Damn, too old, NZ does not want me....

I see....

I want to cut and run from the NEO's and the police state "security is everything" bunch.
I personally do not want to be associated in any way with Bush and his bunch.
I pick thoase I associate with, I just take it to a bit higher level than most.

The spirit that made america great is fizzling out, and being replaced with the greed is good philosophy.

Then you are akin to the 'Illegal Aliens' from Mexico who 'Cut and Run' rather then stay and correct the corruption as you put it in their country???

How very sad a vet with no fight left!
Then you are akin to the 'Illegal Aliens' from Mexico who 'Cut and Run' rather then stay and correct the corruption as you put it in their country???

How very sad a vet with no fight left!

the really sad part is I never even wanted to be a vet. That blind patriotism thing never programmed into my little mind :)

I am very like the Mexicans in realizing I can do but very little in fighting the corruption here. I vote, I even email and call.....
But voting now is like trying to decide to die of cancer or AIDS....
No good choices.
You guys thought you had the right choice with Bush didn't ya ?

That really worked out well didn't it ?

the really sad part is I never even wanted to be a vet. That blind patriotism thing never programmed into my little mind :)

I am very like the Mexicans in realizing I can do but very little in fighting the corruption here. I vote, I even email and call.....
But voting now is like trying to decide to die of cancer or AIDS....
No good choices.
You guys thought you had the right choice with Bush didn't ya ?

That really worked out well didn't it ?

If I remember correctly al Qaeda is very busy in Iraq and Afghanistan...would you rather they take out NYC again? and by the way I truly believe 'Usama' is dead...he has not been seen or heard from in over a year...only his 'two bit' second in command...the little coward Doctor has taken up the charge...from his dirty little cave in the backwoods of a backwoods nation...He is very good at sending psychologically challenged youth with suicidal tendencies to do his dirty work...if he and the rest of the Radicals were such good warriors and dedicated to their mission...then why don't they grab a gun and lead the charge...become a so called martyr...because they are just plain cowards...and for the people of the nations we are trying to help...I call them cowards also...why don't they rat out these murderous cowards...I know ya will say they fear for their families lives...how does this change the equation? None... the radicals still kill them even if they stay silent!
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A lot like Nam all over again. Just who is the enemy.....

No not like Nam...The NVA stopped the killing when US troops started pulling out...this will not be the case in Iraq and Afghanistan and elswhere in the ME...Radicals will increase the killing fields...their goal is world domination...Islam is the only life for them and they will impose their belief on all of us...Lib's as well as conservatives...get a grip SGT!
But in Iraq, who is the enemy BB. Can you tell before they shoot atr ya ? I got a grip, let loose of your happy grip though :)

But in Iraq, who is the enemy BB. Can you tell before they shoot atr ya ? I got a grip, let loose of your happy grip though :)

Call me Sgt. or Lt. hard ass...I say anyone who does not stand with us is the enemy...call it colatteral' damage...if the public fails to rat out the bad guys then they also become the enemy...war is hell and to be a nice and loving compassionate soldier will only get you killed...I'm not saying be cold blooded and violate human laws...I am just saying prosecute this as a war...not a police action!

But Iraq is a police action.
Trying to police a civil war among other things.

and thats why I said it needs to be prosecuted as a war...politicians and bleeding hearts are the cause of so many young soldiers demise...there would have been far fewer casualties on our side if it was fought as a war...!
Iraq was fought as a war and then became a police action.
Even though it was not an official war.
That "I doubt 6 months" has been a long 6 months.

I still say this will go down in history as the second squirmish in the oil wars.
Silly Sgt...!

Iraq was fought as a war and then became a police action.
Even though it was not an official war.
That "I doubt 6 months" has been a long 6 months.

I still say this will go down in history as the second squirmish in the oil wars.

And what "oil" have we received from Iraq???...Damn tell my friends who own the local Gas station...even they are mad about raising gas prices! If this was about oil how come prices are steadly going up???hummm
I did not say Bush was doing one bit of good at his oil war, just that is what it is really all about.
If you will recall, Iraq's oil revenue was supposed to pay for the reconstruction instead of the 50 bill or so we havwe blown on that.
My ancestry was once considered non-white by the Founding Fathers.

"Beenjammin" Franklin thought the German non-white, as well as the Scots and the French.

Hitler must not have read Franklin
Jellied eels -- odamn I forgot about that! Yuck, just the thought of that may spoil my lunch! You do have some perplexing names for certain dishes, though; I think I've finally got "rashers and bangers" straightened out, but what the heck is "bubble and squeak" and "toad in the hole"? Does sort of negative things to the appetite, wot?

Never seen a jellied eel in my life, though would try one for the experience.

Rashers are simply slices of bacon, bangers are sausages, called so because during WWII when things were a bit sticky over here, the water content of the poor quality sausages made them BANG in the frying pan.

Bubble and Squeak is a leftover dish. After sunday lunch, you put all your leftover mashed potatoes, cabbage, carrots and whatever other veg you have and fry it down.... Its tasty with HP sauce...

Toad in the hole is sausages cooked in yorkshire puddings, basically batter mix, very tasty... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toad_in_the_hole
