David Hogg to bankrupt MyPillow dumbass, sign of the times

Thanks for the pic troll. Anything else?

Your surrender is accepted. Have a nice life, mutherfukker.


Pillows are pillows. The idea that Lindell discovered something unique is ridiculous. What he did was use endless commercials and fake testimonies until he fooled enough people into thinking his pieces of rubber in a cloth sack were special. The internet affirmations are fake as hell. If Hogg can get that kind of crap advertising going, he should do well.
David Hogg launching competitor to Mike Lindell's MyPillow

Source: Axios

March for Our Lives co-founder David Hogg tweeted on Thursday that he and software developer William LeGate are launching a pillow company to compete against MyPillow, which is led by Trump supporter CEO Mike Lindell,

Details... Hogg wrote that he and LeGate hope to "sell $1 million of product within our first year" and to launch in about six months.

"[W]e would like to do it sooner but we have strict guidelines on sustainability and [U.S.] based Union producers," Hogg added.

"Mike isn't going to know what hit him—this pillow fight is just getting started."

Read more: https://www.axios.com/david-hogg-pi...ate-6d23b1a7-50b1-4f31-9391-53e69e36ca58.html

You know what would be good if this shit stain married that little climate whore Gertrude and they could have little baby weasels.