Damn Yankee

The other thing about the schools here that you are ignorant about 3D is that ours tend to be consolidated throughout a particular county, where in the NE they are by Towns. Kids can go to any of the schools in the County, so we have gifted schools were all the smart kids go, special Ed schools for the slow kids, etc. Special program teachers and counselors routinely go to different schools to serve the needs of special students. Kids grow up with friends that end up in different high schools, so sports rivalries tend to be friendly instead of ending in fights. My son took his girlfriend to two proms- his school and her school, and has friends all over the county.

Gifted programs are retarded. You take a kid who has a small initial advantage in something like reading, at the age of five or so, and then give him huge educational advantages over all the other kids, thus turning it into a self fulfilling prophecy. When the "gifted" kids all discover that their initial advantage in reading or something doesn't translate into them automatically being supergeniuses for life, they all turn to cheating, because their parents reward them for test scores and not for work.
Gifted programs are retarded. You take a kid who has a small initial advantage in something like reading, at the age of five or so, and then give him huge educational advantages over all the other kids, thus turning it into a self fulfilling prophecy. When the "gifted" kids all discover that their initial advantage in reading or something doesn't translate into them automatically being supergeniuses for life, they all turn to cheating, because their parents reward them for test scores and not for work.

Trying to justify why you not only couldn't get into the program; but why you were also held back and not allowed to promote to the 1st Grade, HUH!! :cof1:
Gifted programs are retarded. You take a kid who has a small initial advantage in something like reading, at the age of five or so, and then give him huge educational advantages over all the other kids, thus turning it into a self fulfilling prophecy. When the "gifted" kids all discover that their initial advantage in reading or something doesn't translate into them automatically being supergeniuses for life, they all turn to cheating, because their parents reward them for test scores and not for work.

No, it stops the truly gifted kids from having to be bored with the standardized classrooms and the slower pace.

All my kids were in gifted classes of one sort or another. It served them well because they took advantage of the additional opportunities available.
Gifted programs are retarded. You take a kid who has a small initial advantage in something like reading, at the age of five or so, and then give him huge educational advantages over all the other kids, thus turning it into a self fulfilling prophecy. When the "gifted" kids all discover that their initial advantage in reading or something doesn't translate into them automatically being supergeniuses for life, they all turn to cheating, because their parents reward them for test scores and not for work.
You thought gym class was retarded too, because they gave you a group atomic wedgie at the start of each class.
No, it stops the truly gifted kids from having to be bored with the standardized classrooms and the slower pace.

All my kids were in gifted classes of one sort or another. It served them well because they took advantage of the additional opportunities available.

The resources could've just as easily been given to those who needed it rather than those who did not.
I was in gifted programs and accelerated learning. It's a stupid idea. The kids who are doing poorer need the extra attention.


Did they also tell you that riding the short bus, was only for special kids like you?? :cof1:

Gifted programs fit into the uniquely American mindset where everyone thinks their special and all important. You aren't. You're a fucking idiot. You aren't better than anyone else and you shouldn't think you are. Your kids are fucking idiots, your parents were, and you are going to die without having significantly touched the world in any way, and so are your children. Get over it. I am concerned with making the world a better place, not feeding your ego. And that's what gifted programs are; idiotic ego feeding devices.
Gifted programs fit into the uniquely American mindset where everyone thinks their special and all important. You aren't. You're a fucking idiot. You aren't better than anyone else and you shouldn't think you are. Your kids are fucking idiots, your parents were, and you are going to die without having significantly touched the world in any way, and so are your children. Get over it. I am concerned with making the world a better place, not feeding your ego. And that's what gifted programs are; idiotic ego feeding devices.

So you did ride the short bus!! :good4u:
The north: our culture, intellect, and history, basically everything that's good about America.

The south: racism, slavery, ignorance, evil.

Hard to choose.
Hey. That's not fair. Southerners have made one of the greatest contributions in the history of civilization with "The Blues" and "Jazz" music. Why the world owes a huge debt of gratitude to African Americans from the south for that contribution to world culture.
Anyway, everyone knows my position - that the USA would be a better place if either the South hadn't been readmitted to the Union, or it had been totally annihilated...
Hey here's some news that ought to rock Dixie's world. I'm going to be interviewed in a couple of weeks for a promotion that, if I get it, would require me to relocate to Birmingham, Alabama! :)
Gifted programs fit into the uniquely American mindset where everyone thinks their special and all important. You aren't. You're a fucking idiot. You aren't better than anyone else and you shouldn't think you are. Your kids are fucking idiots, your parents were, and you are going to die without having significantly touched the world in any way, and so are your children. Get over it. I am concerned with making the world a better place, not feeding your ego. And that's what gifted programs are; idiotic ego feeding devices.

This reminds me of when you whinned about Valedictorian and Salutatorian speeches because you weren't a good enough student to become one.
Hey here's some news that ought to rock Dixie's world. I'm going to be interviewed in a couple of weeks for a promotion that, if I get it, would require me to relocate to Birmingham, Alabama! :)

Yes, sell your soul, Mott!! Actually, on a pragmatic level, if the job affords you more money and time, so that your beautiful wife rewards you with more sex, I could be inclined to understand and turn a blind eye to your treachery.

Just remember, you're an interracial couple, and Bombingham... Well... :(
Hey. That's not fair. Southerners have made one of the greatest contributions in the history of civilization with "The Blues" and "Jazz" music. Why the world owes a huge debt of gratitude to African Americans from the south for that contribution to world culture.

They were trapped in the South. That's why the Great Migration occurred, and the Harlem Renaissance ensued. Better jazz, better dancing.