Damn, too old, NZ does not want me....

Go to Costa Rica US... they'll let you in. While the interest in real estate is picking up down there, I don't think it has hit its boom years yet. AND you have a great climate down there.
Don't think I like meat pies and haggus either....

Its not compulsary..lol

I honestly have never seen a haggis in my life, nor jellied eels....

Meat pies are ok on a cold winter day, but only if you buy quality ones and not cheap petrol-station ones..

The food in the UK has improved dramatically in the last 10-15 years. Its all about fresh organic quality ingredients and all that nonsense these days, thanks to TV chefs like Jamie Oliver and Gordon Ramsey....

The secret about living in the UK is just to find a nice part of it to live in. Avoid big cities and small market towns, but rural cities and villages are nice...
"I'd live there, for a time, if I could. I love the UK."

I have never been, but will certainly go someday. Never been beyond North and Central America. One state left to visit and then I can shift focus overseas. :)

Nope, but it is a protectorate , colony or somesuch isn't it ?

The grass is always greener syndrome!...USC you would not like Costa Rica...akin to VN...lotsa monsoons,deadly snakes and nasty bugs...as for NZ forget it you being a liberal and all...hell Playboy magazine is banned...NZ is a ultra conservative nation...maybe you should just get a time share in Mexico...as you always promote them as cool migrant workers...;)
The grass is always greener syndrome!...USC you would not like Costa Rica...akin to VN...lotsa monsoons,deadly snakes and nasty bugs...as for NZ forget it you being a liberal and all...hell Playboy magazine is banned...NZ is a ultra conservative nation...maybe you should just get a time share in Mexico...as you always promote them as cool migrant workers...;)

You too?, You hang with AHZ or something ?

Yep ultra conservative, truely conservative though. None of this NEO crap.
I can live with that.
And yep I hate the tropical stuff. NZ has a bit of everything in a small package.
BB if I leave your SSI might last a day longer...And you would have one less liberal to stand in the way of a proper police state.

Just remember security from terrorism is everything, nothing else matters.
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I honestly have never seen a haggis in my life, nor jellied eels....

Meat pies are ok on a cold winter day, but only if you buy quality ones and not cheap petrol-station ones..

The food in the UK has improved dramatically in the last 10-15 years. Its all about fresh organic quality ingredients and all that nonsense these days, thanks to TV chefs like Jamie Oliver and Gordon Ramsey...

Jellied eels -- odamn I forgot about that! Yuck, just the thought of that may spoil my lunch! You do have some perplexing names for certain dishes, though; I think I've finally got "rashers and bangers" straightened out, but what the heck is "bubble and squeak" and "toad in the hole"? Does sort of negative things to the appetite, wot?

I adore Gordon Ramsay, though! We used to see his "F-Word" on BBC-America; don't know if it's still on.
Jellied eels -- odamn I forgot about that! Yuck, just the thought of that may spoil my lunch! You do have some perplexing names for certain dishes, though; I think I've finally got "rashers and bangers" straightened out, but what the heck is "bubble and squeak" and "toad in the hole"? Does sort of negative things to the appetite, wot?

I adore Gordon Ramsay, though! We used to see his "F-Word" on BBC-America; don't know if it's still on.
I watch it on the Food Channel.
Say what...?

You too?, You hang with AHZ or something ?

Yep ultra conservative, truely conservative though. None of this NEO crap.
I can live with that.
And yep I hate the tropical stuff. NZ has a bit of everything in a small package.
BB if I leave your SSI might last a day longer...And you would have one less liberal to stand in the way of a proper police state.

Just remember security from terrorism is everything, nothing else matters.

At least get the terms correct...SSI is for 'Illegal Aliens' They are entitled to it when the receive Medicade...it is much easier for a 'Illegal Alien" to get SSI and Medicade than a US Citizen!...I do get SSA and a VA pension and I have to pay for Medicare part B so it isn't free!...Now your going to say...How can anyone live on SSA,VA pension and Medicare...well I own everything outright...I do not use CC's..I had many years to take care of business and prepare to live on a modest retirement!:pke:
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At least get the terms correct...SSI is for 'Illegal Aliens' They are entitled to it when the receive Medicade...it is much easier for a 'Illegal Alien" to get SSI and Medicade than a US Citizen!...I do get SSA and a VA pension and I have to pay for Medicare part B so it isn't free!...Now your going to say...How can anyone live on SSA,VA pension and Medicare...well I own everything outright...I do not use CC's..I had many years to take care of business and prepare to live on a modest retirement!:pke:

Many around me live on less BB....
I have no problem with that at all.

btw the grass is always greener types are what made America great.
So tell us again why you want to 'Cut and Run' from our great country?;)

I want to cut and run from the NEO's and the police state "security is everything" bunch.
I personally do not want to be associated in any way with Bush and his bunch.
I pick thoase I associate with, I just take it to a bit higher level than most.

The spirit that made america great is fizzling out, and being replaced with the greed is good philosophy.