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You only came back to cause mayhem, well you got your wish except it didn't turn out the way you hoped. Tell Howey that we are all thinking of him.

You don't know me or why I came back or if I ever fucking left. You know nothing dumbass! You're too stupid to do anything more than wish you knew!
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its obvious you were here before.....the only question is who you were then.....if what you are like now is the same as what you were like then, you are probably Bijou....
I just read her thread of quotes from ILA.

And Damocles, all manly, says ILA was given a "warning"

ILA has been breaking rule 12 regarding porn and 14 regarding harassment since I've been on the board, but since he got a "warning" gee, guess he'll stop.

I'm sure ILA is creaming his pants that we're discussing what a low-life scum he is. but yesterday evening here is a thread from him about Bijou with a nasty title.

Due to work, I wasn't on this forum yesterday; I won't be spending much time here today or tomorrow either.

But as Rune says,

Maybe ignoring the a*holes isn't enough. Maybe it's time for those of us who don't enjoy harassment, stalking, and port to just not participate. The moderators can have their little boy site and snigger away. And USF and ILA can pat themselves on the back for driving away the decent posters.

Is this what you want, Moderators?

I'll see how it looks in a couple days. Lots of other forums out there.
without getting into this, and I respect the idea, there isn't a perfect forum.

Trust me on this, i have looked, you are going to find dumbed down mishmash/back biting/just plain cruelty.

It's all well and good to petition the MODS for change, but at the end of the day "it is what it is", and you either leave or stay.

I lesft a much more dysfunctional board, a bunch of mysoginists, a bunch of just nasty posters.

I just try to ignore the posters whom contribute nothing but strife. Least this is how I mange to function here.
Allow me to help you and then you can see what your BFF said!! She was like this most of the time on the Netscape boards which is why she hates me so much as I know all about her bullshit and lies.


You're nothing but another damn rape apologist and damn lair you never knew her at the Netscape boards you ignorant bastard, you're just making this shit up as you go along. She hates you for all your rape apologist posts. You love rape and rape fantasies just like the rest of the sick fucks here.
I know that you are a shit stirrer and only came here to pursue an agenda. Don't need to know more than that.

And if there is any shit to stir here, it is the exactly the shit that dribbles out of your damn rape apologist mouth, you fucking creep!
its obvious you were here before.....the only question is who you were then.....if what you are like now is the same as what you were like then, you are probably Bijou....

You don't know shit and you won't know shit because you are an ignorant fuck and another rape apologist. You think Darla was wrong to protest the daily violence against women here, and you have said so. If you were a human being you would know that one of the most important agendas any human being can have at this point in time is to end the continuing violence against women!
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I wasn't going to respond to you but you are such a fucking cunt I won't let it go. That you can support the bullshit she said is just despicable so stick your sanctimonious blatherings up your arse. Ever since you have been here you have supported some of the most despicable posters like Poet, Legion and now Darla, fuck off.

Ohhhhhh. Look the rape apologist has now begun calling even men the "c" word. Wow! Tommy gun tell us what you really mean you ignorant misogynistic rape apologist bastard. Do you think that anything you have said here today disproves or in any way obviates anything Darla and the rest of us know about you, you fucking creep. I doubt it! You have no response, because there is no response for a rape apologist like you!
I just read her thread of quotes from ILA.

And Damocles, all manly, says ILA was given a "warning"

ILA has been breaking rule 12 regarding porn and 14 regarding harassment since I've been on the board, but since he got a "warning" gee, guess he'll stop.

I'm sure ILA is creaming his pants that we're discussing what a low-life scum he is. but yesterday evening here is a thread from him about Bijou with a nasty title.

Due to work, I wasn't on this forum yesterday; I won't be spending much time here today or tomorrow either.

But as Rune says,

Maybe ignoring the a*holes isn't enough. Maybe it's time for those of us who don't enjoy harassment, stalking, and port to just not participate. The moderators can have their little boy site and snigger away. And USF and ILA can pat themselves on the back for driving away the decent posters.

Is this what you want, Moderators?

I'll see how it looks in a couple days. Lots of other forums out there.

Will you please inform me by private mail some of those sites, thanks, I am a political junkie and need a place to vent so I don't alienate my friends and family, lol.

There are other good posters who are leaving because of ILA, maybe we can steer them to one of those forums. This site lost a lot of good posters because of the "skanks" and now it is because of ILA. It is a shame, there are some good souls on this forum, but even though I have many on ignore, there are other poster who quote them and you still see the offending posts.
Will you please inform me by private mail some of those sites, thanks, I am a political junkie and need a place to vent so I don't alienate my friends and family, lol.

There are other good posters who are leaving because of ILA, maybe we can steer them to one of those forums. This site lost a lot of good posters because of the "skanks" and now it is because of ILA. It is a shame, there are some good souls on this forum, but even though I have many on ignore, there are other poster who quote them and you still see the offending posts.

Me too Tekky.
Anybody notice that today is the first day in a while that Desh hasn't threadbombed nearly every topic with her GOP election cheating spam?

Of course, now she will start up again, won't she?
Anybody notice that today is the first day in a while that Desh hasn't threadbombed nearly every topic with her GOP election cheating spam?

Of course, now she will start up again, won't she?

Anybody notice that legion is his normal self today?
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