David Hogg to bankrupt MyPillow dumbass, sign of the times

So, not only are you a moron. You're a racist moron as well.


The progressives and Democrats are the racists. Hands down.
David Hogg To Release Line Of Extra-Absorbent Pillows For Liberal Tears
February 5th, 2021



CAMRBIDGE, MA—Smart Harvard student David Hogg has announced he is fighting back in the great pillow war against Mike Lindell, the evil Dark Lord of Pillows.

Hogg says he has found an audience with his progressive fanbase, who are constantly crying about everything. The pillows will soak up all their tears every night as they cry about oppression, the patriarchy, and math.

The full-time activist and part-time student reportedly ran into a snag, however, when he suddenly realized he didn't know anything about making pillows. In a strategy meeting, Hogg and his business partner brainstormed ideas to overcome this small hurdle. Written on the whiteboard behind them in their dorm was a basic business plan: "1. Come up with name. 2. Make pillows? 3. ?????????? 4. Profit!!!"

"Oh shoot, I forgot we'd have to find a factory," said Hogg as he googled "how to build a pillow factory non-GMO organic local for dummies." "And we'll make it a union shop with $500/hour pay for employees. Oh man, and we could have a cool headquarters like Google! And everyone will get free cappuccinos all day, and 3-hour breaks! This is gonna be so rad."

Unable to find a factory in the U.S. that could manufacture his tear-absorbent pillows in an all-natural, pesticide-free, humanely sourced, cage-free manner, Hogg took to his Twitter account and tweeted, "HEY DOES ANYONE KNOW HOW TO MAKE PILLOWS?"

You just gave him a brilliant idea! :hand:
David Hogg is going to start selling pillows to put someone out of business
....You've got to love it...Will you buy one?;)
"I promise the pillow is coming right now it’s just @williamlegate and I we have strict ethical constraints we are going to adhere to around labor and sourcing. It is going to take some time to launch because we’re designing a quality product Please stay interested ❤️
Twitter · 5 hours ago
We’re about to Hogg the pillow market"
Now that's clever;)
But this is better...
"Hogg and LeGate are even crowdsourcing ideas on what to name the company, though they note "Our Pillow is already taken." Among the suggestions "Not My Pillow," "Y'all's PIllow" and "We the Pillow."
This week we walked out of a store that had a My Pillow display right be the entrance and bought our new Keurig pot somewhere else.

That guy has become toxic.
Too embarrassed to admit how much money Trump scammed you out of? I don't blame you for avoiding the question.
So how much? $1,000? $2,000? $10,000? Feel stupid? I bet you do.

So, how much did you send to Trump's Election Fraud Defense Fund?


I sent no money to Trump. But my personal life is simply none of your business. Big brother is out there, but he is not you.

I sent no money to Trump. But my personal life is simply none of your business. Big brother is out there, but he is not you.

I thought you supported The Orange Turd. So, now you're a hypocrite? You need to send Trump all your money, Gomer. Do it now if you really support him.
Don't be a left-wing hypocrite. Send Trump all your money now. Otherwise, you can't say you really support him, can you.

I thought you supported The Orange Turd. So, now you're a hypocrite? You need to send Trump all your money, Gomer. Do it now if you really support him.
Don't be a left-wing hypocrite. Send Trump all your money now. Otherwise, you can't say you really support him, can you.


Thanks for the pic troll. Anything else?