sgt. Doolittle and other WSEs who won't risk prison or death for themselves even though they want to see Americans murdered for their White Supremacist cause.
It's a big part of many marriages. But not all marriages, and it doesn't define marriage at all. It's a fairly irrelevant point in this debate - unless we want to start mandating children for all married couples.[/QUOTE]

That is the reason one gets married. And I just want to point out the total hypocrisy and lying of Joe Biden. Anything for votes.
"LGBTQ and interracial couples can go to sleep tonight knowing that their families are safe and sound," Lauper said. "I am honored to help celebrate the generations of activists who bravely fought to make sure that love wins in the end. Thank you to President Biden, Vice President Harris, Speaker Pelosi and the Senators and Representatives in Congress for your leadership and putting aside partisan divides to ensure this fundamental right. Now, Americans can love who they love."

The Respect for Marriage Act passed in the House of Representatives with bipartisan support over the summer. Supporters of the bill in the Senate said they delayed a vote on the legislation until they could ensure they had enough votes on both sides of the aisle for passage.

Here's the thing: I didn't know interracial marriages were still "threatened" in any state. Can anyone clue me in as to when such things happened in the last 30 years or so? Seriously.

Also, I do wish this false narrative of comparisons between gay rights and the civil rights of non-white folk would stop. Bottom line: unless you dress or demonstrably act in a certain way, I can't tell if you're gay. But 9 out of 10 times people can be physically recognize as being racially different from each other. And there is no "race" of gay people, as same sex couples cannot produce a child as a result of sexual contact. A matter of fact, a matter of history, a matter of biology.
It's a big part of many marriages. But not all marriages, and it doesn't define marriage at all. It's a fairly irrelevant point in this debate - unless we want to start mandating children for all married couples.[/QUOTE]

That is the reason one gets married. And I just want to point out the total hypocrisy and lying of Joe Biden. Anything for votes.

That is not the reason. Many infertile people marry. Older people with no intention of procreating marry. Marriage is a legal and binding contract that provides for your mate in financial and legal ways if you die or divorce. Often marriage is about companionship and shared interests.